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Posts posted by JessieC

  1. Yes, it was the 6-8




    There are some trade books that go along with the MBTP units, but some you should be able to get at the library--and others can be replaced with the ones the library does have--like the books about different countries. I think the material would be too much for a 4yo, but you can edit it for a 9yo and I think she will like it. There is a Cinderella unit in the Culture book that goes through different "Cinderella" stories from around the world.

  2. Thank you all for your detailed replies!! Glad to see that it's good for 1st grade, too. I've been so impressed with the single topic book I bought for DD (carrying and borrowing). She's actually doing math in her head! AND it's easy to teach. :)



    Curious what book this is? Is it part of the MM program?

  3. My child has diabetes--you really don't need a special snack. The most helpful thing for the parents is if whatever you serve, you have an idea of the number of carbohydrates in the snack. They can adjust the insulin based on this. I would avoid jelly, syrup, juice, or other very high-carb things though. A protein and a carb would begreat--like peanut butter crackers and milk, or fruit and cheese.

  4. OK, I'm going to try to set an example here of what I mean.


    The middle ground is the worst of all possible worlds. It ties you to an employer and a specific external schedule, and thus ensures that you can never relax into being home. But it stops you from doing a thorough job of homeschooling or anything associated with a traditional homelife by being so time consuming. You COULD have an intelligent conversation, but you DON'T because you are simply so busy. Duty rules your life all the time, and pleasure is elusive and hard to justify the time spent. It's the worst. Either work or don't work, but don't try to straddle. It just doesn't work.


    This is an interesting perspective, but I disagree. In my family, we need my part-time income to pay the bills. I work nights/weekends from home when dh is home. My other choice would be to put kids in school/daycare and work full time, which I have done and really disliked. Are you saying that because I have to bring in income, I have to work full time (in your view)?


    I would rather not work at all, or work a lot less, and I do feel stretched a lot of the time, but we have to eat.

  5. After the basics, for 1st grade we add in:



    I don't know how so many of you moms fit in all those "outside" extracurriculars -- sports, scouts, 4-H, dance, music lessons, art lessons, swimming lessons, and co-ops. How do you fit it all in? Where do you find the time? Where do you find the energy to drive around to all those activities? [Note: I haven't had a drop of coffee in TWO DAYS, and it hurts.] How do you pay for it? :confused:


    I like having somewhere to go in the afternoons to get out of the house, or else my dc go a little stir crazy. We do school in the morning, and usually head out somewhere after lunch. We have 4-H one afternoon every other week, and it's free. Gymnastics and swimming are discounted lessons for homeschoolers. Dance and theater are after-school activities and our biggest expenses this year. Our co-ops and play groups are free. I agree music lessons are really expensive, and that's kept us from them for now. I also work pt to help pay for activities.

  6. My daughter of the same age has never eaten meat. I am a vegetarian and didn't give her meat as a baby/toddler, and around five she made the decision that she wants to be a vegetarian. She eats eggs, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, beans, yogurt, nuts, peanut butter--plenty of protein. Protein is actually not really the issue people think it is, but make sure she gets some iron--veggies and a vitamin supplement should give her all she needs.

  7. We took out a loan for a mattress from Wells Fargo and I have been very unhappy and paid it off early just to get rid of them. It was supposed to be no-interest, but when our payment was late there was a huge late fee, even though we sent the payment a week in advance and twice the necessary amount. When I called to complain, there was nobody to answer the phone--the message only offered options to check your account status or to go online to read FAQs. So frustrating--from this experience, I wouldn't get a mortgage with them ever. I will go to our local credit union for ALL of our banking/loan needs. I know they won't be trying to fleece me at every turn!

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