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Posts posted by beansprouts

  1. I don't go to unreasonable lengths to accomodate picky eaters, nor would I try to force a child to eat a meal he flat out doesn't want. I make supper, try to prepare foods that are nutritious and pleasing to the majority of the family. I will encourage my children to eat a little bit of everything, but if they choose not to there are no alternatives offered. Maybe next meal the menu will be more to their liking. ;)

  2. That is so important! Everyone is gifted in different ways. Those who are gifted in the care and management of large families should follow God's lead in that way. The couple who is called to missionary work in a war-torn area of the world may rightly use birth control so that they can do what God is calling them to. There is such freedom in our faith to follow the promptings of the Spirit. That freedom scares us, I think, because it's easier to have rules, rules, rules, so we know where we stand. But we have amazing freedom within God's loving limits (i.e., no adultery, murder, etc.). We want everything to be to the nth degree, but it quelches the process of learning to listen and to trust God and that lifelong process of growing into Christlikeness. I mean, if every last thing is spelled out, then we simply follow all the rules and we are done. God wants so much more than that for us -- he doesn't want to create mere rule-followers, he wants to make us prophets, priests and kings!


    I think I am going to like you :)

  3. Because Scripture isn't specific in either condemning birth control or commanding maximized reproduction (i.e., actively trying to conceive as many children as possible), I still maintain that the guiding principle at play is prayerful submission to God's will for your life and your family. That means drawing close to him and seeking his will for you. The end result might be not using birth control, or it could be (as in the case of a friend of mine who nearly threw herself and her baby out their apartment window during a struggle with suicidal tendencies and PPD) permanent surgical birth control. We can trust that God will make his will known to us when we seek him. :)


    I completely agree. I believe that God does call some people to have large families. He also calls some to be missionaries: "Go and make disciples of all nations". That does not mean we are ALL required to pack up our families and move to Guatemala. God's word is True for all, yet carries a unique message for each of us. I read the scriptures that were posted and they did not speak to me in the same way they have spoken to some. That does not mean you are wrong, nor does it mean I am. All I ask is that you understand and respect that God has a unique plan for my family which might not be the same as yours.

  4. I answer honestly, but the details depend on who I am talking to. For instance, I am just getting over the flu right now, so to the cashier at the grocery store today, I responded, "Feeling better than yesterday, thank you." If I were to run into a friend today, I would probably say, "Still tired, but I am better than yesterday and sick of hearing myself complain. How about you?"


    I have found that giving an honest answer rather than a pat "Fine." has opened the door to conversations with wonderful people that I otherwise would not have gotten to know.


    I try to do this whenever it is appropriate. Often "How are you" is just an extention of "Hello" and people don't really listen to the answer. So I try to discern whether I am expected to just follow the script and say "fine" or respond truthfully. I have also become aware of this habit in myself, and have been working on really meaning it when I ask someone how they are doing.


    And BTW we had the "Adverbs" lesson today after my earlier reply, and I understand what you are saying now. I should know better than to question the grammer of anyone here!

  5. Vocabulary would be nice, but she's constantly asking me the meaning of words she doesn't recognize anyway, so we can probably put that on the back burner. Handwriting is a necessity, because she wants to write stories and poems of her own, so I need to get her to where she can do that.


    At this point her vocabulary will develop just through reading. I don't think you need a formal vocab curriculum until later.

  6. I find that if we have had to many "treats" around here - too many desserts, too much screen time etc. - it leads to whining about which desserts, which movies, which treat next. So I cut waaaay back, and we get back to very basic living for a while.



    I see what you mean, and I have done the same thing. It was just the tone that seemed harsh to me. My husband was treated very harshly a young "Eeyore" child. His parents were of the "I'll give you something to cry about" mentality. All that accomplished was to push him further inside himself and justify his feelings of being unloved. Now I do not think this is the same kind of treatment being promoted here, I just was a bit unsure the first time I read Pam's post...


    I like to say my ds1 has the melencholy temperment of an artist or poet - I need to see the bright side, kwim?

  7. My philosophy has always been that if the child's day has already been "ruined, woe is me," anyway, it won't matter a whole lot if I ruin it further...


    I can certainly understand the temptation to behave this way - I have done it more than once. I just don't find that antagonizing him works very well. I could teach him to shut up and keep his negative feelings to himself, but that won't help him to be a happier person.

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