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Desert Strawberry

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Posts posted by Desert Strawberry

  1. I started trying out curricula when my oldest was 2, to give myself time to figure what the heck I wanted to do. I've found, 6 years later, that his needs changed over time.

    I say jump on in! It sounds like you already know what your dd needs and likes. IMO, you have a lot planned for K. If you find it overwhelming to do everything everyday, you might try alternating subjects, one or 2 a day. As others have said, K is easy. there is no hurry, no one to keep up with and no one to fall behind. Be flexible, take your time and enjoy learning together.

  2. My oldest has a December Bday. I start their school years on their birthday (as it seems more appropriate for each individual child, and less arbitrary, and staggering it is easier for me).


    He is a year and a half ahead of his age-peers in public school.


    Grades don't really matter, beyond strangers/family members inquiring out of curiosity, and ordering curricula. His activities are either multi-age or designated by age level (8 and under, 5 and up). We are not required to report age, grade, or even name by the state.


    For us it's simply a social convention.

  3. Rude. My dad brings his (my mom's before she died) large Chihuahua with him or leaves her with a neighbor. But he is very careful to only bring her where he knows she will be welcome.


    The dogs-are-children standpoint really bugs me. Dogs are NOT children. They will not grow up and join society as productive adults. They do not need to learn to interact with others in social situations for the sake of their future.


    I have been asked to many child-inappropriate events. I make arrangements for them or, more likely, I do not go. If you cannot leave you dog behind, that is fine with me. BUt you may have to excuse yourself from events where dogs are not welcome.


    And FTR, I would be fine with a guest bringing a small pet. My cat stays outside. I don't like litter boxes of pet hair, or other naughtiness that pets incur. I have toddlers. That is plenty for me. If you bring your pet, you clean up after it, and my kids may terrorize it, because htat is what toddlers do to small pets. That's why we don't have one.

  4. I use the curly girls method as well. I only shampoo about twice a month. When I was using BS&V I kept squeeze bottles in the shower, ready to go.


    I order my natural goodies from vitacost.com it's the only way we ever afford them. i'm slowly shifting over to all natural bath and body cleansers. Nature's gate is my favorite company. I use their shampoo ( baby) and toothpaste. the difference is astonishing. after using natural pure soaps, the mainstream brands are so harsh!

  5. A few years ago, I would have said that it was a great idea! Go for it! Fast forward a few years, and now I'd be much more cautious about doing so. I really thought that I'd continue with what I have for all 3 kids and bought consumables to cover my 2 younger children in a number of different books. However, now that my 2nd child is 5, I'm re-evaluating everything that we've been doing and realizing that I really want to go in another direction. Has my 1st child been receiving a decent education? Definitely. The reality is though that I think there are better ways to achieve some of the things we've been doing that I didn't know about as a new homeschooler.


    Can it work for some people? Sure. I'd just be absolutely sure that I loved the material and really believe that its the best available thing out there. Good luck deciding what to do!



    This is what stops me from stocking up. My little ones are so young, I LOVE what we have,but I have no idea if it will work for my little ones. I have a big stack of stuff for my 4yo that I used with my first, and I'm pretty sure he's never going to need any of it. He move so much faster than my first did. The repetition is unnecessary and it doesn't hold his attention.

  6. I like to play it fast and loose with the schedule. We don't have any state mandated reporting, so I can do whatever I want, with no consequences.

    We school year round, and I start the schoolyear on each child's birthday. I hope to stagger it a bit so that I don't have to order a thousand books and plan everyone's year at the same time. My oldest is December, the others are April, June and May. Not as spread out as I would have liked, but what can you do?

    We do a 4 day week during for school year. I schedule activities, errands and work related stuff on Fridays. We take off a day here and there as needed. Right now, I have a lot of doctors appointments, so we are taking more days off than usual. In may, when I have the baby, we will likely not do school for a week or 2, or do just the basics-things that don't require a lot of effort from me.

    We take off time in spring and fall to do fun stuff, and go places. We only get about 4 weeks of good weather a year. I think it's worth taking a bit of time off for that.

    This summer, the kids had tennis, arts and crafts and swim lessons everyday. We didn't do formal lessons for 6 weeks because they were pretty wiped out from all of that. They had classes all morning, home for lunch and then we took the afternoon off.

  7. Oh memememememe!


    My name is Nadine Michele. My parents named me in French with a deeply southern name.


    I was born in Hollywood and lived there until I was 21 and managed to escape.


    They are not french. They are not southern. I have no idea why they thought that was an appropriate name for me. My brothers have normal names.


    Now I live in Louisiana, and it's not an uncommon name. But for the first 21 years of my life, no one knew what the heck my name was, how to say it or how to spell it.

  8. Hi!

    I'm new here.


    I'm Nadine, WAHM, Zen Buddhist, avid knitter and crocheter, reluctant seamstress, devoted wife and loving mom to my sweet children.


    We've been homeschooling from the beginning. I as fortunate to be introduced to homeschooling by my cousin soon after my first child was born. Less than 2 years later, I started sifting through curriculum, deciphering learning styles and teaching methods. My son just turned 8, and aside from a few frustrating days in May, last year, we have enjoyed every moment of this journey.


    I am looking forward to becoming part of this community, seeking advice, support and information and pehaps sharing a bit of what I've learned so far. :001_smile:

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