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Amber in SJ

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Posts posted by Amber in SJ

  1. Dh takes a salad to work every day in the warmer months and I have a salad at some point most days so on Sunday, I wash & spin whatever greens looked good that week.


    I fill 4 Rubbermaid Salad Blox for Dh (I found these on clearance at my local grocery store for a couple dollars each)


    I also fill one of the large Rubbermaid produce keepers (17 cups) of mixed greens, shredded carrots and any other veggies that sound good.  The salad container comes out at every dinner as one of the veggie choices or when the kid cooking dinner doesn't feel like adding a separate veggie.


    Tossed salad keeps for a week this way.


    I have several of the large produce keepers (most found at thrift stores) so in the Summer they will be filled with cut fruit, watermelon, strawberries or whatever I want to kids to eat.


    I also use my salad spinner when I do large batches of herbs for basil pesto, cilantro pesto with cotija or chimichurri.


    I use the salad spinner frequently, but I don't store the produce in it in the refrigerator.  I suppose I could, but then it would be in there when I needed it :)


    I have gone through 4 salad spinners in the 27 years I have been married.


    Amber in SJ



  2. This started happening to my dad in his early 50s.  Now at 70 he has no arm hair or leg hair, but still has hair on his head & eyebrows.  I have not & will not ask about other body hair  :eek: .  I hope it happens to me, but it is unlikely.  The women in my family are hairy sasquatch people for their entire lives.  My dad has no other health issues that the hair loss is an indicator of.  I am jealous.


    Amber in SJ

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  3. According to my ped (a million years ago because my youngest is 13) the teething causes baby's stool to be looser & more acidic.  This causes the initial skin break down (open sore rash) and once that happens bacteria moves in.  Once the bacterial infection was cleared up by an antibiotic ointment, he had me use a cotton ball to apply Mylanta to baby's bum and lt it dry before diapering. I did this for the entire time they were teething, and it worked for us.  If I missed the first drooly signs of a tooth coming in baby would have a rash. 


    It's worth a try, right?  


    Nothing is worse than an uncomfortable baby.


    Amber in SJ

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  4. As a little aside our library branch was remodeled several years ago & the parking lot design is particularly awful.  Both of my driving daughters have been hit in the library parking lot; one of whom was sitting in the car in a parking spot, with the car not running when she was hit by an elderly gentleman coming around the corner.  Anyway, Dh often comments that they should name the remodel after us because we pay so much in fines, except he refuses to have our name on the parking lot :)


    Amber in SJ

  5. At our library if you damage a book in any way you have to pay the retail price of the book + $10 "lost book" fee + $5 S&H fee for restocking + whatever late fee there might be up to $5.  It gets a little bonkers when you have to pay a minimum of $15 over the retail price of a kids book.  Sometimes when we request a book and it arrives in terrible shape I have to wonder if they charged the last person all of that $$ and then didn't replace to book or if they just didn't charge the last person.


    Amber in SJ



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  6. I am not affiliated in any way with Svaha, I just like their clothes.  I have 2 dresses & a skirt.  I like to dress like Miss Frizzle, I guess  :laugh:


    Anyway, they are having a great clearance sale if you buy 4 items.   If you buy 4 items it is 65% off the already reduced clearance price.  The sale means the dresses which are normally $40-$50 are $12-$20.  


    It was not difficult for me to find something for my oldest who teaches high school, something for my middle daughter who is studying to be a PA & something for me.  




    Just an FYI


    Amber in SJ





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  7. I am so sorry this is happening to you.


    While my mom was dying from cancer her doctor prescribed her Oxycodone. she had been taking Norco, but it wasn't managing her pain.  The pharmacy told us they don't keep the Oxy in stock due to the possibility of getting robbed, so the pharmacist made a photocopy of the scrip & ordered it.  5 days later, after giving my mom her second to last dose of the Norco, we went to pick up the Oxy.  Turns out they didn't order it (oops) but they could order it now and we could come back in 5 days.  We contacted the Dr to explain the problem and he called in a refill on the Norco, which the pharmacy refused to fill, because of the pending Oxy.  So my mom was supposed to just suck it up & be in excruciating pain for 5 days.  What was worse is my parents have lived in the same little town for 45 years.  Everyone at the pharmacy knows me, my family and everything about us.  They know my mom is not a drug addict looking to score.


    Another thing that was in the same vein was when we ended up in the ER because my mom had suddenly lost the use of her legs and fallen on her way back from the bathroom.  Yes, her legs literally stopped working & she never walked again.  Anyway, while we were there in the ER it was time for the next dose of her pain meds.  I let the ER doctor know that she was in a lot of pain and he said he didn't want to give her anything because she needed to "toughen up,"  and he didn't want her to become addicted.  She was dying of cancer, she didn't need to be toughened up.   


    It was incredibly frustrating.  I feel your frustration.


    Amber in SJ

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  8. We call the night in the hospital after giving birth, "The night of 1,000 nurses."  If it wasn't someone coming in to check me, then she was there to check the baby, or take the baby for something because I refused to have the baby in the nursery, someone even came in at 4am to take the baby for newborn pics.  What on Earth?  A nurse woke me up to tell me I couldn't sleep with the baby in my bed after nursing, someone else came in and woke me up to ask me if Dh & I wanted the "special" dinner the next day because I had marked "no" on my card and surely that wasn't right?  Who wouldn't want cheesecake (the lactose intolerant) 


    Keep in mind that after baby #1 these were completely unmedicated births & I don't take anything stronger than OTC pain relievers after.  We could not run out of there fast enough.  


    That being said I make my Dh stay with me at the hospital after each birth.  I do not want to be alone there.


    Hospitals are not places to sleep!


    Amber in SJ

  9. When my mom was hospitalized on & off for the last 6 weeks of her life I made sure there was someone with her at all times.  In fact the last bit she was in intensive care the first night the nurses didn't let me sleep in her room, so I slept in the intensive care waiting room 2 doors down.  Once they saw that I was serious about staying they found me a lovely reclining chair and I lived there at her side for the next 9 days until she passed.  I left for 2 hours each day while my dad was there so I could go home, pack my food, shower, change my clothes, etc.  I was there to give her sips of water & hold her hand and talk to her in the few moments she was lucid.  I was also there to make sure she got her pain medication on time because sometimes that was not forthcoming.  But that was mostly for me.  My dad, who adored my mom, could not emotionally be there 24/7.  My siblings came and went as they could.  I could not leave her there.


    My 14 year old neighbor had surgery last year and I was surprised that his family were only there for visiting hours for the 4 days he was in the hospital.  It doesn't make them bad parents or uncaring or any of those things.  Just different.  


    I am sad for those who want to be there more but can't for whatever reason.  No one should put guilt on others or themselves for that.


    Amber in SJ

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  10. Both of us suggested and if the other had a violently negative reaction it was off the table. All of our children have my maiden name as a second middle name because I wanted it there :)  


    DD #1 I suggested both his grandmothers' names because I loved the names. He switched the order because he liked the sound better and he was right.


    DD #2  I knew the middle name was going to be the same as mine & my mom's (second daughter tradition.)  I also gave her a name with the same first initial as mine, so she has the same initials as I do.  I figure it is a subtle way of naming a kid after myself, right? :) We had 3 names that started with that initial and because she arrived very early, we hadn't decided.  The nurses made a card for name #1 & we all called her that for a little bit & decided we didn't like it, did the same for name #2 & name #3 until we decided which one suited her.  Dh's grandmother came to visit us in the hospital and really disliked the name and let us know.  That was fun.


    DD #3 Named after my grandmother and she was so excited because out of 6 children, 32 grand children, and, at the time ,11 great grand children none had been named after her.


    DS was a bit funny.  Every time we were pregnant dh wanted Wolfgang for a boy.  I said absolutely not.  Wolfgang, Wolfgang, Wolfgang was all I heard until we found out the sex.  I told dh (in complete jest) that God would not give us a boy until he gave up on the Wolfgang.  By the time we were pregnant with our son we only chose a girl's name (Katherine Grace) because we had three girls already & we assumed that we were little girl parents.  When the ultrasound showed he was a boy everyone expected dh to be over the moon.  All he said was, "Huh.  I really like the girl's name we picked."  Dh refused to go with a Jr. but his middle name is his grandfather's so I suggested first names that had the same first letter as dh so the two would have the same initials.


    I have always felt that barring a long line name tradition the person who has to carry the baby for 9 miserable months, go through labor & delivery and the joy of breastfeeding a cross between a staple gun and a blowtorch gets to have the final say in the name.  Also if your family follows the Western tradition of all children having the father's last name then his family is covered.


    Amber in SJ



  11. I live in a large urban area in California and we love movies.  There are so many ways to buy tickets here :)   


    Friday or Saturday Evening: $13.75  Senior & Child: $10 For 3D or XD add $3 to every ticket

    Regular Evening Admission: $12.75

    Matinee (Before 2pm):  $10.75

    Costco Movie Passes:  $8.75 ($35/ 4)

    Movie Theater Club: $8.99

    Early Bird (First Showing of the Day): $8

    Discount Tuesday: $6.50

    AT&T Thankful Tuesday Discount:  BOGO on Tuesdays so $7 for 2 tickets ($6.50 + $.50 fee)


    Needless to say we go to the movies on Tuesday nights if we can :)  The interesting thing is that Tuesday price is for every theater in the place including the premium, heated, cushy recliners where you get to choose your seat ahead of time.  That is how we saw the new Star Wars :)


    Popcorn prices are:

    Small:  $5

    Med:   $6.50

    Large: $7.50

    Refillable Large: $8.50


    My daughter is currently working at the movie theater and she can get herself and someone else in for free if the show is not sold out and she gets tickets 30 minutes before the show starts.  She has been taking her siblings to all the dumb kid movies that I really don't want to go see and I am so thankful for that.


    Amber in SJ

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  12. My sister's kids have always had rats (in pairs.)  The current pair are females and one of them learned to open the cage (someone call NIMH)  Now they keep it closed with a giant binder clip on the outside.  They are smart, clean & cuddly.  They often ride on my sister's shoulder &  hide in her hair.  My nephew keeps them in the hood or pocket of his sweatshirt.


    Amber in SJ

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  13. So I accidentally moderate the Facebook group for my church's women's group (confusing, no?)

    Ladies post about carpools & events, list out grown items & other free things, etc.  Most of the time it is pretty chill.  Once I had to tell someone their posts were too political for the church group.  


    Today someone posted for free the Babywise book and some other printed materials from the workshops.  Our church is not one that supports the Ezzos in any way.  The poster had attended a workshop somewhere else.


    Folks, I gasped out loud when I saw the cover!  My finger hovered over the delete button for a few seconds.  I thought I about my options:


    1.  I could delete her post and no one would be the wiser except her......but was that an abuse of my sacred moderator power?


    2.  I could claim the books for myself and have a ritual bonfire, thus stopping the spread of evil.....but I am not a fan of book burning nor did I want to start the rumor mill grinding by asking for infant parenting materials when my baby is 13.


    What to do?  What to do?


    Finally I decided to comment on her post about the Ezzos book being the only parenting book deemed "dangerous" by the American Academy of Pediatrics (with citations.) 


    At least it wasn't the Pearls (right?)


    I knew you guys would understand :)


    I am mostly kidding.  The posting did happen and I did make a short comment.


    Amber in SJ

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  14. My kids started taking the bus back & forth to the local CC at 14 when they could take classes.  Because I don't drive, we had already taken a "test run" when we went to register :)  


    All the advice has been good so far.  I also make sure they know the name of the stop before the one they are getting off, so they can get ready.  Our light rail system/ buses are notorious for having the doors open for a split second before slamming shut and moving on :)


    I will also admit for the first couple of rides I have them text me when they get on & when they get off.  For the first week or so one of my dds was very nervous so she called me when she got on & told me all about her class & day for the 45 minute ride home until she got off at the station and headed home.  I just put her on speaker & did dishes or laundry or whatever, until she was comfortable enough to not call me.  


    Yay for the little steps toward independence!


    Amber in SJ

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  15. Salt & pepper cashews with a half dozen BIG Cheese-its.  I can't usually eat sweet things for breakfast, and I don't like to go through the bother of cooking something that requires dishes and pans.  I wish somebody would make a savory granola bar!  Think cheddar and seeds or nuts!


    We are split down the middle in our family with not eating sweet things for breakfast.  I don't along with 2 kids; and dh & other 2 kids can't get enough of sweets in the morning.  If Dh is having pancakes he will maple syrup the entire plate including eggs, sausage & hash browns. 


    Kashi makes a savory bar.  The one I tried was quinoa with red peppers & corn.  It was ...... weird.  Not horrible, just weird.  There is another one flavored with white beans & rosemary.


    Amber in SJ

  16. My 20yo dd uses one and apparently she was holding it squeezed into an oval, when it slipped out of her fingers and sprang into its original shape.  The contents went everywhere.  I heard the commotion & offered to help.  When I opened the door to their tiny bathroom, it looked like she was cleaning up after a murder.


    Amber in SJ

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  17. I have a pair of nail clippers in the bathroom that I use to open those blister packs.  Usually there is a crease or corner where it is supposed to open but never does.  One little clip there usually makes it so I can get it open even with my elderly, arthritic hands.


    I am sorry you have the flu.  I hope you can get some sleep & feel better soon.


    Amber in SJ



  18. A one-eyed Jill is the cousin to a one-eyed Jack  :laugh:


    For a one-eyed Jack you take a piece of bread and cut a round or square hole in it, leaving a bread frame.  We butter the bread or brush with olive oil.  The bread goes into a skillet warmed to med-high.  You break an egg into the hole & once it is set enough you flip the whole business overand cook until the bread  is toasted & the egg is set to your liking.  Salt & pepper to taste. Don't forget to toast the cut out bread at the same time.


    One-eyed Jill is the same thing except you beat the egg in a bowl before pouring into the toast frame.  Your skillet needs to be warm enough to start cooking the egg right away.  The kids use a spoon to scooch the egg around like scrambled eggs while keeping a solid bottom.  Flip, toast & serve.


    Amber in SJ

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