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Posts posted by cherylw

  1. We listen to audiobooks on cd in the car while doing our normal driving around. I think the kids get more into the books listening to professionals. But I've only gotten them from our library...haven't bought anything or downloaded. We haven't listened to anything strictly "educational". I want this time to be more for enjoyment.


    So far I've been really pleased with what I have picked out....


    1.Gregory the Overlander- 5 book series by Susan Collins....we all LOVED these!!!!! The boys and I were upset when it was over. We didn't want the series to end.

    2.Island of the Blue Dolphins-Scott O-Dell.....This was good because it was read by a native american

    3.Knucklehead-Jon Scieszka...We laughed alot at this one.

    4.Hatchet-Gary Paulsen...this was good too.


    My choices are geared toward my boys interests and ages. I want to get more into classics too.

  2. I hope this doesn't hijack your thread but I've talked to a mom of 12 kids whose has hsed all of them and some are in college now. This lady is very intelligent, owns a used curriculum store, writes books, teaches government classes, and so on. I told her my ds10 is REALLY struggling with reading. She could be considered an "unschooler" in her hsing philosophy. She told me not to have him tested and that he will eventually learn how to read. She said boys can be delayed a long time and claims one of her sons was barely reading until 13 and then just suddenly started reading 500pg novels.

    I caved in a couple weeks ago and did have him tested..don't know the results yet. There is just so much pressure that kids should be reading at a young age. Maybe some are just not ready. But then we have to ask where is that point where we have to ask...is something wrong???

  3. You all are going to think I'm a goof, but I HONESTLY had no idea what the movie was about when I went to see it, other than there was a ballerina and had been nominated for an Oscar. I hadn't ever seen the preview because I never watch TV. Needless to say, I was in for a shock! And I won't make that mistake again.


    same here...although I did see the preview and I was just thinking it was gonna be like a "Six Sense" kinda movie.


    And yes the other parts are equally gross as well. So now we know what you do to get an Oscar.


    We live in a small town with a very small theatre that shows only 2 movies at a time. There were only 4 other people there besides us. I plan on calling the owner and express my opinion.

  4. Does she homeschool? :D


    I have a good friend that lives in Rogersville and we sometimes go thru Rogersville when we are headed to Hunstville.


    If you ever get down this way, let me know, we do park days quite often :)


    Ha! no they are definitely not homeschoolers:001_smile:.


    We don't get to Rogersville much, but we camped (I mean ROUGHED it) at Joe Wheeler last summer and then went to Point Mallord..the boys loved it.

    I'm in Hunstville fairly regularly...we're not far from the state line and most everyone here drives to Huntsville to work or to go shopping.

  5. I dealing with the same thing right now. My ds9 is really struggling with reading (why we are homeschooling). I just ordered Recipe for Reading the other day. I've been using Blend Phonics that ElizabethB links from her website and also her syllable division rules and Webster. It has really helped with him be able to sound out new words since he does know his sounds. BUT if he see that word again in the next few sentences he has to sound it out again...poor word recall. It makes his reading really slow.


    I have an appt. with our school system's special ed. department next month to discuss him and see what I can find out. The situation I have is dh doesn't want to have him labeled. He feels like people want to stick a diagnosis on kids who may just be a little delayed. He personally was in a remedial reading class from 3rd-5th grades. Now as an adult he is perfectly normal (well almost;)lol) with an excellent memory and much more intelligent than I on many levels.

    I am having mixed emotions about it. I feel that having a diagnosis would help me to help him but at the same time would it really change anything.

  6. We live in TN and this past year they really "upped" the standards in the state. So as a result from this a good friend said her 2nd grader had to write a research paper using 3 different sources.


    What are your thoughts on this?


    This is our first year to homeschool so I still absorbing info and figuring out what I feel is good/bad on certain topics. My ds9 who attended this school in 2nd grade hadn't really grasped onto reading well and was behind. At the moment, I feel like they are pushing things too early before kids get a good grasp on the basics of the 3 r's. Maybe I'm wrong..idk

  7. I can't answer your question but would like to say what an ex-teacher turned hs mom told me. She stated really can't compare ourselves to the Asian education system because they do tracking early. From what I understood her to say that kids are tracked on their skills/abilities at an early age and then lead education wise on their skills, thus if a child doesn't possess any skills then they are basically left behind. So in other words we are comparing "all" of the Amercian kids to only the "best" of the Asian kids.


    As I said I have no proof of this, but someone on here may know. It may be totally false.

  8. When we left public school my DD had skipped two grades. This same 4th grade, straight A, accelerated learner looked at me one day and said "What is this noun and verb you keep talking about?" That was an eye opener! We stopped everything at that point and I started assessing all the basic skills and found many weaknesses. So many things that the schools just don't teach anymore. This late in the year, I would take the advice of the other posters and also assess basic skills. Good luck, you will find lots of support and encouragement here!



  9. Personally RS has not worked for me. I really wanted to like it since I pd so much for it and I really liked to concept. BUT for us I really thinks it's because this was our first year to homeschool and I think was just too difficult for the boys to transition over from math in ps. I used C & D so I can't compare any early programs.


    But since you like it and have been in the program it will probably work well.

  10. My fourth grader's cursive is much neater than his print. It drives my batty that he still writes an "a" with a circle and then a stick. He's getting the hang of it but is slow. It took about a month to get him to hold his pencil corrected...was never correctly in ps.


    Also, My dh said that Abraham Lincoln did not know how to write print. ?? They only learned cursive I guess. He got his inof from some TV history show.

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