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wide eyes & laughter

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Status Updates posted by wide eyes & laughter

  1. Hi Soph!

    I am such a dweeb - I just posted a msg to you on *my* visitor msg board. LOL. I learn new things about "the boards" all the time! I had such a great time meeting you & am definitely looking forward to skating. Ds and I went out looking for a hockey helmet today - have one on hold at Dick's but am going to price around a bit. Bought a stick, though! Woohoo! I know you said we could borrow but I saw it for $3 at the thrift store so if it's the right length (LOL) we'll use it. Ds is so excited to play and hang out with "the boys". He's had such a big smile on his face today. Thanks for responding to my initial post and for arranging the meeting today!! Cheryl

  2. Hi Soph! I had a great time, too. Thank you, again, for responding to my original post and offering the meeting today. Ds and I went looking for a hockey helmet this afternoon - totally blew off school for the day! We have a helmet on hold at Dick's and bought a hockey stick ($3 - couldn't resist) at a thrift store. So we are getting ready for the big hockey day out! Ds (I keep saying ds b/c I don't know if others can come and read these visitor msgs??) is so looking forward to hockey and being around "the boys"!! He's had a pretty big smile lately :-) See you skating! Cheryl

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