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  1. I have to agree it's hard to know which one to choose! I'm feel like I'm starting behind everyone else since many people have started this program in K, and my eldest dd is now entering 3rd grade! Am I too late to start all over?
  2. Yes, I teach piano on the side now - because a neighbor asked me to teach her daughter. Now, I seem to be teaching 4 of the neighborhood kids now. Since my kids are young, I'm not really looking to expand my 'business' a whole lot right now, but it would be helpful for extra income in the future if we needed it.
  3. I hear it from my kids, too, that they don't get the electronic games (the hand-held ones) or that they don't get to play computers as often as their neighbors (who are around their age). One of our neighbor's kid has a tv in her room, and she's only in 2nd grade. But I think it's somewhat sad, when the families are spending a Friday night at home, in different parts of the house, watching tv. But I don't know where to draw the line sometimes - all their friends seem to have Club Penguin memberships, or Webkinz, and my kids' greatest wish for their birthday...was a membership or a computer game! Sometimes I wonder if not having it just makes them want it more.
  4. I have Spelling Power, and having the Activity Cards can help with the learning. My kids love being able to jump rope the words.
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