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Posts posted by pfamilygal

  1. Some people, believe it or not, actually read the music. I've gone to churches where the congregation sang four-part harmony. Having a hymnal helps one to sing unfamiliar music because one can see the music as well as the words. In our culture today, most people are clueless about reading music.


    As far as children standing on chairs, I think you should use common sense and be considerate of others. Why not sit closer to the front? A child should be able to last one hour without having to go to the bathroom. Make sure children go right before church. In most cases, I think potty breaks are just an excuse to leave the service. And as for coloring and playing games, a child who is 4 years old should be participating in worship. Just my personal opinion.


    You must not take blood pressure medicine. I can't last an hour without going potty. Especially in the mornings.

  2. My mother did not survive breast cancer. She died at 48, after over a year of treatment that included a bilateral radical mastectomy.


    I can't stand the pink. Neither could she. She had a drawer full of pink junk that people gave her when she was diagnosed. You know what she really appreciated? People sitting with her at chemo.


    I can't stand "save the tatas." Maybe if she'd had her mastectomy sooner, she'd still be here. Her doctors wanted to be more conservative. You'd better believe that if I'm ever diagnosed, those suckers are gone. If I have to threaten to chop them off myself, I will.


    I'm pretty much averse to any ad campaigns that seek to donate "a portion" of sales to fund research. In high school, I worked for a little Italian restaurant. Every year, on the day of the MD telethon, they would take ALL of the money from the sales that day and write a check to send in.


    If you're going to do something, do it. Don't color something pink and donate 1% of your sale.




    I just got tested for the BRCA and BRAT genes. If I'd been positive I would have had them cut off ASAP. My mom, aunt and grandma all had breast cancer. Thankfully, they all survived.


    I'm hoping the near-decade of breastfeeding will help me escape it.

  3. I went into a coffee shop the other day and the ENTIRE store was about breast cancer awareness. I just wanted a cup of coffee, KWIM?


    And why is it that during the entire month I never hear about breastfeeding reducing the risk??


    Exactly! I think we are all AWARE! When the NFL is wearing pink gloves? We get it.


    We need to focus on prevention and treatment. And one of the best things we can do is breastfeed!

  4. Well, my husband has been on church staff for years in the past and we (nor anyone on staff with us) would ever care about a child standing on a pew in order to see the words and worship. Now, for the record, we are not overly formal. Now jumping up and down or jumping off the pew? No, not great behavior. But I would FAR rather have my child standing so they can see the words and participate in worship than sit quietly playing a DS or coloring. I want them to participate in the worship experience. Honestly, as I look at Christ in the Bible and His love of children, I would think He would far rather children be learning to worship Him than having huge concerns over a child's feet on a bench. He wants our hearts, not pristine benches. I'm not talking about having a disregard for other people's property by any means. Or about letting our children doing anything they like in a service. But I want them to know God loves them and desires their worship. Far more important than how they dress or where they stand in my opinion.


    :iagree: I would rather see a child standing on a chair singing to Jesus than one playing Angry Birds on his ipod. And I think Christ would too. The Word says He has ordained praise from the lips of children. My kids like to stand on the pew so they can see, and also so they aren't surrounded by towering adults.

  5. Hmm. I already shared with you all about the gumming-my-lady-parts-shut and the dropping-my-diva-cup-at-the-waterpark incidents.



    In fifth grade (right after the "your body is changing" film), I was doing flips on the chin up bars when I got turned sideways and fell off. And my pants and undies didn't. Yes. I was standing on the playground buck naked from the waist down.


    And I'm short, so I couldn't reach my clothing, as it was still wrapped around the bar. It was one of those sets of three chin up bars with a short, med and tall. I had been on the tall one. So I had to climb up onto the medium bar to reach over and get my shorts and undies. While half naked. Thank God we moved the next year.


    Second most embarrassing moment:


    I shared a room with a messy sister in high school. The morning of the SAT I got dressed and ran out the door. At the half way point in the test I got up to use the loo. The girl behind me said, "Hey, there's something on your shirt." I'm thinking a piece of tape or lint or something.


    Oh no. Used panty liner stuck on my shoulder. Been there the whole time. WTH?


    The debate team finds out, thinks it is hilarious and presents me with a shirt festooned with feminine hygiene products at our end of year banquet.



  6. As an ER nurse, I can tell you that the best things you can do at this point are: take the sutures out within 5 days and be SUPER ANAL RETENTIVE about sun screen for the next year (at least - or have your child wear a hat). We suture within 12 hrs or not at all, as the risk of infection goes up.


    The reason we scar so badly on our face and hands is sun exposure. So avoid it.

  7. Oy. Did anyone else watch The Amazing Race last night? Did the eliminated couple give you total abuser vibes? The girl was so *careful* with her words and he just seemed like a controlling jerk. (((shudder))) I wanted to scream at her - RUN LIKE HECK!!!!!


    Martial arts guy seemed like a tool to me as well.


    And the Chippendales were dumber than a box of rocks.

  8. No. What you said was:




    Which is quite incorrect. I do have a pretty good idea as a matter of fact.




    You are simply inventing things. I fully support raising smart, strong, self-sufficient and intellectually honest young women (and boys). And kind ones too. That includes raising children who are kind to their loving grandparents. Only in topsey-turvey land is that controversial.




    And yet you are incapable of having a discussion without accusing others of making things up.



  9. I agree with you about paranoia, but I'm betting you do have fear all the time and don't even recognize it.


    Women are nervous about walking home ir to their car alone at night in a way that men simply are not.


    Women get nervous about unlocked doors or open windows at night for reasons men do not.


    Women worry about their daughters dating for reason they don't about their sons.


    We hold our keys on those walks to the car differently than men do. (heck they might not even hold their keys ready!)


    These things are such a part of being a woman that most women don't even think about it until those moments when they feel uncomfortable bc they find themselves feeling unprotected. We all do it. And we all raise our daughters to do it to.


    Of course that's not to say men and boys don't worry about assault or whatever, but most men don't go for a walk and get nervous when they realize it's getting dark and no others are out walking with them. And if they do, it's usually worry about being mugged, not raped and left for dead.


    Yet most women would not say they live in fear. And they don't bc these things are just viewed as normal life for women.




    I got mocked by my coworkers for requesting an escort to my car. I worked 11-11 shift, but often didn't get off until 12:30 or 1 (not normal shift times when the parking lot was full).


    But I don't like being sexually assaulted. So I continue to ask that someone walk me to my car.

  10. Why do people bother arguing with Bill? It's like arguing with a teenaged girl who just wants to argue.


    Clearly he has not been molested (not that I'm wishing that upon anyone!) and has not had his feelings about someone being a "tricky person" ignored. I teach my children that they do not have to let anyone touch them (except my husband and I, of course. I'm not going to let them decide not to be escorted to bed if they want to stay up and watch TV :) ) If my child doesn't want to hug someone I won't make them. Because I want them to trust their own instincts and be allowed to say "no."

  11. During our Critical Thinking lesson today (The Critical Thinking Co's Dr Dooriddle):


    "I'm where the kid is born,

    if Dad can start the car:

    with doctors and nurses,

    and patients under par."


    My daughter grins broadly and says, "Easy, vagina!"


    Um, no.


    We proceed to have a 5 minute conversation/argument. She was all, "But Mom, think critically. Don't you remember where your babies came out? Doctors and nurses are all up in there!"



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