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Posts posted by ThatHomeschoolDad

  1. Cork might be interesting, and some manufacturers claim water resistance.   Would be nice underfoot.


    Tile or sheet vinyl would be the most water resistant.  Nothing that has seams or grout lines is waterproof forever.

  2. One very small thing: I love the radio program "On Being"



    You can listen to many archived shows on any number of topics directly from the website or free on iTunes, if that's more convenient for you.

    Two thumbs up for On Being; some TED talks are good too.


    It sounds like the OP is talking about mindfullness, which can be pursued many ways. Eckhart Tolle has it about right to me, although I can't listen to him speak without dozing off - not from content, but delivery.

  3. Yours was like this fourteen years ago, right? I refuse to think fourteen years into my future...denial, denial, denial!

    DD has been mostly easy for most of her almost 13 years. I keep waiting for the horror I'm told will come, but I have my doubts. There are easy kids. Must go hide now.

  4. It is the story about the lady who had 3 kids in the car and 1 was taken while she walked away to put the cart in the corral. I know it is a one in a bazillion incident. I know I am insane for worrying about it.

    Not insane; I did the same. Semi public places, kid not out of sight; really public places, kid not out of reach.

  5. One homeschool mom up for grabs. She doesn't eat much, likes to clean and wash dishes, but will not cook and will not speak to your children-- only smile at them and walk by. Rakes leaves, sleeps through the night (if you'll let her), will read your books and give you detailed notes or summaries, edit anything you give her (former attorney) and can play the piano for your evening entertainment. Any takers?



    Sure, but you'll have to bunk in the garage with the dad and teenage boy I just ordered. My very own peasants!

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