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Posts posted by ThatHomeschoolDad

  1. ThatHomeschoolDad said:


    "Over the past 3 years, I have worked with the most astounding nurses whom I could never repay with anything that might compensate them for their professional compassion."


    Tom, this is beautiful.  Thank you. I am so sorry. I wish you and your family the best.


    Aw, shucks. :blushing:   Thank you.

  2. My guess is that they do it for the money.  They certainly need money with that many kids.  So one would have to get creative with how to earn more.


    Googling puts their pre-show net worth at $3.5 mil, with another $30-40K per episode.   That'll buy ya some sneakers.  Not in Manhattan, but....

  3. It's not been a problem for mine so far.

    However dh and I were raised only kids and we hate being alone. *shrug*


    It's not about numbers.



    My dh grew up in a family of 14 siblings.  He actually craves and needs alone time.  Although he enjoys getting together with friends and family, his private time is very important.  He does fine being alone.


    There's one large HS family we run into at various events, and it's always boggled my noggin as to just how that can work, but of course, I haven't seen behind the scenes.  My own father was one of 7 and had a horrible time of it; I was (am) one of two, and also had a bad sibling relationship. 


    Thanks for your enlightening answers.

  4. ETA: And at least one adult Duggar daughter was not allowed by her parents to pursue a nursing career. (I think the reason was because she would have to see men naked.)

    Over the past 3 years, I have worked with the most astounding nurses whom I could never repay with anything that might compensate them for their professional compassion. That religion might keep another kid from pursuing the same calling really hits a nerve with me. You can oject to a whole bunch of career choices your kids might make, but nursing? That's not faith; that's a sick level of control.

  5. We can be called oddballs since we have only one, but if you're a Duggar, do you ever get to snuggle in mom n' dad's bed? Do you ever have that quiet alone time to play or read solo in your room and de-compress?


    I don't doubt that there is real value in the skills learned in a giant family, but will a Duggar child know how to be alone as a young adult?

  6. I feel conflicted about indulging. On the one hand, I'm considered terminal, so why not have that cookie...or 3? On the other hand, I sometimes miss the breif period when I was in shape, berween stage I and IV, and I miss some aspects of that - my clothes fit better and I had more energy. It's a mental sgruggle to find a middle ground.

  7. Well if there is a checklist to be had, mine would at least start:

    Performing arts background
    Not tied down to gender roles
    Ready to HS
    When dating DD, must be able to negotiate the razor wire and moat around my house.


    Edit -- I should add


    Not tied to the monied culture on the NYC metro area, which means he's not allowed to pair loafers with a button down shirt tucked into belted khaki shorts and call it casual.

  8. OMG -- this just happened today on the way out from an SAT client.  I couldn't be snarky, since I still want this mom's checks to clear.


    Another variant, which I have to believe is experienced only by the male of the species is the exchange that goes like this:


    "Blah blah...we homeschool DD....DW is a middle school band director...blah blah"






    (puzzled look) "So, your wife homeschools after she gets home from her school?"


    I've gotten that more than once.  It's like a real-life version of the "I can't operate on this boy, he's my son" riddle.

  9. My grandparents met when they both worked at AT&T in Manhattan.  She was four years older, smoked, and drove a convertible with red wire wheels!  The future MIL was apparently aghast.   They got married on a weekend at a JP in the city, and lasted something over 70 years until he died just a few years ago.   She's now 100.


    Unrelated, but as the first born grandchild, it fell to me to name her.  Now, Almira is not the easiest on toddler ears, and I guess grandma was duly suggested.  Apparently my best attempt came out "za-za."   Wire wheels or not, my grandmother would not pass for Zsa Zsa Gabor, but liked the pronouncement enough that she became, and is still Zaz to everyone.

  10. The ACT is often tauted as the good guy and the SAT as the bad guy.  I actually have thought having two different tests with different approaches is a good option for students.  The pressure for the SAT to become more ACT-like makes me wince a bit. 


    As the article said, "for the first time last year, the ACT surpassed the SAT in market share."  This is about the College Board fearing the upstart competition.


    I used to teach ACT prep every once in a while, but found it unnecessary for most kids.  If the SAT goes that way, I might have to start selling brownies instead.

  11. One development near us is that the local vo-tech school has expanded to become a full academic high school, so it's no longer enough to want to learn welding. You still need to to take bio. I think in all the frantic panic about our slipping behind the world in STEM fields, we're forgetting to train plumbers, which will not end well when techies need their drains snaked out. I don't know if the same thing is happening to vo-techs elsewhere, but it seems rather stupid.

  12. DD did a a several years of an excellent Spanish course on disc streaming -- I think it was put out by Arizona State.   We use the service all the time, but I do supplement with vids from other sources.  I usually download Youtube content to avoid the, ahem, sometimes questionable suggestions in the right nav.

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