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Posts posted by pfamilygal

  1. In my very first post I stated that he could do it again. I just don't believe that the possibility of commiting a sin should preclude marriage. If so, no one should get married.

    A murder is a murder. A thief is a thief. A liar is a liar. We're all sinners. If we marry, we all enter marriage with baggage. A know a married guy who used to be a homosexual. Should he not marry because he might partake in homosexual relations? Should he not be trusted around other ment? If past sin is a barometer for marriage qualification, none of us is qualified. Again, I'm not defending his past actions, but if he is truly repentant, there needs to grace.

    Are you out of your d*^n mind? If I lie or cheat or even steal, a child doesn't get raped. And I don't know that murderers make good parents either, FWIW.
  2. Our first visit to our local parish was so peaceful because the music was so different. I also found out my girls didn't know how to follow along in a hymnal. It was something I never thought of until then.


    Yes! We go to the contemporary service (because I'm too lazy to get 6 kids up and get to the traditional early service). We went to Lenten service and my kid had no idea how to follow along with the missal, and they didn't know that the hymnal actually helped me sing the song (by reading the music). I think we need to drag ourselves out of bed a few times.


    (Though the lack of nursery for my extremely active 2 yr old at the early service is a factor as well.)

  3. The two homeschool groups in my rather large city both require SOFs to join. Heck, even some of the PE co-ops here have an SOF. It is not limited to academic co-op classes.


    They are Christian groups that many Christians cannot join because of the very narrowly defined definition. They emphasize certain differences as major and exclusive and other differences that, to me, are just as large as non-essential and inclusive.


    If you started a Baptist Homeschool Group, I would completely understand that I am not your target audience, since I am not Baptist. However, I am a Christian, so I should have a reasonable expectation of being welcomed into a Christian Homeschool Group.


    It is totally their right to limit their group any way they want to, but it definitely not welcoming or friendly to those on the outside.




    Could you deal with SACC's? "We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and in the inerrancy of scripture. We believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in Christ crucified, buried and risen. We will always refer to the Bible as our foundational teaching tool."



    I guess it does have that "inerrancy" part in it. But do the Catholics believe that the Bible is full of errors? I wouldn't take that to mean a literal 6 day creation. So say a document is without err doesn't mean our interpretation is without err. So you could have Genesis be true, but be talking in metaphor. Jesus told parables. I don't think there was a real prodigal son, but it doesn't mean the story's meaning isn't true, KWIM?







    And you would NOT want to be part of that PE group. They are evil.

  4. I took all the food out of our pantry/laundry room. Hung two closet rods up on the wall. And added some shelving. Dh, ds1, dd2 and 3, and I all have one laundry basket on a shelf. The girls also have joint smaller baskets for undies, socks, jammies and uniforms. They are required to empty their baskets daily. I keep all the youngest 3 kids' clothes in the laundry room. The little boys have joint baskets for undies, socks, jammies and uniforms. Then they each have additional baskets for tops and bottoms. Leah has a basket for tops, bottoms, dresses and jammies/socks. I also have a family swimsuit basket (so they're all in one place), a kitchen towel basket, an upstairs towel basket and a sheets basket. I sort all laundry directly from the dryer into the right basket. Or hang it. And I only do two kinds of laundry: clothes (warm) and towels (hot). That's it.

  5. This week a new acquaintance learned that I have 8 children, and she went off about how crazy I was. She was serious. I heard a woman at church respond to another mom's announcement by a serious, "you are crazy." When I heard that I couldn't help but say, "the appropriate response is congratulations." Our nation needs to read Miss Manners. Sigh.


    When it happens at church I am NOT afraid to call out that attitude as sin. (I'm not saying bc is sin, but the attitude that children are not blessings definitely is!) I look them straight in the eye and tell them I'm sorry they disagree with the Lord on the subject (Ps 127:3, Ps 128:3), but children are a gift and a blessing.

  6. People are douchcanoes. Really.


    Our first five came in 7 yrs. So when we were finally blessed with Leah 3 yrs later, people were like, "Oh, I thought you'd finally figured out how that happens! What were you thinking?" Made me a little stabby. She was a very wanted, very prayed for baby, as I'd lost two that year.


    It's like when people say (in front of their kids!), "I don't know how you homeschool. I'd kill my kids."



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