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Posts posted by TXMomof4

  1. Well, I went a spent entirely too much money, but found a dress AND Nordstom's is hemming it for me tonight for not the most gigantic amount of money ever. I remember why I used to enjoy shopping there! The saleslady was amazing and not at all offended when I almost threw up on her when she brought me a clearance dress for $400. Anyway, this is the dress I ended up with.




    Of course, I don't look quite like that, but it's alright for a last minute dress.

  2. Tomorrow night is the Cav Ball for my DH. I HAD the perfect dress. I love it, not too revealing, very classy. I took it to have it hemmed....not brain surgery here. I would have done it myself but I didn't have time. And they ruined my dress. It is now about 2 inches above the ankle and uneven.


    Now, 24 hours before the party, I have to go find a formal gown. ARGH! I am so angry I could cry!


    Off to the mall with 4 children to see if I can find a left over prom dress that isn't too tacky for a formal dinner. #*#%*(@*#&!!!

  3. When I was pregnant with ds, I spent the night in the er thinking I was in labor after eating some goat cheese that was....off. Not moldy, didn't taste bad, but boy it did a number on me. Now I'm super paranoid woman about cheese that might be a little funky. But cheddar with a little mold? No problem. Of course, we eat cheese like candy around here, so that hasn't happened in a good long while.

  4. No. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Matthew 7:12


    We do not stone our children for disobedience, do we?


    Also, if a child has accepted Christ then they are ultimately responsible to God and natural consequences should be the rule.


    Many quote the passage that says a man who loves his children disciplines them. In my mind that means makes disciples (students, learners, or followers) not meting out physical punishment.


    I completely agree. While we do spank, that is a punishment, which is part of discipline. Discipline = training, not automatically spanking. And certainly not an older child/adult.

  5. Wow, I admire you for having such a wonderful heart to serve those kiddos! I'll be the first to admit, I cannot stand teaching bible class. I avoid it at all costs. That is one of the things that I count on the pro side of DH being deployed all the time, no one expects me to teach class.


    God will give you blessings throughout the year. It's never easy changing your situation, but I do believe God blesses those things that are hard decisions for us, when we are truly doing his will.

  6. that Falling Rock was this Indian that was lost so we needed to look for him. (You now the sign Watch for falling rocks) He had this whole story that he elaborated for years. I believed him for a long time. Cracks me up thinking about it.


    This is one we've passed down to our kids. They asked what that sign meant on the way up the mountain and the words came out before I could stop them. Santa may not be real, but Falling Rock definately is!

  7. I heard a program on NPR several years ago discussing how some areas in the Appalachian mountain areas have a more original British accent than many British people do because their families have lived in the same area, with the same accent since they immigrated to America. Of course, you are obviously not living in a mountain village without any outside influence, but just thought that was interesting.


    My middle dd had speech therapy also for articulation. She does sound a little foreign (especially here in TX) because her Rs aren't clear yet and she compensates by tweaking other sounds. I wouldn't say it's British, but definately not that TX twang I'm used to. Several people have commented on it.

  8. I'm not sure how old your kids are. I think they're older than mine. And maybe I'm a big loser, but I'm using everything I can the SWB has put out. I looked at mixing up everything this year, but I LIKE FLL. I LIKE SOTW. I found a new science. I like Artistic pursuits. I'm patiently waiting for Writing with Ease. I could think outside the box and go search all the curr. in the world to find something, OR I could use something that has been perfectly adequate for the last 2 years and could be even better if I really apply MYself. If the worst thing that happens is that my kids turn out like SWB's kids, I guess I can live with that! ;)

  9. 1) Creamy Italian Chicken - Put chicken breasts (6-8) in slow cooker. Add one package of Italian dressing MIX with 1/2 c. water. Cook all day. 30 Min before serving stir in one block of cream cheese. Serve over egg noodles.


    2) Chicken and salsa - Put chicken and 1 c. salsa in slow cooker. Cook all day. Shred chicken and add 1 block cream cheese and allow to melt. Eat as tacos, over chips, by itself, on crackers - whatever suits you. Super yummy!

  10. I've had 4 c-sections and the last one seemed to cause some nerve damage (beyond what's normal). Occasionally I'll have a burning right over the scar, like when you hit a nerve really hard. But that's all. I had a fabulous doctor, and you can barely see the scar, but this pain drives me a little batty sometimes because I can't predict it or avoid it.

  11. I had made an off the cuff remark about someone I knew who doesn't approve of hsing to the mom. She told me about the situation. I felt so sorry for her. We've had this type of discussion many times because in our church, which is fairly large, there are only 4 hsing families, and many people feel comfortable saying the dumb things too us, simply because we're completely against the norm there. But generally, it is just ignorance speaking, not malice. This goes beyond that however. It is ignorant malice.


    I know the dad in this family has all sorts of the statistics gathered showing how well hsing can work and their children definately back up the statistics. He shared his thoughts and work with me a few months ago when a close friend of mine shared her concern with me about the socialization of my children. But at least she said this to me! Not going to the leadership of the church voicing a concern without approaching me first. The elders know this family and know the success they are having with hsing. I'm not concerned at all about the fall out from the elders at all. I am just so angry for her! Plus, no matter how well I know my children are doing, it would seriously cause me to doubt myself if people were going behind my back to our church leaders to tell them they don't think I'm doing an adequate job.


    AND, it's none of their stinking business!!!! If they actually know the family well at all, they could see the concern over the dreaded *s* word is unfounded. If they don't know them that well, they should keep their mouth shut and get to know them before they make any accusations of any sort!


    Alright, I'm going to try to lower my blood pressure by reading Anna Karenina. Still. Maybe for the rest of my life I'll be reading this book.

  12. We have a minister at our church who has 3 children. 11 yo ds, 9 yo ds, and 4 yo dd. They are amazing people. Their kids are fabulous. You know how most boys those ages are kinda mean? These guys (while I"m sure they could be rotten) are the sweetest, most thoughtful kids I've ever met. My middle dd is very shy, and they always make it a point to involve her when there is a group of kids together. They are completely comfortable talking in a group, are leaders in their own age groups, involved in many church activities involving all age groups.


    The oldest ds is working 2 years above grade level, last year he was in a Passion play here that he was actually paid for. The middle ds is tremendously smart. Of course their little girl is an angel. I often tell them I'm sending my youngest dd for lessons because their dd is so calm and quiet.


    SO - someone at our church went to the elders and wanted to discuss their hsing because ..... they are worried about these kids socialization skills!!!!!


    ARGH! I'm so angry I could spit nickels!!!!

  13. While I agree that tithing and televangelists have nothing in common... I didn't make this up. That's what Pat and his buddies were saying. They are the ones using the verses to support their demands for more money. So you can rain all over my parade if you wish, but I'm just the messenger here.


    And, many of you have once again put this in a way that's better than I ever could. Pat is putting this out there as a magic trick. Put $20 or more in his hand and you will be rewarded with more in your pocket. He's sucking money out of the hands of the poor and ... well, stupid... and I don't know how much good is actually being done with it. We see the videos of some folks in the Philippines getting a wheelchair... but don't folks HERE need help too?


    There are MANY MANY verses in the bible warning about false teachers. Those who use scripture for their own benefit disregarding its intent.


    One of my biggest pet peeves is books or teachings that take a verse, or a section of a verse and use it to justify the 'prosperity gospel'. The whole Prayer of Jabez thing comes to mind immediately. The appeal of those types of teachings is strictly to our materialistic side. It doesn't help me in anyway to become more spiritual if the only reason I"m giving is to "increase my land". ARGH! That truly is one of my giant gripes.

  14. I've noticed nobody mentioned tranquilizers. :D



    I'm just kidding!! Really!!! Come over, you will see that my children are far from tranquil.



    Besides, if I HAD tranquilizers I would not want to share them with anyone!!:tongue_smilie:



    ROFL!! Amen to that! Just as a side note, I have a grandmother who thought nothing of giving a little valium to her grandSONS when they were more than a little wild. She was SO not into the craziness associated with children. Luckily, I was much more into reading at her house, she left me alone.

  15. Events like this do help me remember something though. We (Christians in general) are incredibly short-sighted. I personally haven't lost a child, but the friends I talked about earlier.....she was like one of my own. I had loved and held her, fed her, known her since the day she was born. I miss her every day. But the reality is that she is in heaven. The reality is that she is blessed beyond all comprehension right now. On earth we can imagine no situation more horrible, but I truly believe it's because we can't imagine the true glory she is in now. There's a book called, Room of Marvels, that talks a little about this. It's fiction, but a truly amazing book.


    I am in no way making light of their pain or devastation. Please don't think that. I just think that things like this can help us have a more "eternal" view. That is the hope we profess, right?

  16. I did notice that no one who had actually gone through a similar personal tradgedy said anything like this. Vague comments like "God must have a purpose" and such don't worry me as much, but I am appalled at comments stating that there is a reason for death from disease and natural disaster.


    I completely agree. A few years ago a couple in our bible class lost their 9 mo dd in an accident. Those of us in the class at the time really 'went through it' with this couple. The father especially really struggled with the Why? of it all. Now, a few years later we have several new people in class and whenever the topic of why do bad things happen there is always someone who says God has to do something to get our attention sometimes. All of us cringe, because they have obviously not had that something tragic happen in their lives that would make them REALLY think about that statement. It is just a glib response and it makes me want to cry.


    However, Rom 8:28 is very true. I can see the things that have come out of that sweet girls death that never could have happened otherwise. It doesn't make her death ok by any stretch, but at least there is a little comfort in the situation.


    And it will all be fine in the end. If its not fine, it's not the end.

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