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Posts posted by Mama_Rana

  1. I'm planning to take my family off gluten starting next week [after my extended family comes for a visit] to see if it alleviates some nagging problems [post-nasal drip, tiredness, attention difficulties, etc]. I don't think any of us have full-blown celiac disease.


    I plan to take out all gluten for at least 2 weeks and maybe up to 4 as a test, and then take it from there.


    I know that for a person with celiac even the tiniest bit of gluten from cross-contamination and the like can make them miserable for quite a few days, up to a week or more, depending on the person [i have 2 friends with celiac]. But I'm wondering with our much more mild symptoms [which may or may not be caused by gluten] whether they would be so easily re-inflamed by accidental ingestion of gluten.


    In other words, how careful do I need to be?



    TL;DR Thanks if you got this far and understood what I'm trying to ask.

  2. I don't want to scare you, but difficulty breathing can be a sign of heart problems. A dear friend of mine almost died because she was in heart failure but it was initially misdiagnosed as an asthma attack [she is prone to them]. I don't understand the mechanics of it all, but it is not completely out of left field. It is frustrating though that they didn't explain their reasoning to you. It seems to me [a total lay-person, I mean] to make more sense to start with an asthma screening or something, but maybe they had a reason for the cardio consult instead. Could you call and ask them?


    Good luck!

  3. Sexuality comes in all shapes and sizes. If the types of touch that wrestling involves is too intimate to occur between a coed pairing, then they are too intimate to occur between a same-sex pairing.


    But I think it's a mistake to confuse the touching of wrestling with sexual touching.


    I do think Donna has a good point about the "no-win" situation though, but I think it's too bad that it happens that way.

  4. I used to track our expenditures religiously. The year after our wedding I was able to keep us on budget and pay off our wedding in that first year. Since then...


    One of the things I struggle the most with is that I do a lot of shopping at Target. In one cart there might be groceries, clothes, toys, diapers, cleaners, gifts, and pet food. The tedium of trying to split up those receipts sabotaged my tracking efforts.


    [We also had the problem of those times we'd spend cash on a non-personal expense, and how that so easily messed up the works].



  5. I'm hoping to go gluten-free as of Jan. 15 [my family is here for our belated Christmas celebration that weekend]. I'd like to take my whole family gf for at least 2 weeks to see what if any improvements we see. My dh is almost convinced but my elder ds is adamant that he can't give up his carbs. *sigh*


    We'll see. If gf doesn't help, we may have to try dairy-free, which WILL be hard.


    Ultimately, I'd like to seriously curtail ALL grains, though I don't know if I'm ready to go completely grain-free.

  6. Based on the above, I don't think MCT is for you at this time. MCT does not address spelling or penmanship. Although there isn't much writing in Island Level, it works best if the child can think about the words and ideas without struggling with penmanship and spelling at the same time. It is also geared for slightly older children.


    Oh, good to know. I guess I did get that impression from something I read on the site. So it's like for 3rd/4th graders? So I could theoretically start Phonics Road, if I like it, it addresses all the spectrum and would touch on spelling and HW, so I could stick with it, or switch to MCT after we've completed a level or two?



  7. Can anyone compare these two?


    I have a 7.5 yo son who decodes fairly well, comprehends well, spells atrociously and his penmanship is sloppy. He hates to write and rushes through it [thus the spelling and handwriting].


    We started with OPGTR, but I found it dry & tedious. So I switched to Phonics Pathways for both phonics and spelling; we're almost done with that book, for phonics at least. I've wanted to do AAS, but the thought of adding something else.....


    We are doing FLL, and again we're almost done, and I found it dry as well. I like the memorization/recitation, and the picture studies and story narrations, but otherwise, I definitely don't look forward to it.


    So I'm trying to decide what to do when we finish FLL and PP. PR is intriguing because of its Latin focus. DS is taking Latin at our HS comm center. But I'm not sure about the DVDs. MCT seems like a good curric, though I haven't ID'ed what about it appeals to me. Neither is cheap, esp. PR since the author recs starting from the beginning, so I'd have to accelerate through at least one level, if not 2.



  8. This kind of speaks to what I'm wondering. If you mostly cook homemade meals from scratch (or even casseroles using cream soup bases, etc.), how hard is it to figure out the points? It seems like it would be a real hassle. Is it?


    If you are the type of person who follows recipes, and makes the same things in basically the same way on a regular basis, then probably not. I just don't cook that way. I use recipes as suggestions and I get creative. I dare say I'm a good cook, and I cook largely by intuition. They have a nice recipe builder that you can enter in all your ingredients and how much of each you use, and then enter in how many servings it makes, and voila! But a serving for me looks different than a serving for my 2 year old or for my 6'4" husband who rarely eats lunch. So I find that challenging.


    But mostly I think it's just an emotional problem of my own. Like I said, I DID it for 9+ months and lost the weight, even through Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year/birthdays. I got derailed by a BK poutine in Niagara, Canada, and haven't got back on track yet! :lol:

  9. I lost almost 50 pounds in about 9 months about 2 years ago. Last summer, I fell off the plan, and have in the last year gained back almost 20 pounds. I'm very mad at myself, but can't seem to get myself back on plan. I find that I resent needing to track, and I don't want to be bothered to weigh and measure stuff. It's just not how I cook. For example, I'm making curry for dinner. I'm browning ground turkey breast and some chickpeas for the base, and will add some flour and milk to make the sauce along with some curry powder. I know how much meat I've used, but I have no clue how much chickpeas there are, and I'll eyeball the milk. Furthermore, I don't know how many "servings" it will make.


    That said, when I did all those things and spent the time and energy to figure it all out, I easily lost 50 pounds. It really wasn't hard [i was also breastfeeding a young child].

  10. This is one of the nicer things about the EA Active 2... you don't have to use the board for any of it. There's a heart monitor that goes on your left arm and a movement monitor for your right leg, and that's it. Sometimes you have to use the Wiimote (and it comes with an exercise band), but there's absolutely no need to drag out the board unless you want to. :)


    That's sounds cool. I ordered the exerbeat, but I think I might order this one too.


    OP, thanks for elaborating what you're doing. I have both, so I know what you're talking about. I think I just need to do it! We don't have cable/satellite, so I don't know if I can channel surf while running around the island; I should explore my options with that.


    This has been a great thread; thanks for starting it!

  11. Yup, I am down about 2 lbs a week dieting and doing 45 minutes a day with Wii Fit...before I get too bored with it, what other Wii exercise "games" are good?


    I really enjoyed all the of the suggestions, but I'm wondering how you ever did 45 mins using Wii fit? All of the little segments were so short and it was annoying to try to load up a new one or whatever. What did you do?


    I want to try out the zumba and the meringue one mentioned!

  12. One of our favorite films is "Girl in a Cafe". It's British [bill Nighy], so it's in English, but the major part of the action occurs in Iceland, and it's really interesting. [not really child-friendly, depending on your children's ages]


    My husband really likes Eat Drink Man Woman. I don't LOVE it, but I did enjoy it.


    Ok, two more that are not strictly foreign, but have that sort of feel to me:


    Under the Tuscan Sun--Truly well-loved here

    Lost in Translation--So thought-provoking


    And finally, just for pure fun, the other day I watched this British parody of Jane Austen-like stories called Stiff Upper Lips. NOT child-friendly, really, but SOOOO funny [or at least I found it so].

  13. I don't know about other states, but my state requires that I cover certain subjects every year. It doesn't say I have to teach every subject every day [though they do make recommendations], but I HAVE to teach: Language Arts, math, science, social studies, art/music/PE, & health. I don't have a strict schedule of what we do each day, though I do try to hit reading and math every day, and since my son LOVES science & history so much I do incorporate a lot of that as much as possible either a reading or a project every day or more.


    Today we spent less than 2 hours on school. We did phonics/spelling, math, and writing, and he read a book and recorded it in his log. Other days are more. Though part of our "issue" is my toddler who breaks up our day in his own unique way ;)


    DS would play Lego Star Wars all day if I let him. He drove me crazy this summer since we weren't following our "school routine".


    Good luck!

  14. I struggle with this as well. I was taking the boys to the gym with me from either 9-11 or 10-12 [that includes travel time], but.... That's 2 whole hours 3 to 4 times a week that we could be doing other things. Plus I would still have to find time to shower once back home. I've been looking at joining another gym that would have better childcare and class options, but I still think I'll have the same time suck problems. I'm NOT a morning person, and my toddler still needs a lot of support getting to sleep. I've gained 15 pounds in the last year and I'm truly sick with myself. I REFUSE to go out and buy more clothes, but if I don't turn things around, I'll have to. :(


    So yeah...



    Maybe I can motivate my neighbor to go walking with me early. She's less of a morning person than even I am, but I could try. I have an elliptical in the basement, but my basement is a pit, and I hate it.


    Sorry, mostly I posted so I could hear other people's ideas. :bigear:

  15. Yes! I completely forgot it was a holiday when I planned, so when DH mentioned it I balked! I said, either you need to teach the lessons or go to work. :lol: He went to work, and we're doing school. So far, we've done some reading, some history and a related art project [button bracelet], and a science-related project [made popsicles--> liquids to solid]. Lunch break, then math, phonics, spelling, and maybe grammar :)

  16. I couldn't think of anything we've called it besides "school", but this post reminded me. When ds was little, just starting school work, we called them "lessons". "Let's do your reading lesson" or "let's do your math lesson".


    Maybe "lessons" or "classes" or "subjects" or "work time" would be more appealing than "school"?


    Thanks for all the input, everyone!


    I know some think I shouldn't shy away from "school", and I don't intend to completely eliminate it. But the fact is, he attended PS for a year, and didn't like it. Not because of the work necessarily, but the curtailing of his free time and he didn't like the homework [which I didn't like either; busy-work and a fight every evening :( ]. So I just want to reframe it for him until he refinds the joy.

  17. Wait, you're getting the surgery, or he is?

    I assume you, but I was confused.


    First of all, find out why. Is it due to the medications they'll have to give you to do the surgery or ones they'll need to give you after? Get specific names.

    Then call a La Leche League Leader and find out what the risk level is for those drugs. Some are perfectly acceptable to take while nursing, but most doctors will just say don't do it.



    As for weaning cold turkey, I'm sorry I have no advice. I did it with my elder when I had to have back surgery [long story, I probably didn't need to, but I did and I still sort of regret it], but he was only nursing to go down for nap and bedtime. My mom helped him through that transition since I was unable to parent at the time and my hubby was out of town. He was also 27 months not 19. :(



  18. Hi All, I'm wondering if anyone has any cute acronyms that they use instead of saying school or work. I thought of FLA which means Fun Learning Activities, but that sounds too much like "flaw". LIFE for Learning is For Everyone or Learning is Fun, Everyone!, but saying, "Hey kids, let's do LIFE!" just sounds weird.


    Any cute ideas out there? My son is a bit adverse to "school". He likes everything to be fun and games, or projects [crafts, science experiments, etc; hands-on]. I try to make "school" as hands-on as I can, but sometimes there's just things I need to present in a certain way, so.....



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