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serendipitous journey

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Status Updates posted by serendipitous journey

  1. Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug. Today is definitely KERSPLAT around here! Whee!

    1. quark


      Stay clear of the windshield and if you can, the screen! I dislike buggy days but they make me appreciate the windshield days!

    2. serendipitous journey
  2. I think we're getting the hang of this year. Woo-hoo! :)

  3. First day of week-long camp. My children are even stranger than the other homeschooled children!!! am only a little discouraged.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MASHomeschooler


      I found this blog post when I started homeschooling, and still think of it when I notice things like that: http://catholicexchange.com/why-are-homeschooled-kids-so-annoying

    3. serendipitous journey

      serendipitous journey

      Rose, thanks! MASHomeschooler, that's a great article. quote from it to share with all y'all: "And what do I mean by “annoying� I mean what people mean when they say that homeschooled kids are annoying. I mean kids who ask too many questions and know too much information and like certain stuff and refuse to like other things and don’t care what other people think about their silly hobbies ...."

    4. quark


      :) this made me smile too. Gotta love weird kids.

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