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Posts posted by Mama_Rana

  1. Another fan of Dewey, here. I used to have an excel spreadsheet that served as our library catalog, but I lost that in a hard drive crash (sad day!) so now I keep track of everything on librarything.


    Does librarything assign a DDS # for you? I really need to do some organization as well. Looking at the DDS is overwhelming. Why are books on chemistry in one century, but books on chemical engineering in another? :/ I also see huge sections that would just be completely empty for us. Not sure if that is a pro or a con. But the "WTM system" would only work for some books. Lots of books wouldn't necessarily fit into any of those categories. Hmmm..... So many options....

  2. I spent my day yesterday sketching out a new fine arts appreciation "curriculum". My son doesn't like "Meet the Great Composers", so I looked around and found a series of books called "Getting to know the Great Composers". There's also an artists series, and a scientist/inventors series. I took the composers list of books [that the library has] and then artists list, and put them in spreadsheets, and added their life dates, nationality, and school/style. I've sequenced them chronologically and then tweaked a few here and there to group them more closely by style. I color-coded them in chunks roughly by style/school.


    But now what? The composer list has 35 people on it [i added a few others from Great Composers 2 even though DS doesn't like that. I figured I could find other resources to learn from about them] and the artist list has 37. My original thought had been to do one person from each list per month and spend the month listening to that music and exploring that artist's style... But that would take us years.


    Course, maybe that's ok.... If we start now, we'd roughly follow the sequence of our history studies. We're about halfway through the Middle Ages. The first artist on my list is Boticelli and he was mid-15th century.


    Thoughts? TIA!


    [ETA: Should I have posted this in the curriculum board instead? :( ]

  3. Maybe the crockpot is over 10 years old, like mine? Only three settings: WARM, LOW, HIGH.


    Not high tech, but it's still working, so I can't see a reason to upgrade.


    Mine is .... hmmm, probably around 10? I'm not sure. It has a digital display, a count-down timer, and also will count-up if you just turn it on so you know how long it's been cooking. It has "keep warm", low, medium, & high. I love it, except it's huge.



    I'm letting the meat finish cooling off before doing anything with it. So sad. Luckily it was on sale for half-price. *sigh* I suppose I could back and see if they have more on sale, but it won't be done by Thursday like I'd hoped. :(

  4. Ugh ugh ugh!!!


    I need food advice. Yesterday I cooked a pork roast. After I shredded it, I was supposed to put it back in the crockpot on lo/warm [and it was supposed to cook for the next couple days at that temp]. Well apparently, I forgot to actually push the "start" button, and so it has just been sitting on the counter all night. Now between the ceramic crock and the metal cooker, and the lid, the meat itself is still warm [though I doubt it's at a food-safe temp].


    Is it ruined? Do I have to throw it away?


    I'm so mad I could spit nails. :( DH -- the stomach of iron -- says just heat it up real hot and kill any germs, but it's pork.... :(


    It was sitting out from about 9:15 last night til 7:30 this morning.

  5. Mine probably won't help you tonight as I started it yesterday, but...


    I used the carcass of a turkey and some bits and pieces of veg peels and tops to make broth in the crockpot yesterday, then today I strained all the solids out of the broth, added some leftover turkey, and then cleaned out the fridge & pantry: some wilty celery, half a head of cabbage, a wilty carrot, a turnip, a handful of lentils, and about a cup of rice. I also added some fresh parsley that was getting close to its end of life.

    It's been cooking all day, and smells great! I might dig some bread out of the freezer to go with it, though it has rice, so maybe not....

  6. I found Dr. Amen's books good. He addresses both children and adults, but very informative.

    My therapist lent me a book about women with ADD, but I can't remember the title [but I don't think it was the Solden one that Findley2 mentioned]. It helped me ID that, yeah, that's me, but I didn't find the suggestions all that helpful.

  7. I'm a tiny bit surprised to hear so many people say they have found UU churches to be anti-Christian.... not surprised in a "I don't believe you way", just a "I'm glad that hasn't been my experience" way. Our minister often cites Biblical verses as supporting her points, she sometimes uses "God" and "amen", and she openly admires Jesus. Last fall she did a sermon on the book, "Love Wins" by the evangelical Christian minister Rob Bell. She is openly agnostic, but I don't find her anti-Christian.


    I guess my point is that every congregation, even UU ones, are different. Isn't there another UU congregation near you? I don't know whether it would be more intellectually stimulating, as it's been YEARS since I visited it [but I'm pretty sure that's where I learned about CSAs].


    How much longer is your husband president?

    Yeah, I think this is a good assessment. So I guess the moral is that if you want to maintain a strong connection with a particular church as an institution, the only way to do it is to get yourself placed on the ministerial search committee every time there's a change of leadership. ;)


    I don't know if this minister is less popular than others or if I'm just more aware of factions in the church because my husband is the president, but there are a number of people who don't like him and who are playing church politics about it in a nasty way. Even though I don't like him either, that whole dynamic makes me feel even less like being there.


    Politics suck. There was some of that going on when our last minister stepped down. Or I should say, that caused our last minister to step down. I didn't care for her preaching style, but she is/was a very nice person and didn't deserve that treatment. :(

  8. Rivka, as you know I've been attending a UU church for many years. It's where I met my husband. I'm/we're not as deeply ingrained in the church as you and your dh are, and part of it is probably some of the same stuff you're talking about.

    As much as I connect with our principles, I don't always feel pushed in a practical way to do anything about them. Heck, until recently I'm not sure I understood all of them.


    Some of my disconnect might have been minister-related. I was not inspired by the minister who was in the pulpit when I first started attending services at my current church. Then we had an interim minister who I liked a bit more, but still... I LOVE our current minister. When I manage to attend a service of hers, I'm almost always inspired, uplifted, left asking more questions that I seek answers to, etc. But even still....


    I've racked my brains to figure out how I could feel more involved in our congregation, what my contribution could be. I know how to teach, but I don't want to do that all the time because then I never get to go to service.




    My one and only suggestion is something that our interim minister started. Our congregation has small group discussion groups that meet once or twice a month. I've never participated, though every year I wish I did. But my understanding is that they delve deeply into some of the theological questions in a personal way. There is some sort of structure, but also lots of time for discussion and reflection. A friend of mine is involved in the organization of it; I could get you two connected if that is something that interests you.


    My family is calling me away to dinner, but perhaps I'll have more to add later! I wish you lots of luck in your journey to wherever you decide to go!

  9. Not to be snarky, but why do you need to buy special power strips to restrict the TV and computer? Can't you just turn them off or unplug them? We have a devoted screen time every day between house pick-up and dinner. The kids ask at other times of the day, but they *know* I will say no. :D My 1yo likes to push the button on the TV, so I unplug it during the day.


    I was mostly being a smart-aleck at this point. ;) I jokingly asked my DH if they existed, and was quite surprised when he said yes! :lol


    That's what I am thinking. YOu mentioned earlier up thread that it would not be fair. Most 2 yr olds are not in activities like that. In fact most kids do not start organized activities until age 5. Many do of course, but it is not a strange or unfair thing for a 2 year old not to have a class. If you want the class for him then you have to stop doing opne gym time. You mentioned being at the gym for 4.5 hours a week. If you only did the 2 classes it would only be 2 hours a week. That is gaining 2.5 hours a week to focus on school work.


    I agree with another poster that mentioned moving library day to the day before. Also you mentioned wanting your boys to be with daddy when he is home, but when he is not home in the evenings or weekends you can be doing school work with the 7 yr old.


    I also would not wait for the little one to nap before getting the 7 yr old started on school work. Have him do assigned reading at that time, and then when teh lo is down teh 2 of you can do a narration/discussion. Or set him up with his math pages to work on while you settle the little one down.


    You are out of the house far too long everyday, and a good chunk of that is pure social play time. If you kept your classes but dropped the play time after tuesday's class, and the open gym times, you would gain several hours a week. If you also dropped your 2 yr old gym class you would gain a huge chunk of time when you factor in driving etc.


    DS7 does have independent work he's expected to do while I'm putting the toddler down [Latin flashcards, spelling practice, reading, & piano practice].


    I've already contacted the My Gym about ending classes once we've used up the ones we've paid for. In the meantime, I may try to go to a different class for the toddler that meets at a better time. Well, except that really doesn't exist, so it would just be a slightly not as bad time.


    I'm surprised to hear so many say they don't do regular trips to the library with their kids. For my family, that's just always been the way since DS7 was a baby. 60+ items is stuff for all 4 of us: board books for the toddler, pleasure books for the elder, school-related stuff for the elder, pleasure books and self-improvement stuff for me, movies for the family [we don't have broadcast TV or cable], occasionally homeschooling books or books I want to preview before buying. I make heavy use of the on-line hold system and the inter-library loan. I'll take ya'll's thoughts into consideration on this, but I love our library, love our librarians, and would miss our regular visits.

  10. Why do you "hate" the thought of a 2yo not having a gym class?

    Because it's the only thing just for him. And he's closer to 3 than 2. He needs the outlet as much as the 7-almost-8 yo.


    If this was our family, here is how I would attack your situation.


    1) First priority - consistent naps for my 2yo

    2) Speech would stay in the same slot. yeah, I can't change the speech

    3) I would drop the Tuesday classes

    4) I would sign my 7yo up for a sport(s) that practices after public school (and after naptime) and have that be his PE for the year. Can you believe I have a boy that has no interest in any sport? I even had an opportunity for him to do fencing, and he just had no interest. If I could find a tumbling class rather than a competitive gymnastics class he might would do that, but really. I would stop all Open Gym and instead invite friends over to play once/week or every other week.

    5) I would move piano lessons to after naptime, probably on Monday since you are out & about that day anyway. Piano is currently at the comm. center that is a bit of a drive. I chose that teacher and that time in part because we were already there for the other classes. I know you and others think I should even drop Latin, but if I can find a way of making Tuesday the only day we're out so much, it IS a valuable class that he enjoys. When classes end in mid-May I AM going to have to find a solution so that he's not without any piano-instruction all summer.

    6) I would keep the history book club. It's only 2x per month so it is fun but not too intrusive on the schedule.

    7) I would go to the library before or after history book club. Yes, every other week. Can you really do that? ;) I mean, I RELY on the library for almost our entire reading curriculum. And history and science support. We often have 60+ items out that have due dates 3 weeks apart. I just don't see us being able to only go every other week. If anything, moving it to the weekend would be the only option. But it's SOOOO crowded on the weekend with all the students studying and researching....

    8) I would drop all activities for the 2yo. He's 2yo. He will most likely be happier at home spending time with his mom and napping on a consistent schedule.

    I don't think you know my 2yo. He's asked every day this week if today was the day for his class. He LOOOOVVVVESssss that class. The teachers are phenom. And they have fun in a way they don't have even at a park. I dunno. It's going to be a real big disappointment to him, though it is on my list of changes. :(

    These changes would put you out of the house in the morning once every other week, and your 7yo would still have speech, piano, history book club, library day, and sports. If you move piano lessons to Monday, you could consistently have 3 days/week without outside obligations. It would feel so much better to be home more.


    Thanks, ya'll are awesome! Here's my plan for the mo':



    * Reduce My Gym to once a week open gym. This will take some time since I've already paid up a certain amount. I just need to find out how much. ;)


    * Move library either to Monday or Saturday. I'd love to move it to Sunday before church, but they don't open til noon on Sunday. :/ Oh well. A Saturday family trip could be fun.


    * Look into other options for movement for the elder. They love My Gym because it isn't overly structured, is not competitive AT ALL, and classes are small enough that it's not intimidating [which was the problem with the fencing class--too many kids, too many kids BIGGER than DS7= too scary]


    * I can't move speech, but with luck he will progress out by the end of this school year. We did manage to reduce services to just once a week this month; we were having to go twice a week at noon until January 16th! But what if I handed both of them a granola bar as they got into the car at 11:45, and then fed them lunch at home at 12:45, then we could work until 11:30 when I'd need to dress the toddler, and still could get him down for a nap by 1:30.


    * I'm going to ask the piano teacher if DS7 could do lessons at either 12:30 or 2. I'm not willing to drop Latin, but if we could arrange things so that we only needed to be there in the afternoon, that would free up our mornings. With any luck, DS2 would fall asleep on the way there and then he could nap in the car [either with me or I could pay one of the teens to sit in the car with him] while ds7 did his classes.


    * Super-smart power strips on the TV/comp so that those can only be used between 3 & 6, or on weekends. Both of them use screens too much. I need a plan for the 2yo who is not always reasonable, but that's another thread. ;)


    So that would free up Wed. and Fri. completely, Thurs. half the weeks, and would give me M & T mornings free and clear. Much better!




  11. Yes.



    And after the class is finished such that you feel you've gotten your money's worth out of it, you can go to the park with the families and have some nice goof-off time together.




    The truth is that y'all are gone almost every day of the week. The schedule is eating you up. You have to make a change.

    The IRONIC part is that DS7 totally agrees with you. He frequently comments that we need more time to just BE HOME. And yet, when I suggest cutting something, he can't deal with it. :( Well, I think he needs to start dealing with it. I HATE to cut DS2's gym class, and I really wish they had a class for him at a better time. But if I cut both classes and JUST go to the open gym at 3:15 on Thursday, it wouldn't cut into our school work so much. There's another open gym on Monday late afternoons we could add in and I could call it DS2's "class". Maybe he wouldn't notice the diff?


    :iagree: Which one is applicable depends entirely on your priorities, goals, philosophy, etc.


    1) You could say that at age seven, your eldest is still pretty young, seat work doesn't need to be emphasized as much, and you're comfortable just going with the flow for now. If so, you just need to deal with younger DS's napping issues. If he's getting up around 6am, the Wed. My Gym class at 11:30am seems too close to nap time. Personally, two sessions at My Gym/week seems excessive. You could still go to the library on Friday mornings but just make sure to come home in time for the younger one to get a good nap. This way, only Tue. and Thu. are bad days for napping.




    2) Your son is maturing and ready for a ?stronger academic focus? (I'm unsure of how to phrase it exactly). You should have at least 3 or 4 solid sessions a week at home working together on whatever curriculum/activities you've chosen. This means that extra activities and field trips need to be later in the afternoon or consolidated into 1 or 2 days that you spend out of the house all day.


    I have a 9, 7, 5, and 2 year old and right now we spend all of Thu and Fri afternoons out of the house and I'm very hesitant to add any other outside commitments. When I do more than this, I find that I'm not able to meet our academic goals and I don't have time to keep the house clean; everything is generally more chaotic, which makes me miserable.


    So, it's a judgement call. There just isn't enough time to do everything.


    I WISH WISH WISH I could get My Gym classes at better times. :( In the spring we can just go to the park on specific days, but now the weather is too unpredictable.



    Well, next week when I go in, I need to see how many more weeks we're paid up for, and have them stop adding more weeks and just do the open gym for a bit and see how that goes. It IS too much. I totally agree with ya'll.


    Thanks for walking me through this and building up my confidence! I know sometimes I can sound like I'm fighting advice that I've asked for, but it's just my way of processing.



  12. Well, since you asked, I'd get rid of the outside classes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (even though it's only every other week). You're just not home enough to do pretty much anything. No wonder you're all stressed.


    If you want music or sports/p.e. activities, I'd look for community resources that are scheduled in the late afternoons. Yes, they would probably not be attracting homeschoolers. It's ok.

    And then there'd be nothing?


    I know, I asked, and you answered, and I appreciate it. <3

    I'm not ready to give up Tuesday. It's a stressful day, but DS JUST finally started to make friends there [it takes him a while sometimes], and as I said, I've already paid for the classes and they do cover our music and foreign language objectives.


    *sigh* I hate to give up the gym classes, but it may have to happen sooner than I'd planned. :(

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