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Posts posted by My3Monkeys

  1. I'm poking around, but does anyone know if any of the RSO retailers accept Paypal? I have money in that acct from selling used curricula this summer. I'd love to just pay straight from there.


    I see that St. Louis Homeschool Resources does accept Paypal. Anyone ever ordered from them?

    I've been to the shop that she used to have before she closed it since she's local to me. Nice lady :)


    I don't know how this works if you don't live in Jacksonville, but you can get a years subscription at Half-Off Depot for $37 right now. I'd assume it doesn't matter since it is online? http://halfoffdepot.com/jacksonville/one-year-subscription-to-reading-eggs-8903.html

    Has anyone done this deal? Our subscription ends in a few days and dd loves it. I'm not paying $75 but $37 I can live with.

  3. Would the 5th grade version of this be too much for a 4th grader? I ordered something else for grammar and writing for my 4th grader this year and we are both ending up frustrated and I don't think she's retaining anything. I really like the looks of Saxon and the only thing holding me back is that it starts with 5th grade. Looking at the samples that I've found online, it looks like there is a lot more instruction in grammar in Saxon than in Write Source which is what we are using.

  4. We have a very small library for our city but can request books at many neighboring libraries through ILL. There is only one computer in the library that is used for the sole purpose of searching the catalog but I can access the library system at home so I do all of my requests there. I would think that with such a large library you should be able to do the same thing, it's certainly worth asking :)

  5. We aren't religious either, so I might not pick up on some things that would be important to you. We've read Felicity, Samantha, Kirsten, Kit and part of Rebecca. Rebecca is Jewish, Kirsten I believe is Christian since there is a lot of attention paid to her celebrating St. Lucia's day, and I don't remember religion being discussed in the other books but it's been a while. It seems like all of the girls sneak out of the house against their parents' wishes at some point or have some secret that they are keeping, but ultimately they get their parents involved to solve the problem.

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