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Posts posted by cherylw

  1. Keeping my house cleaner saves me money. If I couldn't find socks for my 2 yr old I would run out and buy a new pack. Then later when I put all the laundry away I would see that she had plenty of socks, they just weren't any in the drawer. The same with all the kids clothes. Also with school supplies. We would need to start a project and could find the needed supplies. We would go buy all new stuff, then a week or so later when I would clean up the play room I would find all of the stuff I just bought.


    So having less stuff but knowing where everything is has helped a lot. My dd may only have 5 pants but if I keep up with the laundry that is plenty.


    Ha, this sounds so much like myself. We have way too many clothes for all of us. I am so greatfull for all the hand-me-downs..mostly nicer stuff than I would buy..but the boys end up with so much, I can't seem to keep it all sorted and put away....well, I really could but just need to be more disciplined and make them help out.:001_huh:

  2. Some great tips from everyone on here..


    When we built our house, we installed a Hardy Heater. It has been WONDERFUL! It's a wood burning furnace outside. It was a little costly upfront but I believe it's already paid for itself without us having a large electric bill or gas bill...and we get to stay toasty in the winter!

  3. I baked 2 loaves of bread on Saturday...for first time!!! It really wasn't that hard. I did it to see if it would be worth baking vs buying since we eat a lot it..bread doesn't stay around long here. They all loved it..although I will be making wheat the next time.


    I also plan to start making my own detergent again...I did once but dh didn't think it was working (because there was no scented smell:glare:). But now that we are so financially strapped, he likes the idea.


    We will be getting little chicks soon from our 4-H program so then by late summer we will be getting eggs! yipee!!


    I was wondering what other areas many of you thrifty-nifty ladies do to save a dime here and there????:001_smile:

  4. I started a similar thread a while ago and someone pointed me to Heart of Dakota. There were other suggestions but this is the I have decided to go with for the fall..if not sooner. So I can't speak from experience, but it seems like a great fit for us. I am really excited about it:001_smile:!.


    There is actually an ongoing thread on the HOD board now...HOD vs MFW



  5. My ds really likes Timezattack, which you can download onto your computer for free. There is an upgraded, fancier version for sale, but the free download keeps ds happy. It teached muliplication facts to 12.



    I was going to post this one too. My ds9 is really learning his multiplication facts from it.

  6. I feel your pain. My ds9 is so frustrating. He's argumentative too...he says the same kinds of comments you stated. He has to CONSTANTLY be moving or touching something. He doesn't like being homeschooled and wants to go back to ps. (it's so tempting:001_smile:) He would not act this way with a teacher in school, I know. He makes our day last much longer than it has to and I can't get that across to him.

    For me, I need to work on being more consistent and structured with our day. I believe that would help some. But at the same time I hate to come down too hard all the time, then he would really hate homeschooling.


    Like you I've chosen a more structured approach next year using HOD and I am hoping we have a much better year.


    Sorry I couldn't offer any advice, but hope it helps your not alone.:)

  7. Well, I can't answer your question but just thought I'd chime in and say that I can't wait to purchase it. I am convinced after looking over at the the program and reading the forum threads that it will be a great fit for us too. I too will be getting Bigger with the extension pk. I have a ds9 and ds10. I may use the Emerging reader for ds9 since he is having trouble reading. I like the way the program introduces books that progress in difficulty. I have a hard time personally trying to see what grade level a book is on. I plan to use R&S for Grammar that the author recommends but MM for math. She recommends Singapore. I'm not sure yet if I will get the science pack. We've used Christian Kids this year and we all enjoyed that. Oh I will also be getting their reading program DITHOR.

  8. I'm wondering why is Latin a recommended language? Does it have long-term benefits over Spanish or any other now-spoken language?


    Anyone taught it long-term?..what benefits did you see?


    sorry for all the ?????:001_smile:

  9. We have both. We've been doing Math Mammoth for quite some time and it doesn't thrill either my daughter or me at all. Please take into consideration that math is a subject where both my daughter prefers more interaction and more hands-on, as well as I enjoy teaching it. We keep doing MM because it's *cheap* and *easy* and one day I think I'll magically discover what it is that makes everyone love it so. I don't think I will. I haven't seen my daughter pick up any new skills. She just gets this glaze in her eye as she mind-numbingly does the worksheets, she's been doing 2 per day. We do look at the extra links suggested. The only reason I like MM is because it is cheap, easy, and quick. Do I want to value those qualities to teach my daughter math, one of the most important subjects? No.


    I'm sure other families find value in it more than we do though. I can see it doing the job, but I want to be using something that does a better job for us.


    Now Singapore, we only started this weekend, but I have read the entire 1B Textbook and HIG. That is a program I love! Perfect amount of parent instruction - not too much, not too little. I can tell immediately that my daughter is going to learn tons.


    For our particular family, Singapore wins, hands down. I was all set to order the 6-year Math Mammoth for just $75, which is totally dirt cheap (for SIX years!), but now I'm thinking I may not do that. I'll just invest in the Singapore books.


    Again, take into consideration both my daughter and my learning/teaching styles and then you'll understand why we prefer Singapore or RightStart math.



    I don't know how to quote a partial post but where were you going to order MM for $75?

  10. I too am planning to switch my ds10 from RS to MM asap..We have been using RS C & D. But I plan to keep my DS9 with RS because he reading is below level, he needs more instruction, and I already have it. But as soon as he can I plan to use MM for him too. The independent learning of MM is a big attraction for me! After reading about MM I was so excited. If they need extra instruction on a particularly topic, I feel that this can be easily done. I can't wait to get it!

  11. I had to share this because I thought it was cute. My ds10 loves science and space. We were discussing studying about space now and I asked him what he remembered learning in 3rd grade in ps last year. He thought for a moment and said "I learned it but I just can't remember that I learned it."


    I think what he meant to say was he just couldn't remember what he has learned.

  12. OH! so glad to hear others have bad, bad spellers!:tongue_smilie:My ds10 is the same way.

    I had started using it with the intension for my ds9 who is struggling in reading..under advice from Don Potter I am going back to use Blend Phonics first and then come back to the Webster. I also want to use it for ds10 (the bad speller) but haven't got very far. I was impressed with how my boys picked up on the syllabary rather quickly...ds9 struggles a little with some of the blends.

    I have thought about using it for spelling too. I would also like to hear how others use it.

  13. Heart of Dakota


    There are actual language arts lessons in grammar and dictation, but much of the LA is spread out across the curriculum. Most of the subjects are directly linked, and sometimes just loosly (like Bible, science, history, poetry may all tie in). You could combine your 3rd and 4th graders into the same program. The forums on their site are just amazing...such wonderful encouragement and even the author frequents the board to offer advice and answer questions.


    Has anyone else used this? Would like some feedback on it if possible.

  14. There may be another thread for this question, if so, just direct me to it please. I was wondering if anyone uses a curriculum that combines or cross references between subjects. I guess this is called unit studies. I just have not been able to get organized enough to develop my own and I am starting a part time job so I need to gets as much in as possible. I really want to combine history/social studies with Language arts. Any suggestions from you seasoned pros???:001_huh:. What are some other areas some of you combine?

  15. Two different questions addressed here:

    A decent opportunity has come up for me to go back to work. We really need some extra money right now and I can basically work whenever I want and the hours I want..like two days a week and some Saturdays. But it will not be very much money to start out with because I'm a hairstylist by trade but with no clients at the moment. With this business it takes a long time to really see a profit, especially in a small town. I will also be doing nails and pedicures which should help.


    Question 1- For those of you who work, how do you manage with homeschooling? Is it really stressful?


    Question 2-What are things you like about your own hairstylist and what do you not like? I want to try to set myself apart from the norm and hopefully draw clients more quickly. Also, what do you pay for a haircut and style?

  16. My husband's grandmother has been the most blunt about her opinion, but trys to do it in her own nice way. She says stuff like "Are they learning anything"...then I want to say "No mame, they're not"....but I try to politely say yes mame. Then there's the "Oh, your not going to do this next year are you"....If she wasn't 90 years old, I would probably not be so nice. But this is also the lady that calls almost everyday..sometimes multiple times a day to ask 20 questions and give you a summary of all the things she don't that day!!:confused:


    Maybe you could just ask your sister to please just respect your family's decision and explain that her opinion is not going to change how your rear your children.

  17. I have both the 1824 edition and the 1908 editions thanks to Don Potter and ElizabethB:D I think both are good but the 1908 edition seems to have more sentences for the spelling words to use as copywork and/or dictation depending on the age of your child.



    I'm really curious about this too. I looked into it a couple of weeks ago on their website but I don't know if I should change midstream from what we have been using. Do you have hard copies of the Webster?

  18. I'm 1 1/2 south of Nashville. Lots of Middle TN folks here too. :D Although I'm closer to Huntsville, AL so I go there for most everything. We love going to Nashville but the traffic is horrendous and I don't know my way around.

    The Hermitage had a homeschool day recently but we just couldn't afford to go...maybe next year.

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