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Posts posted by momto3innc

  1. Thrilled for this for my 13 and 15 year olds. Then we are DONE and everyone is vaccinated in our house. I’d be thrilled for that for the summer. My 15 yo is the highest risk in our house. Little nervous for the 13yo...she does tend to react strongly to shots (not terrible...just more than her brothers and enough to be noted). 
    We have an older at risk relative who is not getting the shots so I feel at least better that we will all be vaccinated when we see her. 

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  2. I have had really good experiences. My son really needed braces and got them in June. His office takes all precautions...he waits in the car til it’s time, they keep patients separate, and all staff are well covered. He’s been there a bunch and I’ve felt good about it. Now all staff are vaccinated and he’s had his first. I had emergency dental issues recently and my office has been the same (although I’m also vaccinated as is my dentist). I’d definitely go for emergencies.

  3. I most likely had Covid in March of 2020 but not tested. About 10 days after symptoms, I woke up to horrifying vertigo, ringing in my ears, and substantial hearing loss in one ear. Despite large doses of prednisone and working with an ent and audiologist, the hearing loss and ringing has remained. It is considered permanent in my case.

    I had my one year check up recently and my ent talked about seeing quite a bit of hearing loss from Covid this last year. He said he has seen tinnitus and hearing loss recently and he has (anecdotally) felt it is worse with Pfizer than the other two. I did have both doses of Pfizer and saw no change in my symptoms. 

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  4. If you want weight lifting (and have weights or are planning on going to a gym with some equipment) I really like Nia Shanks plan from Lift Like a Girl (if you have kindle unlimited you can borrow it for free).


    The gist is this you do 2 different work-outs both are full body and you aim to do 2-3 workouts a week (with a rest day between lifting days). You just alternate the 2 workouts, do A one day, B the next, rinse and repeat.


    She focuses on compound lifts that work multiple muscles and not isolation exercises. 


    She has videos of all these on her site- and much more detail in the book (if you need it)- everything is 4 sets, reps 5-7

    Workout A:


    Bench Press

    Chin-ups (can use assist machine or practice negatives or start by doing pull-ups from a bar and work your way towards parallel)


    Workout B:



    Barbell Press


    She also has plans for bodyweight exercises if that's your preference and does suggest that as a good place to start for those starting out. I had been doing bodyweight stuff the last few years myself but switched to lifting in December because I wanted to change things up.


    I like her plans b/c they are simple and I dont' feel like doing my own thing right now. I like that she focuses on the big movements too.


    eta- I just started Nia's plan 2 wks ago, back in December I started lifting using Strong Lifts 5x5 which is very similar, so I've been lifting for 11 wks now (if I did my math right!). When I started I was at a gym with few weights so I had to improvise and modify. I started a new gym the beginning of February that has all the equipment I need and more weights than I could ever lift :)


    As far as weight I've only lost 3 lbs but my thyroid was out of whack and I just got my dosage upped the beginning of Feb. My clothes are fitting better however, my waist is down 1.5 in and my thighs .5 -1 inches, I don't really measure anywhere else


    I just really started deadlifting the beginning of February and have gone from sets at 65# to 115# but can do up to 135. 

    I started with goblet squats at 25# and now do back squats with 65#

    I just started the bench in February as well and haven't increased a ton on weight but am doing more reps

    I went from 15 lb to 30 lb bent over rows, I do TBar rows now and do them at 65-70#

    I started shoulder presses at 5lb each arm and my last 2 sets of barbell presses last night was 40lb (total)

    Those are great results!! Super inspiring...I'll get the book on kindle and see what I think.

  5. A few I have liked in the past:


    You Are Your Own Gym: book is good, but the app is fantastic and offers four levels of 10 week plans, as well as video options for an additional price.

    Body By You (same author, aimed at women)

    New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women book (requires a gym)



    You know, I've heard about You Are Your Own Gym a bunch of times before, but have never actually read it.  Looking over it online, I've totally done a lot of the things in it, but having it altogether with a plan from the app would be perfect.  Think I'm going to buy the book before we had on vacation in a few days.  That way I'd be ready to start when we get back.

  6. I would try one of Fitness Blender's plans. You buy the plan once and then can use it as often as you want.


    I use Fitness Blender's videos but don't follow their plans. I have a patellar tracking issue that is not remediated with strength training and physical therapy, so I don't do any lunges.  So I have chosen not to do the programs as I cannot decide what videos I can modify versus not.  


    If you choose to design your own plan, you just add the workouts to the calendar on the days you want, and then when you complete them you mark them complete in the calendar. I love it.  I believe if you choose a plan, it will add it to your calendar automatically--you just tell it when you want to start. 


    I personally really like Fitness Blender. This is the most consistent I have ever been, the strongest I have ever been, and no one is yelling at me. =)  I like that the people in the videos (a couple, Daniel and Kelli) are so relatable.  They do a great job walking you through the proper form, etc. 



    ETA: The videos are all free. The plans cost money but are inexpensive.

    This looks great!  I'll look over it more over the new couple days, but I really liked what I saw today.

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  7. Over the last few years some physical issues combined with crazy life stress has meant that diet and fitness went by the wayside.  I used to workout a ton and be fairly physically fit.  I gained about 15-20 pounds and exercise became super spotty.


    I've gotten my eating back in line and lost about 8-9 pounds.  Ideally would love another 8-10.  However, the bigger issue is I'm just flabby.  I've been ramping up my physical stuff over the last few months...but mainly just walking and running and I have realized I just have to make a priority on weight lifting/weight bearing exercise again, particularly as I get older.


    While I know what to do with weights since I've done it before, my personality does really, really well with a plan that I have to follow (same reason sticker charts worked for me as a kid  :laugh: ).  So...does anyone have any plans they've followed in the past that have really been a good jump start?  I'm thinking like a 12 week type thing...maybe a book or DVD series or something online? Obviously it was videos I'd just follow them, but I'm also picturing a book that has a good specific plan it in for weight training.  I know once I got going, I would be good to keep going, but a specific plan and end point would be good to get me up and going.  I have some hand weights and bands at home I could hunt down and have a gym membership I could use also.


    Bonus points if you've followed the plan and can tell me how it worked for you.

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  8. I do this mix. Fill a mug with hot water. Add a very liberal shot of apple cider vinegar... like a good amount so it really stinks 😊 and all your kids complain about the smell and burns when it goes down.

    Then squeeze the juice of one whole lemon in and a ton of honey and drink up. This has worked really well for me in the past.

  9. Movie night: redbox or amazon gift card for movie, movie candy, popcorn. Maybe a fuzzy blanket or gift card for bringing dinner in.


    Or: a “make any night a date night†and include wine glasses, bottle of wine, and candles. In the past I would have added a CD of romantic music. Maybe now it would be an iTunes card?


    Game night date night: board game (or games depending on budget) for two plus some fun snacks

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  10. We skipped last week and this week for that reason and youth group both weeks too. Going to stuff we need to buy avoiding anything we don’t. One immune compromised and one prone to terrible asthma when sick means we’re being extra careful.

  11. I’ve never once seen that at any gym I’ve been a part of.


    All of them have also had signs up though with various etiquette rules:

    —no saving machines

    —30 minute limit on cardio machines if others are waiting (otherwise no limit)

    —wipe machines after use (wipes, sprays, and towels are available)

    —restock weights


    That’s super rude and not normal in my experience.

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  12. Really at the moment I'm thinking I'm going to get the first appointment I can into a lower cost clinic and then make a valiant effort to have it adopted.  But really, the reality of that is super small right now in Houston.


    Sigh.  Thanks for processing and confirming my fears. 

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  13. I have had a couple cats that just refuse to be indoor cats.  And we moved them and they were fine with it.  Kitty chose you, I see no options.  :lol:  Have your kids make a plea on the cat's behalf. 


    I think it would actually love to be an indoor cat.  If it's on our front porch and we open the door, it marches right in.  We are just not ready for that (my son's allergy, not sure about it with our dog, not sure how it would do as far as scratching furniture/litter box, and we are in a rental and would need to clear it with the landlord).  So...outdoor cat it is :)


    So, does your new Kitty have a name yet? ;)


    Hotly contested.  Boys want to name it "that cat".  Daughter wants Oreo.  I have been strenuously trying to avoid naming it due to my fear of this becoming our cat. 


    We do only outdoor cats. We feed it outside and our cats never come in. We've moved only outdoor cats too.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Good to know.  Just trying to fathom moving however many hours in a van with three kids, a large dog, and a stray cat in a carrier.  Feels like like crossing into the land of crazy.  If only it hadn't looked so radically sad that first time we saw it and fed it tuna...

  14. I don't know much about cats, but I would definitely take it to the spay and neuter clinic. Let them know it's a stray you have been feeding, they may tip the ear.


    I definitely want to do this/am planning on it.  Just trying to hunt down a low cost clinic.  Main one I've found does not have availability til December--think due to all the Harvey related chaos.


    Aww, sounds like the kitty has adopted you as his/her family. 


    I'm the wrong person to ask about this because I'd have that cat living in my house already.  :)


    Since you say the cat is super friendly and adorable, maybe you could try to find a good home for it?


    Also considered that.  But all the local FB/pet pages are overrun with offers of cats, particularly since the storm.  And it's just worse since Harvey.  And since I don't actually know how it would do inside (or really anything else about it), I also am a little hesitate in case someone gets it and it goes poorly. But yes, also considered doing the vet thing first and then advertising it.

  15. So...my daughter has always wanted a cat.  I really like them myself, but my oldest son is allergic (but not wildly so), we have a dog who is not crazy about cats, and we have a bunch of stress right now and don't need another pet.


    We live in a metro area and the lady next door ("Crazy Cat Lady") leaves out cat food 24/7 in front of both of her houses. Super annoying as we have masses of feral cats in the area who all flock next door.  Generally we just try to ignore the cat fights, random cats on our roof, etc...


    About 6 weeks ago we saw this really sad, super skinny cat by our van.  My daughter begged to feed it and we happened to have tuna in our pantry that my mom left here last time she visited (we hate tuna).  So the cat ran right up and ate when she brought it out.  This happened again, about 1-2 times a week, for a few weeks.  Then...we crossed a line I think  :huh: .  For the last few weeks, we have been feeding it every day.  It sits on our doorstep waiting for us in the morning. It's plumped right up and is SO friendly.  Purrs constantly, super cuddly.  If we let it, it would march right into our house.  It is definitely a cat someone dumped and not a feral cat like all the other cats in the neighborhood.  Somewhere in there, I grabbed cat flea and tick treatment at Petsmart and used that on it so that it wouldn't end up spreading fleas to our dog.


    Now, I am trying to figure out what to do.  This cat loves us.  It still roams the neighborhood, but spends maybe an hour or two a day on our front porch.  I'm considering if I should find a low cost spay/neuter (another thing...totally don't know the gender of this cat...think female but not certain) and take it in (our city does the TNR thing and I know there are vets that participate...my vet is WAY too expensive).  But what would I do while it recovered from surgery?  I'm sure it would need to rest.  And then I'm thinking if it was there, I would probably have them do a rabies shot.  What else?


    Where do I then cross the line that this cat is our cat?  I really wouldn't mind it being our outdoor cat, but all this is complicated by the fact that we are moving at some point in the next three-six months.  Still don't know where--job hunt underway (hence lots of stress and not great timing for a new pet).  My kids think the cat should come with us.  My husband will fall over in shock if I tell him this.  And really...that would be weird right?  To take an outdoor stray cat and move it to another outdoor area? Like stick it in a carrier and drive it to some other random state and leave it outside our house and keep feeding it?  That just sounds nuts.

    If we just left it here, it would constantly have food supplied by my next door neighbor like all the other cats.  I've mainly been thinking about it not having kittens on our front porch or passing diseases around so helping it be healthy while not actually adopting it.  Is this wistful thinking?  When I started buying cat food did I obligate myself for life? :lol:


    Sorry this ended up rambling.  Basically, what would you have done at a vet if you were me and managed to find a carrier, get it in, and take it to a vet?  And can it still not actually be "my" cat?  Can I just be a good samaritan?


    Thanks for any help!

    Oh, and this is the only cat in the neighborhood our dog doesn't bark at.  Which is totally not helping my desire to not adopt a new cat when we are getting ready to move.


    One more tidbit.  So we are in Houston.  When we evacuated for Harvey, my son made it a shelter on our porch.  Yeah, when we got home 6 days later (after 4 feet of water on our street), the cat was waiting for us on the welcome mat.  This was when I began to realize we might have a problem. 

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