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Posts posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. That is a very, uh, absolute statement. Women can't protect their children from anything they don't know is happening. A fist in the face is obvious. Non-violent abuse often isn't.

    You're right; I should add qualifiers. I have no sympathy for mothers who watch abuse happening to their children from the man they are living with or are romantically involved with and do nothing to stop it.

  2. I'm sorry, but I just can not care. I was physically abused as a child. So were my 11 siblings. My father eventually got 29 years and my mother got 20. My FIL keeps telling me that it wasn't fair, that the judge wouldn't consider my mother not culpable because she was in an emotionally abusive relationship. I don't f***ing care. I'm a mother, and I have zero sympathy for mothers who do not protect their children.


    Now, my mother has divorced my father, and had turned herself around as much as one can in prison. We have a good, careful, respectful, long distance relationship. She knows what she did was wrong; and she's over trying to make excuses. She didn't protect her children, and that's inexcusable.

  3. I think perhaps it would be better if you relied more on personal experience than "gleanings."  This really is not at all relevant to questions about Dubai and just puts forward a number of inaccurate and offensive stereotypes.  Dubai is not a perfect place.  Treatment of guest workers (mostly from India) is pretty horrific.  But a Western tourist's experience of Dubai will not be impacted by that reality.




    I will warn any person going there to be aware of the laws there because of this story. I'm not saying "don't go." I'm saying stick with your husband, and if you are raped there you could be jailed.

  4. "There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."


    Artic Mama, I was guessing you were a moral relativist when you didn't want to call spanking a baby with an instrument abusive. Plenty of parents who "love" their kids still abuse them. My siblings were wonderfully well behaved ; their comunity was shocked when my parents were arrested for child abuse and assult.


    You do not seem interested in learning anything here, and seem to consider anything any other parent does none of your business. Therefore I submit that many patient ladies here are wasting their time and emotions responding to you.

  5. This is so sick. 


    I have to ask...what is so important about this blanket training?  Do these people have some objection to playpens to set boundaries for their babies without hurting them?  Is this some kind of Pearl teaching that began because they were "ministering" to poor, rural people who wouldn't even be able to afford a playpen?  (I'm not excusing them AT ALL, but just curious...maybe more like dumbfounded...about  how they get modern parents who have access to Babies R Us, etc.  to do the blanket training instead?)    


    Watching an episode I remember Michelle saying that they train babies to stay on a blanket so that later they can make them stay in a chair. She did not on the show say HOW they trained the babies to stay on the blanket.


    In talking to my mother about this, she mentioned that the cult/church my family belongs to and that she and I were both raised in did blanket training the way Michelle was advising other women to do on that before mentioned forum. My mother was surprised because she thought "our" cult/church was the only one that did that/used that term.


    Edited to add: for our church/cult it was to keep babies and children quiet and contained during the 2 hour long church services. I remember playing on a small bath mat/carpet sample when I was young, before I was ready to sit in the chair that long.

  6. Jinnah, I have learned a lot from your reluctance to accept what previous posters have repeatedly said and proved. My own mother was (may still be) a fan until our last conversation when I got so sick of hearing "but they always look so happy, that means they're good parents!"  I finally told her that their cult believes it's a sin to show anything else, and oh yeah, Jim Bob is a producer and their contract gives him extreme control over what TLC is allowed to show! She doesn't have access to the internet since she's in prison for child abuse, so she did not have the information that these ladies have provided; she only had the heavily edited show to go by. Thanks to your involvement in this thread, I can see that I may have been wrong about her changing her mind from just one conversation. (This is NOT intended to be snarky or insulting. I am genuinely grateful.)

  7. Catwoman - My intent is to state an opinion and discuss it, but there's a limit to what is tolerable. I just don't have the time or mental energy. Arguing about what I must *really* mean or implied subtext is beyond reasonable when an explanation is given. Won't do it. That's my limit. I'll give an opinion and try to do so carefully, truthfully, and thoughtfully. I'll generally explain it as clearly as I can, like the silly little offhand about Hitler and MT. But once it is explained as clearly as I can I've said what can be said.


    I'm a sensitive person, and really bad at setting boundaries. But I'm setting one here and I'm not going to guilt myself about it. I do my best to engage thoughtfully and that's enough for me. I'll respond privately if needed and am generally not a yeti in disguise, or a troll bent on dropping inflammatory one liners and leaving the debate. I do my best to communcate, and that's all I can do.


    No more of this. Message me if clarification is needed.

    Didn't you say earlier you were done? If you don't have the mental energy, it's probably best for your health that you walk away for real and stop coming back. :grouphug:

  8. I grew up in the seattle area. this is what I was raised with. 1 or 2 kids - boy and girl was the "perfect" family. I started getting some really rude comments from complete strangers when I was obviously pg with #3. (and have gotten them ever since. now, since only dudeling is home, very few people know I have more than one.)



    eta: I heard that message as a child too - including at times that since I was an extra, I should have been aborted. (not sure it was legal when I was born - and a director for PP lived across the street from us. even as a child in a very liberal family, I thought she was weird.) I was a third. (thank you orson scott card.)


    I thought Card wrote Ender's Game in 85? Loved the reference, though. :D

  9. Everyone knows their own kids best. If you have the kind of relationship where you can joke with your kids like this photo then the photo is funny. If the kids do not feel well loved then this photo is demoralizing.

    My kids would find it funny. I am sure my kids and I have lots of jokes that would horrify others if they only saw that snapshot of our lives.


    No, not everyone, not every parent. I have too many friends who grew up in emotional poverty that while not considered to be outright abuse, was clear that the parents did NOT know, or even care that much about their kids. This also describes my childhood. Plenty of parents (and sadly, you can't brush this away saying it's a "rare exception") have said many things without thinking and realizing that they were hurting their children deeply. I have encountered many people like this since I started writing about it on my blog. It's a nice thought, but in reality is flawed.

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