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Denise Allen

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Posts posted by Denise Allen

  1. I think I wil buy Saxon and Lial's, then if one fails, I will have the other on hand and will continue with it. My mom said we will get the Art Reed's lectures and will buy a copy of Lial's to have on hand.


    Algebra 1 is a review this year and I am trying to see if I have any learning gaps, SOS didn't do it's job for me. I am doing geometry as well and my mom said we will be doing either Saxon or TT for that. I hate being a bugger, but it's can get really confusing!!:001_smile:


    Thanks for all the posts and help, and if anyone knows where I can get copies of Saxon cheap, please let me know!


    P.S. Keep posting!


    P.S.S. I won't be posting anymore math questions unless it's where I can find them for a cheaper price!:party:


    I got two different Lial's books about a month ago from Amazon used. I paid .99 cents (Honestly) for one and & $7.00 for the other. They were both in almost perfect condition!

  2. Abeka has a great program for k4 and K. My oldest 3 kids all learned to read simple words and sentences before they were 4. By the end of kindergarten they were reading really well. All three of them still LOVE reading and are amazing at it. (My 7 yr. old has been reading the Hobbit). I don't say any of that to brag on my kids~ it is to brag on the Abeka program.

    I realize it doesn't fit with everyone, but I love the way they teach phonics. I love that it is straight forward. All 3 of my kids liked their program (phonics & language is all I use from them), and never had one complaint.


    Hope you find something that works for you. :)

  3. I have posted quite a bit about writing over the past few weeks. Forgive me. I am trying to post on each board so everyone sees.


    Looking at:



    Classical Writing

    Lost Tools of Learning


    My oldest are 7th & 8th. I have read the reviews over the weeks, but have not been able to narrow down. I am hoping YOU will say something that will push me in the right direction! :lol:


    I am leaning more toward the later two programs, but still considering IEW

  4. Hi Denise,

    welcome to the hive. I don't know why your ? hasn't gotten a ton of responses. Have you searched back for IEW reviews?


    I can tell you for my non-writer boy, IEW was excellent. It was sorely needed around 45th/5th grade for us. It has given my guy a great start to his writing.


    We didn't get past IEW SWI A though, as he went on to different curricula that mandated different writing (like TOG).


    I would say if your daughter is already a good writer, you might want something that will stretch her more.


    I would also consider asking on the high school board.


    IEW kindof starts with outlining skills and moves from there to making paragraphs, then papers. It is formulaic which some kids need and others find boring.


    We are using CW with my girls for a while and though it looks good, I can also see that becoming boring (lots of imitation).


    What about a bravewriter course? They have always looked interesting. And there's of course the master SWB's stuff.


    I have always wondered how IEW's essay stuff is but again, it's IEW. Decide first if you like the methodology of the way they teach writing and see if it meshes.

    It is expensive, the TWSS would be helpful for you as mom even if you don't end up using it. It's a great help to writing instructors of any sort I think. Maybe get that first and see what you think of the program at large. The resale is excellent and should go the day you post it if you just want to check it out...


    Or of course, you could research writing curricula for days, just like the rest of us, lol. Not to be snarky, just offering help since you haven't gotten a ton of responses.


    ps to answer this

    IEW tends to make the children's writing sound the same or phony.


    My comment is this...it got my son writing words on a paper in a format that was acceptable and allowed me to learn to teach the skill of writing to him as a new homeschool mom. This was worth it's weight in gold!


    I didn't have other children to compare who his writing sounded like at that point so it was a moot criticism.


    Think of this, if a college counselor is going to say IEW students responses sound canned, they're not from around here. There aren't enough homeschoolers here to actually use IEW and submit a paper to that specific college, that specific counselor. Also, compared to the local high school kids here as a whole, a canned response will grade more highly than alot of what comes out of there anyway...kwim?


    Thank you for your reply. I have read the older threads on here. I have been researching a writing program for the past few months. Non stop. In fact, my husband hasn't seen my face~ it has been buried in the computer! lol

    I think maybe people aren't responding because they are sick of all the writing questions! :)


    I really have narrowed it down to IEW, Classical Writing, and Lost Tools of Writing. I just wish I could see them all in person. From all the review/comments I have read, there are things to love/hate about each one.


    I actually have posted on the older board as well as this one. I think I may just have to bite the bullet and purchase based on what I think will be best. They are all SO expensive!!!

  5. Thanks again~ very helpful. One thing I forgot to ask: I already have a grammar program that I like. Is it worth it to purchase this program (it will cost quite a bit for me to do it with two kids if I start w/ the Aesop & Homer for older beginners) and then NOT do the grammar in it?


    I am wondering if there is a program that is similar to CW, but without the other subjects integrated.

  6. Thanks dangermom :)


    Very helpful information. I would only be doing it with my oldest two, and they would be doing the same level. That would make it easier.


    As far as what I have heard about it being a bit confusing~ is that pertaining mainly to the parent (such as the example you gave above w/ the way the steps are laid out)? What I mean is this: is it confusing to the child? Is it something that once the parent figures out, it is easily explained to the child.


    Thanks again.

  7. I have been using IEW history based lessons for 2 years. I will be using CW this year w/my 6th grader (Older Beginners) for the first time.


    What I like about IEW - it's easy to teach and I find the lessons well laid out. It teaches the basic structure of a variety of different papers so nicely. My ds did very well with the program.


    So - since he has the "formula" in his repatoire, it got a little too easy for him and it turned into "how crazy can I make this paper" with all of the added dress-ups, decorations, etc.


    CW looks like it teaches the same information and I'm in love with the books; however, it took days and some serious concentration to figure out how this program is implemented. I don't have my workbooks yet. I think that's the main problem. Honestly, while I love the TM and the philosophy, I was scared because I wasn't sure I could do it. It certainly appears that CW is going to take more of my own time and attention to teach. That wouldn't bother me except for the fact that I have a 2 yr. old who tends to (literally) dismantle the house if not constantly supervised.


    I didn't hate anything about IEW. What exactly are you looking to buy from IEW? What from CW? What kind of experience do your dc have with writing? What have you been using?


    I too am concerned with what you said about it becoming too easy. I can't quite understand how you can use the same "formula", dress-ups, etc. repeatedly. Perhaps if I actually saw how it all works I would understand....

  8. I love CW, but it's not easy to wrap your head around how they do things at first. Then the lightbulb goes on. :) At Lulu they have sample pages, and you can often read a good bit to figure some of it out.


    It does take time and interaction, but IMO writing is important enough that it should get that investment.


    How long have you been using the program?? I have heard exactly what you just said~ it takes a bit, but is worth the effort.

  9. I have been using IEW history based lessons for 2 years. I will be using CW this year w/my 6th grader (Older Beginners) for the first time.


    What I like about IEW - it's easy to teach and I find the lessons well laid out. It teaches the basic structure of a variety of different papers so nicely. My ds did very well with the program.


    So - since he has the "formula" in his repatoire, it got a little too easy for him and it turned into "how crazy can I make this paper" with all of the added dress-ups, decorations, etc.


    CW looks like it teaches the same information and I'm in love with the books; however, it took days and some serious concentration to figure out how this program is implemented. I don't have my workbooks yet. I think that's the main problem. Honestly, while I love the TM and the philosophy, I was scared because I wasn't sure I could do it. It certainly appears that CW is going to take more of my own time and attention to teach. That wouldn't bother me except for the fact that I have a 2 yr. old who tends to (literally) dismantle the house if not constantly supervised.


    I didn't hate anything about IEW. What exactly are you looking to buy from IEW? What from CW? What kind of experience do your dc have with writing? What have you been using?


    Thank you so much for this information!

    You said what I have been thinking. The CW looks amazing to me, but I am a bit nervous about trying to figure it all out. I have heard several people (on here) say they either gave it up or are about to. I don't mind the work being hard, but I really can't stand if something is not clearly explained. I know it would frustrate me. It makes me wonder if it is such a good program, why couldn't it have been written more clearly?


    From CW I would purchase the Aesop & Homer for Older Beginners (my oldest are 7th & 8th grade).

    From IEW I would buy just the TWSS. I would probably add a History themed text later.


    I am a decent writer. My daughter is very talented w/ writing. My son is average.

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