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Posts posted by ssexton

  1. Well, here are my tentative plans for my 5th grade ds:


    History/Bible/Music Appreciation: MFW RtoR

    Science: Apologia Astronomy and human body study as scheduled in MFW

    Grammar: Junior Analytical Grammar

    Writing: Writing Strands (maybe IEW Medieval writing)

    Spelling: Spelling Today (an old, out of print spelling text we like)

    Math: Scott Foresman Exploring Mathematics 5 (maybe Life of Fred as a supplement?)

    Latin: Latin for Children

    Art: Mark Kistler's online drawing lessons

    PE: Golf, basketball


    I also have ILL which I'd love to use if I can fit it in somewhere. I have a tendency toward overkill when it comes to Language Arts. :)

  2. We use it and like it. I've also used IEW and think it's good too.


    I found a copy of WS3 on paperbackswap and picked it up out of curiosity. I realized that my 3rd and 4th graders needed some help with the basic mechanics of writing, and they are benefiting from the lessons involving building complex sentences and paragraph organization. I do like the stylistic techniques and dress ups of IEW, though, and I suspect we'll use parts of both programs over the long haul.

  3. Hi!


    Oh, you are gonna have so much fun with this!! :001_smile: One place to start is http://www.digishoptalk.com, where many stores/designers advertise new products and sales. I think this site will point you to lots of other great resources.


    If you are interested in downloading some free designs, try these two places:

    http://www.shabbyprincess.com for some amazingly beautiful free digital kits, and

    http://ikeagoddess.blogspot.com/ for a daily list of new digital freebies offered.


    Have fun!!

  4. I'm contemplating this right now for my ds who will be in 5th next year. Can't wait to read your replies! Right now, we use:


    GWG4, Literature from TOG, and a mix of IEW Ancient history lessons and Writing Strands. We also use an old, out-of-print spelling program that I like. I think for next year, we'll do this:


    Spelling: continue our current program and add in Megawords, as spelling is a weak area for him.

    Grammar: Jr. Analytical Grammar (only 11 weeks!)

    Writing: IEW SWI A. When this is done, we'll transition to Writing Aids using IEW concepts. We may also do some more Writing Strands

    Literature: from TOG


    I also do a read aloud at bedtime, so he will get more literature then too, only it won't be tied to history.

  5. Dawn, I am right there with you! Right now, we are really hitting math, spelling (with my oldest), and writing hard. And, I'm making myself be consistent with history and science. But, Latin is suffering. :)


    I just heard of a local Latin class, and I'm waiting on more info. Maybe the accountability to an outside teacher will help us. But, the class meets 30 minutes away at 11:15 in the morning--not the most convenient time. Decisions, decisions...

  6. This might be a dumb question, but could someone share specifically how you are being affected by the economy right now? I haven't seen any changes yet. Food prices seem to have stabilized or actually come down a bit. Gas prices are half what they were a year ago. Nothing else has changed for us, so we are actually doing a little better than we were six months ago. Are we in the minority? Are others of you being negatively affected already by the economy, or are these things you're cutting back on in anticipation of what is to come?




    My husband is a commercial real estate appraiser and works entirely on production. His workload has been much, much lighter this month, and we expect that trend to continue, at least for a little while. At some point work might pick up though, as unfortunately, foreclosures and bank held properties must be appraised. We pay for our own health insurance, and our premiums continue to go through the roof. Our rates went up in November and are going up again in January. Not quite sure why, yet. That's another phone call I need to make.

  7. We've cut back on activities. We did Upward Basketball last year, but it was too far of a drive and the fees for two children proved too much this year. The kids are spending more time playing with their neighborhood friends, and I think they're just as happy.


    We rarely buy anything new these days. We wait until we can find it second hand. I've cut back on soda (so hard for me!!) and I'm really trying to make curriculum choices I'm less than thrilled with work rather than buying new. Christmas is being scaled way back, also.


    As far as food, I'm trying harder than ever to stick to a budget, and Aldi's has become my store of choice. :D

  8. Lively Latin isn't getting done. I've printed everything and put it into gigantic binders. <sigh> Seems overwhelming to get both of these binders out (two kids doing it). I think I need to just pull out the lesson we are working on.


    TOG is going slowly because I'm having trouble getting my books from the library. My Pals Science is working, but I need to come up with a new science plan for my oldest. He just wasn't ready for Hakim's The Story of Science.

  9. I'm pretty quiet here, so please excuse me for sticking my nose into the conversation. :)


    In all likelihood, I'll vote for one of the two candidates, but I've very seriously considered voting third party. This quote from John Quincy Adams comes to mind:


    "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may

    cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."

    John Quincy Adams

  10. Hi Alana,


    We've just started Story of Science, but we are loving it so far! We started at the beginning with Vol. 1 (we're doing ancients this year), and we are using it with Ancient Science: 40 Time Traveling, World-Exploring, History Making Activities for Kids by Jim Wiese and History Scribe's 100 Famous Scientist notebooking pages. My history-oriented kid is loving this for science this year!

  11. Hi everyone!


    I've never posted on these new boards, but I've learned so much from you ladies! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom!


    I've been starting to follow some of the upper level math threads, and I've heard many good things about Lial's Algebra. Well, I found a copy of Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (2nd edition, 2002), by Lial, Hornsby, and McGinnis yesterday at a thrift store for $1.00. Can anyone tell me if this book can be used with any of the video programs out there? It appears there is now a 3rd edition out--does this render my copy obsolete? For the price I paid, it seems like there ought to be a way to make this work? :) My oldest is in 4th, so I have a little while before we'd need to use this.


    I'd really appreciate any insight!



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