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Posts posted by Punkinelly

  1. ...I think they could quite possibly ruin the American economy. I mean, think of what it will be like if the Salvation Army and Goodwill thrift stores close. They help poor people with job training and other financial help, and poor people but things there because they cannot afford new. That would be my family. Then there are used bookstores, online and otherwise.


    The Consumer Product Safety Commission is asking for our opinions on how to interpret this, so this could be a golden opportunity for many of us. Here is the address for that. This was from a Yahoo group called 1001books.


    1) Email or call the CPSIA - the office of the CPSC ombudsman at

    888-531-9070. http://www.cpsc.gov/cgibin/newleg.aspx

    Comments on Component Parts Testing accepted through January 30,

    2009. Or email: Sec102ComponentPartsTesting@cpsc.gov


    2) Contact your local representatives. For their contact informa-

    tion, just enter your zip code.



    3) Make your voice heard by voting on this issue! The top 3 in

    each category will be presented to President-elect Obama.



    4) Sign the petition.



    5) Spread the word! Forward this article. Send an email. Write

    about this on your blog. Tell others about this issue and

    encourage them to do the same.

  2. Are you using the right kind of caulk for your tub?


    I had the same problem. I was trying to use silicone caulk on a steel tub, but it does not stick. I ended up finding out from a guy at our hardware store that I needed to use the kind of caulk for steel tubs.


    Seriously, I think most caulking problems come from using the wrong caulk.


    I wish I could think of the name of what I used, but you'd find it at hardware stores.



  3. I cook enough for supper each night to furnish us with leftovers for dh's lunch and for lunch for the kids and me, too. If we don't have enough, we fill in with pb&j, egg salad sandwiches, etc.


    Sometimes I make things special for lunch, like homemade pizza, if I have the time. But I always have things because I don't care for the "scrounging" event. :o)


    Because of budget concerns, I plan out every bite of food, so this works well and means I do not have to cook twice a day.

  4. I struggle with this, too, because the Scriptures say to lend without expecting to receive back, but we are also be good stewards, and we are to lend freely. I had a person not return a book and pretty much disappear from my life, so I had to buy another copy of the book. It was an expensive one, too, so I know it is hard.


    Let's start by praying that the Holy Spirit will nudge her to return it to you. Maybe He will do that so you don't have to ask her again.


    I will be prying for an outcome pleasing to the Lord for the whole situation.

  5. I am already pretty frugal--have been cutting my family's hair for years, making things we need, altering clothes that are given to us to make them fit my kids, but things are getting desperate at our house, so I am doing some new things:


    * I will now be eating popcorn for lunch so my kids can have the real food. Think of it...a couple dozen meals a month! (I will not do this on Sundays.)


    * I am composting everything that is not an animal product.


    *I recycle every item possible so that stuff goes into the city's bins and does not use my trash bags.


    *I am selling some of my clothing--2 church outfits will have to be enough for dressier things


    *I am using every available space for growing food and am studying books on it more than I did before.


    *We are working hard at not using electricity when not needed. Why have curtains drawn and then turn on the light, ykwim??


    *I am getting better at being creative with every scrap of food. No waste!

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