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Posts posted by blessed2fosteradopt

  1. Well, Jennifer, thanks for that gentle nudge. It sounds like I am much like you when it comes to the library. That is my concern. By the time I end up paying the fees I will surely incur, I probably will have been able to buy the program twice. :) I will talk to DH about it. He would probably be willing to help out.


    I will also look at half.com as an option.


    Thanks to all!

  2. Would you buy the full AC1 program (or any full program) if 75% of the books and readers were available through your local library or inter-library loan (which is free). All I would need is the TT and a handful of books and the guide.


    On the other hand, I do struggle to get out some times b/c I have (2) two year olds and chaos abounds. I do have a hubby, however, that could help out with this. What is the longest any one particular book is used for? I can have a book out for 5 weeks at a time. Would this be long enough?


    I am just trying to save wherever I can. I am looking at other curricula for other subjects and it is amazing how expensive it is getting.


    Any thoughts?



  3. I would love to see what those of you with current or incoming 6th graders are using or plan to use. I am still undecided for many subjects. If you have any particular favorites, please kindly specify so that I can research them.


    Thank you!!


    Here is our plan so far:


    Bible: unknown

    Math: either Saxon 8/7 or ?? (suggestions)

    Grammar: probably R&S6

    Spelling/Vocab: unknown (need something fun and that can be used independently - we used Sequential Spelling and didn't care for it)

    Reading: historical fiction to align with the above + CLE Reading, I think

    Writing: IEW SWI-B

    Science: either RS4K Level 1 Chemistry or The Elements

    History: WP AC1

    Foreign language: unknown

    Art: unknown

    Music: unknown (I have the CD's that align with the BF study but they were a bit over my son's head - maybe I will try again).


    Thoughts, suggestions for the blanks? I am trying to foster independence in him this year as well. There has been way too much hand holding. Any programs that you have found to be helpful in this area ?


    Blessings all,



  4. Hi:


    We are busy in the planning stages for next year and my son has expressed an interest in studying Chemistry. Here is what I am looking for based on his abilities and my needs:


    Open and go

    No lapbooking, light on the writing

    Easy to follow and comprehend

    Fun experiments

    We are Christian but are open to using a secular source as well.


    Any recommendations for us? He has had no prior exposure to Chemistry.


    Thank you!





  5. Thank you all again for your replies. I have a lot to take in.


    ElizabethB, I am going to implement your program and see how we make out. I have always assumed that he just really dislikes reading but maybe it does have more to do with the fact that he is struggling. I will back off on his independent reading for now and just concentrate on read alouds. Thank you for taking the time to put this together and giving Jesus the glory in the process.





  6. Are there any comprehension questions, work, etc. with MFW or similar programs? The reason I ask is because my son is ADHD and often times just zones out. He is just like my husband and things don't stick for him when they are just read out of a book. For instance, my DH is a firefighter/medic for 26 years. There is nobody in his department that is better at hands on skills (IV's, intubation, etc.) but when it comes to testing, reading manuals....it is a struggle. That is my son. His mind is always racing and he has a very hard time staying tuned in. I am not confident enough in my abilities nor do I have the time to formulate comprehension questions, do literary analysis *yikes*, etc. Thoughts?

  7. So, here I am again trying to cover all our options for next year and in my search have come across K12. Could this be it? Planned out, somewhat computer based (which my son loves) and thorough? As much as I would love to think, we are just not on par here with many who are following a more rigorous classical approach. I would LOVE to go that route but it is not right for my DS (10, ADHD, hard time focusing, completing tasks, etc.) and I really don't feel equipped to implement it fully. My son is just not a reader (although we are trying and that is what I fear when I review Winterpromise, MFW, Sonlight, etc.) and I would say he is an average student. I have the option of a virtual school (we are in FL) but don't know if I want to be tied to a specific schedule and independent study. Anybody care to chime in with opinions and/or experience?


    I really want to keep him home with me. I feel he needs it. He needs work on organizational skills and character training along with discipline and attention to detail. He struggled last year in his private school because of accountability issues. On top of it, that is our only option and it is a 45 minute drive every day and $8K+ per year. :ohmy:


    So, any thoughts or opinions?


    Thank you for putting up with me!


    Blessings, Lisa

  8. Thanks all for the replies. I sat down with my son last night and had a long talk with him about school. I think he wants to continue homeschooling but for all the wrong reasons - I hate to label my son as such but he is extremely lazy and just plain unmotivated. I have reviewed all the suggestions here and I personally LOVE them but I am not sure how all the reading would go over with him. He really *gasp* loves computer learning. Any suggestions for me?


    Thank you also for all the information about the remedial resources. I will be reviewing all of them.


    Blessings, Lisa

  9. Hi all:


    This is our first year homeschooling (son, age 10, grade 5) and we have had many bumps in the road. I would like to continue on next year but have made the determination that I need to be realistic when making choices for my son and our family dynamics.


    This year, I have been using a combination of curriculum and I really feel scattered and lacking in many areas. I have (2) recently adopted 2 year olds (18 days apart) and it has been nearly impossible to be consistent with school because of behavioral issues with my adopted son. Furthermore, I have issues with DS (1) in the area of consistency, focus and motivation. He has a very hard time working independently and I feel like I constantly have to hover over him to see that his work gets done.


    Here is what we are currently using/have used and our result thus far:


    Bible: Rod & Staff 4 (just reading the reader and doing some memory verse work - we are not overly thrilled and I don't feel like he is retaining much)

    English: Rod & Staff 5 - going well

    Math: Saxon 8/7 - going well

    Writing: WWE 1 - yes, 1 - he needed it - went well enough

    Reading: just trying to get him to read and asking questions for comprehension

    Spelling: Sequential Spelling - he is a poor speller but hates this program

    History: Truthquest Ancients w/MOH 1 - feel like we are all over the place

    Science: Apologia Astronomy - struggling to make our way through


    We also do SRAs daily and we just started Dance Mat Typing. We started Harmony Arts program and a music program but had to drop it because we just weren't getting to it.


    Any recommendations for us? I really want something that I can just open and go but I don't want to sacrifice his education in the process. I just don't have the time to piecemeal everything together and maybe not the confidence either. :confused:


    I am humbly asking for your suggestions and help.


    Thank you so much!

  10. As a fellow foster mom who has seen quite a few come and go, I want to reach out and extend my heartfelt thoughts and prayers to you. Fostering is a tough job to take on....there are so many ups and downs....but I hope you take solace in knowing that in the short time that you will have shared with her you have undoubtedly made a significant impact and she will likely carry her time with you in her heart for the rest of her life. God bless you for loving on His wounded and neglected little ones. You are a blessing to her and to many!


    May God's peace be with you and your family,



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