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Posts posted by happygrrl

  1. I remember going to a ladies retreat when I was still a catechumen. The last elections were heating up, and I was dreading even being in church due to past baggage from attending a you-are-not-a-good-christian-unless-you-believe-exactly-like-I-do church.


    As I was walking through the parking lot, I noticed that every other car had a McCain sticker, and then every other one had Obama Stickers. I looked up and could see the ladies through the window laughing, talking, and eating together. No arguments.


    It was a stunning moment for me, as I realized that the bond of Christ is over every other affiliation.


    Edited to add: sorry to get a little off topic; I am sick on the couch and apparently rambling is all I am good for today!

  2. Milovany, I think you are right. It is my understanding that when we say the "We don't know" phrase we are usually speaking personally, and of individuals. I can assume that Christ could have mercy on a specific person that calls him/herself a Muslim, and they may end up in heaven... heck, maybe ahead of me. :D But the Church would say that Islam as a faith is wrong. We are also making a distinction between what "I" know as an individual and what the "Church" as a collective says, right?


    That is a gross generalization, as there are many specific individuals who were declared heretics by the church.


    I am sorry if I only confused the issue at hand... I am on the couch sick sick sick.


    Edited to add: Sorry for my ramble, why is that when I finally have time to join the conversation I am not mentally present enough to do so properly? :)

  3. Love, love, love AG here! There is no other program that I know of that both my left brain smartie pants and my right brain aspie could use at the same time, and both understand it well. Seriously, they now enjoy grammar so much, and really enjoy teaching me the points I never learned in high school :D.

  4. We had similar troubles; things broke, old problems (and people) resurfaced, and I started having very scary nightmares (Father prayed exorcism prayers for me and that helped a ton).


    Hang in there! The evil one does not like catechumens at all, and I have seen some people drop out because it was all 'too much'.


    Many prayers!

  5. My daughter's patron saint is St.Mary of Bethany, commemorated on June 4th. She researched her quite a bit, and said that though western tradition holds that the sinful woman caught in adultery, the woman who washed Jesus's feet, and Mary of Bethany, Orthodox tradition does not necessarily think they were the same. I fact, there are several feet washing women, and several Marys. Most do feel she is the one who anointed His feet with the costly perfume.


    She was one of the Myrrh bearers, and when her brother was cast out of Jerusalem for preaching Christ she and Marthw went with him and spread the gospel. They eventually ended in CyprUs, where she died.


    It was hard finding an icon of her, but Father Luke of Uncut Mountain found a lovely one and made it for us. You can see it at the Uncut Mountian website.


    What a remarkable woman, and what an example! I pray my daughter follows in her footsteps!

  6. We live in the Pacific Northwest; our 'dressy' is called 'casual' by most of the U.S. :D


    We wear: nice (not stained or dirty) pants or skirts, shirts with sleeves (short sleeves OK) and no cleavage (not turtlenecks, though, just no cleavage). Some wear their sleeveless dresses with a little cardigan. The men mostly wear pants or nice jeans with a collared shirt tucked in, though we have a few guys who can pull of the three-piece suit with aplomb. The kids and teens wear slightly more hip versions of the above.


    We do have a few that dress more modestly, but most wear the above. Certainly a guess would not be expected to be dressed more modestly than the above, though no one would bat an eye if they were.

  7. I loved the DVD's, but also feel the program would have worked as well without them. They offer no more instruction than the notes in the book.


    For ds, it was a great introduction to having someone other than mom teach a lesson. He was 100% responsible for his own class. He is an aspie, and has trouble with that skill.


    All I did was correct the work. If I saw recurring issues, I would require him to re-watch the section and do extra practice (that rarely happened).


    I love AG!

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