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Posts posted by pfamilygal

  1. I would do some serious praying about why you are uncomfortable with having multiple male teachers. Are you afraid your child will be molested? With more than one teacher in the room? That's highly unlikely. Why do you distrust men so much?


    Jesus was a dude. Would you have allowed Him to teach your kids or would He be disqualified?



    Our church has a two deep policy as well. No matter what your gender is, there should always be two adults with the kids. And if they have to be walked to the bathroom, you must take a couple of kids and someone must cover for you in the classroom. For their safety and yours.

  2. I like Shiner Ruby Red beer. The slight zing the grapefruit gives it is just right for summer (even a Texas summer!)


    I don't know if they make mango salsa in Mexico, but I like mango with chile and lime and I think that's sort of similar.


    I've got to agree with the :ack2: for fruit flavored toothpaste though. That's just gross. Not even my sweet tooth kids will use it and that's the ultimate diss.


    In the Philippines they serve mangos with super salty brine shrimp on top. I don't know if they are fermented like fish sauce, but they are very ripe.

  3. We do that and make mini pies/tarts in muffin top tins. I make a cinnamon graham cracker crust in the bottom of the each muffin top spot and then spoon the dulce de leche over it. MMM!


    We're supposed to make "gold rush bars" this week for our Gold Rush Unit. Maybe we could sub that since the regular recipe calls for coconut and I'm allergic.


    Thanks for the reminder!

  4. Ha! I just buy the boys clothes with adjustable waists and we're good! I don't even take them with me.


    Thankfully, Luke (6) and Gabe (5) have to wear uniforms to the public elementary school. So that made shopping for them super easy! I wish I hadn't bought any light blue polos for them though (they can wear red, black, navy, white or light blue). 3rd wk of school and the light blues are all stained.

  5. We never had a name until recently.


    The kids do something called the Premier's Reading Challenge, which is basically read a few books and they get a certificate. No big deal, but I do it because the home ed authorities seem to like the kids having certificates. Anyway, when I filled in the kids' details online this year, even though I had checked home educated, the form wouldn't allow me to submit without the 'name of school' filled out.


    So I typed "Snowflake Academy" and now that's what we're officially called. (Cause my little brats are Special Snowflakes.)



    If they're so speshul it really should be "Snowflayke Academee" to show off your speshulness.:lol:

  6. Several times.


    Took fertility drugs with our first two babies. Didn't think I could get pregnant.


    Conceived Abigail when Susannah was 8 months old and nursing.

    Conceived and lost a baby while nursing Abigail (3 months at the time).

    Conceived Gabriel while Luke was nursing (7 months old)

    Conceived and lost another baby when Gabe was 6 months old.

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