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Posts posted by Dianne-TX

  1. I agree with all the replies here -- stand your ground. I also wanted to suggest that even though you may have searched some sex offender databases, you may not know exactly what this man's aliases are and/or exactly what states he may have had any previous convictions. (I'm a criminal lawyer who deals with these types of cases all the time.) Go with your instincts -- it is always better to be safe than sorry. There is no need to apologize to anyone for protecting your child.


    I've always said that I'm not as concerned about the ones that are registered (of course I'm concerned, but I know who they are), but I'm more concerned about the ones who haven't been caught! I can't remember where I read the statistic, but I remember hearing or reading that a child sexual predator can have 60 something victims before they are caught. Don't let your guard down and encourage your husband to do the same. If he is up to something, he'll keep trying to be stronger than you and husband until he sees his open door. You're having these feelings for a reason! I had a close relative that taught in the prison system for several years and she said it was amazing seeing how they operated. They are clever and their job is to outsmart you and break you down. Answer to your feelings. I know you are.

  2. Could I get some recommendations for a natural/homeopathic pain reliever? My dh suffers from back pain and at times it's worse than others. He tries not to use ibuprofen because it gives him headaches and he would rather something natural. We have some things he's tried like tumeric, curcumin and powdered magnesium. He says these don't help relieve his discomfort. Is there something else? Is there a certain way to use these products he's already tried? We try to use natural things first, but have been disappointed when we've been told "oh, use this, it's wonderful!" only to find out that it doesn't work for us. Help! We really would rather go the natural route, but want something that really works. He's miserable and needs something that will really help. Thanks!


    ETA: He needs something for pain and inflammation. Forgot to mention the inflammation part. Thanks!

  3. Have you read Dr. Lee's books? He wrote What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Premenopause and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Menopause. He is a big proponent of using natural progesterone. Here is a link to his website.


    For a long time, I used it every day except during menstruation. After my shower, I would take 1/4 teaspoon and rub it in to the thin skinned areas of my body (inner arms, br*asts, abdomen, inner thighs - rotating the spot everyday to improve absorption.) It has helped me regulate my severe PMS symptoms. I now take it for only 2 weeks in the month. I have had to adjust the dose. My doctor recommended twice a day, but I found that the once a day regimen worked better for me.


    That helped me to read your experience and your dosage amounts. Minimizing the pms symptoms is something I really need! They aren't just happening a week or so before my cycle, but all the time! I'll look at the link you sent too. Thanks!

  4. Hi Dianne,


    I'm sorry I don't have experience with the progesterone cream you mentioned, or any advice about that at all. I learned that I have low progesterone by charting my fertility signals (http://www.gardenoffertility.com/index.shtml). I decided to try the methods in the book for increasing progesterone (taking cod liver oil, using "lunaception", etc.) and have seen remarkable improvement. Just thought I'd throw that out there in case you are interested.


    I didn't know about this.

  5. but I don't know anything about ordering from Calvert. Do you have to be "enrolled"?




    And here's another one:




    HTH. I saw that Amazon had a listing for it too, but nothing available. I hope someone else knows a better place. I'll be using this in a few years and audio is always helpful.

  6. I know I'm estrogen dominant and low on progesterone and have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and think that I need to supplement with natural prog. I've done it in the past, but just didn't have a good experience. I had just gotten off the BCP and was struggling with acne and wacky mood swings and just reeling from the effects of getting all that synthetic stuff out of my body. So, when I was told to try natural prog., I did, but soon gave up because I thought it was making my acne worse. Fast forward 3 years later and my acne has cleared and I've been taking good supplements to balance my hormones. But, I am definitely suffering from low progesterone because my symptoms match those of low prog. I would love to find out for sure with a saliva test (not dr. ordered blood test because of their "ranges"), but just can't do that financially right now. So, I would like to try the natural prog. cream again that is at the health food store. I believe the brand is Emerita? I would love to hear your experiences with it, or another brand, and specifically how you determined your dosage (what you noticed in you that made you tweak your dosage), when you used it (because I know it's only used on certain days) and whatever else helpful information you would like to share. I think in the past I used 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon. I know I could ask the associate at the health food store and I plan to, but I would love to hear the wisdom of those that actually use it. I appreciate it!

  7. Hen Jen-

    Info on CMV http://www.health.state.ny.us/diseases/communicable/cytomegalovirus/fact_sheet.htm




    It is interesting that you say that, because I have that same sort of thing happen a couple of times each year also. I don't remember it with any pregnancy though. It usually lasts a 1/2 a day (generally at night), and I wake up fine. Just fever and shaking, no other real symptoms, but it scares dh every time. Interesting.


    I have never had 'odd' blood work either, and the docs can't find anything wrong.


    How strange! We sound the same! I do remember it going through the night and then I'd wake up fine. It just didn't seem like your run-of-the-mill flu. I don't have any family members, past or present, with diagnosed genetic or autoimmune problems. I wondered if I got it a lot during my son's first year because of fatigue and exhaustion and just being a new mom to a demanding baby who wasn't a relaxed baby. :) It seemed like it would hit when I could pinpoint not having had much rest. But, that doesn't explain it hitting thereafter when I did get better rest. I don't know. I would like to know, though. I like closure and solutions to problems. :) It would be nice to figure this one out. Like I said in my other response, I've often wondered if there is something in my future like MS or chronic fatigue or something else?

  8. what is CMV?


    I always had bad pregnancies, looking back, I can see it was maybe autoimmune-like symptoms...I ache really bad, my joints hurt, it hurts to move, walk, my first Dr. told me it was all normal pregnancy symptoms. It was so hard to move, that I always gained a lot of weight during pregnancy. I also always got the flu really bad towards the end, and I would get a rash on my face. All four kids were born with really high c-reactive protein counts and had rapid breathing and would stop eating. They never found an infection. They all stayed in special care after birth. It was just a mystery.


    since then, I do often get a rash on my face when I am sick, and I found out I am anemic and have reynaud's syndrome (cold hands).


    I am just guessing that I am maybe a high candidate later for something like lupus or arthritis....I try to keep it in mind and learn good health habits now that might help later, like doing yoga and eating well. Not that I stick to it as much as I should.


    I've wondered if there's something in my future too. MS or something like that. I, too, have slowly made changes for better health. I take many supplements too. I've just made a committment to keep exercising regularly because I just need to and if I lose weight too, then great! It's a mystery, though, and one I'd like to solve.

  9. I think about it every now and then and how it's still a mystery what happened. When I got pregnant with my ds8, I felt like I had the flu. Lower back pain, 100-101 degree temp., shaking no other symptoms. It only lasted one day and then I was fine. Well, fast forward to the 16th-18th week when they did the Trisomy18 test. The test came back that there was a 1 in 100 chance he was Down Syndrome. Fast forward again, he was born and did not have Down Syndrome, but did have many other issues that eventually subsided at 4 months. He didn't stop bleeding when they did the heel prick, he had petichia, (sp? bleeding spots basically, they called it "blueberry muffin syndrome"), 2 blood transfusions because of the bleeding, he was on 4 antibiotics, his white blood count wasn't normal (I can't remember if it was high or low). Those are the symptoms that I can remember. He was born at 37 weeks and weighed 4 lbs. 7 oz. He had a 5 page discharge summary when we left the hospital 2 weeks later. They diagnosed him as having unproven CMV. Over the first year of his life, I experienced that same fever, but would shake too and would be in bed for a day. It would just hit. I did that 2 or 3 times that first year. I have done it on and off for the last 8 years, but not every year and maybe only once every couple years. The last time it hit, I had the same fever and shaking and that's it. Those are the only symptoms I ever have. I never went to the dr. when I felt that way. It didn't last but 12-24 hours and I never thought it was too serious, just weird. I've often wondered why I did that and exactly what my son had at birth. The NICU was really stumped because nothing came back definitive, but everything pointed to CMV in their opinion. He had no permanent damage and hasn't had any serious illnesses since everything subsided at 4 months, just the routine childhood illnesses. I'm the one that continued to be affected. I couldn't ever find anything in my research that pointed to anything. Was/is it symptoms of chronic fatigue, MS, CMV, something else autoimmune or just exhaustion? My blood test in the hospital didn't show I currently had CMV or any other serious disease at that time that I passed onto him. I'm just picking the brains of many of you that might offer some thoughts. Just curious. Would a specific blood test from a dr. show anything? My routine CBC and hormone blood tests have never showed anything. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? This has just been one of those nagging questions that I ponder at times. Thanks.

  10. Hi Dianne,

    I love the scripture that says (paraphrased) "I will whisper in your ear when to turn left and when to turn right."

    Allowing God to guide my steps, and rooting out all rebellion from my heart--those are my own goals.

    I also have to turn my kids over to him--it is hard to let them experience the consequences of their behavior, because it almost goes against my instinct to protect them. Oh, yes! Once I realized I was hindering them in the name of my own comfort (being uncomfortable with the discomfort/anger/whatever that they felt when they had to experience the neg consequences of misbehavior), it became easier to discipline. Such good advice, Chris. Once I examined myself and saw what issues in my own heart I needed to deal with, which were often triggered by my kids' "stuff," I became a more confident parent. God is good. He uses our children to refine us! That's my daily prayer. Lord, refine me, mold me into who You want me to be. And that makes us better parents. You can only work on/change yourself, because you can't really make other people change (although you can offer multiple opportunities!). As I grow up, I'm better able to help my children grow up. Wow, how I've learned this fact!


    You will wound them, you know. You just will. Some word or action, meant purposefully or not, will stick in their brains and lodge in their hearts, and shape them--but then you have the chance to teach them how to forgive. We need to show them that there is only one Perfect One--so don't be afraid to say I'm sorry when it happens, and expect them to do the same. My apologies come too often I'm afraid, but I always turn them to God who won't disappoint or have to say I'm sorry to them. I want them to see Him as everything in everything.


    You are doing the right thing, by seeking God and walking with him. He gives us wise counsel thru others, too, of course. These boards are good sources of information on parenting; you will find a lot of wisdom here. You will also find people that do parenting differently from you--and they are good to listen to, because they help you sift and discern what is truly in line with your own heart. I'm so thankful for all the wisdom that He brings my way, on this board and elsewhere.


    Parenting keeps us humble--for me, it's an "on my knees" kinda humble. Is there any other way? :) I think you've got that quality, by your post. Know that God likes that! But don't be afraid to step confidently into your parenting--take the authority that God gives you, and let your kids see it. I needed to hear this! You are the boss, and that's because God put you in charge of your kids! It will help them rest in their hearts if you show them your strenghth comes from the Lord. This too. Thank you.


    Be encouraged--you are not alone! What great things he has planned for you today!


    You have no idea how much your words encouraged me and convicted me. I struggle with fear and doubt. I have low moments when I don't feel as if I'm "good enough" and fear the future for my kids in many ways. Thanks to Him who has made me good enough and has our future in His hands for me to rest in! Only through Him! Thank you for your words!

  11. I agree with everything Chris in VA has said.


    One of the reasons I was scared to have children is because I knew I couldn't do it perfectly, and I didn't want to mess them up. Well, I've done it far from perfectly and messed up horribly. Me, too!


    But, I let God work on me and that helped. I was living proof that we all need forgiveness. We just kept trying to follow our convictions and His word with faith -- not listening to the voices that said, "your kids will rebel." We talked a lot -- we always explained why we did what we did. We do this too! I feel like I'm always explaining, overexplaining a lot just to secure them to be faithful to the Word and honor God in every word and action. I'm encouraged that maturity will happen too.


    Aaron thanks us time and time again for homeschooling him, for keeping him accountable, for protecting him. And, no, he hasn't rebelled. Oh, what an encouragement!


    I'm not implying that there is a formula, but I do believe we should walk in a manner worthy of His calling and apply His word to our daily lives without fear but with faith and confidence. Yes! Exactly! Thank you!



  12. ...from parents who have already raised their children. I get weary sometimes thinking I'm not doing a "good enough" job. My dc are 8 and 6 and sometimes I get down and anxious that I'm "messing them up". I'm not perfect or even near it and I feel like I fail daily in my attitude and example towards them. I feel guilty that they aren't involved in things that other kids are and wonder if they will rebel because we chose to be "different". I know there's no guarantee and noone can look into my future. But, what are/were some ways you were able to get out of the valley of doubt and negativity? I've got prayer covered! I'm often in prayer and asking the Lord to fill me with Him to get through. I fill myself with His scripture and instruction daily. I know He knows the future and I can't change His plans and purposes. I don't know what I'd do without my relationship with Him! We are believers that know only the Holy Spirit can truly do a work in our children's hearts and lives, but at the same time I feel like I lack in wisdom and tools to be the best parent to guide them. KWIM? Yet, I know that the Bible is the only "tool" I need! :) I guess I'm just really feeling inadequate to do this job. How do you pull yourself up even when you know the answers to your doubts and fears are all answered by the Lord? I'm not doubting Him or not being faithful, but at the same time I feel alone in this walk. :-/ I know I can't be alone in feeling like this or maybe I'm really putting myself out there! :) Thanks for "listening".

  13. ...if so, James Dobson was on Hannity the other night and he's been writing a new book called "Bringing Up Girls". He wrote "Bringing Up Boys" a few years ago. He didn't mention a release date. You might be able to look it up on his website or google it. Also, I've had Karen Andreola's (I believe she's the author) book suggested to me called "Beautiful Girlhood" for when my dd gets older. Several people have highly recommended that book. You can go through it together. I don't know if either of these fit the bill for your situation or life, but I hope that I helped. Best wishes and hang in there! :grouphug:


    ETA: Scott Turansky has good parenting books. I'm reading one right now called "Good and Angry- Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Child" (might not be the exact title, but close). He has several others that interest me too. HTH

  14. ...with a high waist and curves, where do you buy your capris/cropped pants and shorts? I would prefer them to be cropped, not up to my knee, YKWIM? I've tried on one too many capris that turn out to be long shorts on me, but perfect for someone not tall! :) I also seem to buy shorts that "ride up" on me and not fit me nicely. Suggestions of places to shop on land or online? Thanks!

  15. I think I'll try and look for a "real" flavored creamer or just use the real stuff in moderation. I've really made a lot of changes in just the last year or so to eat better foods for my body as well as my family. I try to buy organic when I can afford it and just have real food around to eat. The coffeemate hasn't been so easy. I like the flavored stuff as opposed to just plain cream and sugar, but I can't keep pushing aside the fact that the fake stuff isn't so great for me even if I like it. That's a part of improving yourself. Thanks for the suggestions.

  16. *I apologize in advance if this should be on the Curriculum Board.*


    We are fundamental, Bible-believing Christians who believe the Bible to be true and the spoken word of God himself, attend Bible churches that preach expository, believe TULIP, agree with the teachings of Calvin and other reformers (except on infant baptism), and listen to or read anything we can from John MacArthur. (I think that covers it, but I may have left something out.) :) I am wondering if it would be beneficial to use the Westminster Catechism to get down to the basics of theology for my dc. Is there something else that can do the job that the Westminster does? We read the Bible everyday, memorize scripture, use family Bible studies or Bible supplementals for families/kids, but I have to admit I like the question/answer and basics of the Westminster. I am not well versed on it, but from what I've read, it really breaks things down. What should I be aware of? I know John MacArthur has a book for kids called Faith to Grow On that asks and answers questions. Would this be comparable to the Westminster? Thanks...

  17. You can absolutely drink a little cream with your coffee.

    It actually does something good to coffee - negates some of the acidity or something......

    Anyway - THE KEY IS THIS:



    It is plastic.


    The same thing that kills the albatross and the whale and the turtles of our thread on plastic.


    Only it's a liquid plastic in your veins and arteries instead of a Clorox bottle floating around the ocean.




    Do your research on hydrogenated oils (partially hydrogenated oils).


    It messes up EVERY SINGLE CELL IN THE HUMAN BODY because the fake fat (hard like plastic) replaces the tiny particles of fat in bi lipid membrane of the cell. Causes good stuff to get out, bad stuff to get in, makes the cell wall rigid.


    You would probably do better to have 2 tablespoons (or more) of regular half and half.

    Which would be 40 calories and 3 grams of fat. The hidden calories and fat of your coffeemate (mono and di glycerides) are really what's bad. It's actually not as lowfat as you think and it's FAKE - your body has to work hard to process it. Ruins the metabolism.



    Yah, so you can have the cream if it's real.


    :eek: Did not know that! Hmmm.... you gave me a lot to think about! Thanks for the detailed info.

  18. I just can't do it! I am doing better at measuring my creamer, but it's still not something I know a nutritionist or trainer would say was okay. But, I can't start my day without it. It's not the caffeine, it's the slow start in the a.m. that I like and drinking something warm and creamy. I want to know what is so bad about it? Do I really need to give it up? I know it's extra calories and I'll have to make up for it somewhere else. Just wanting to know what I don't know about coffee and creamer. BTW, I use Coffeemate creamers, usually Hazelnut or right now it's Hazelnut Biscotti. It's 60 calories for 4 tsp. and I usually do 6, so I'm at 90 calories if I did my calculations right. Just help me understand why I should give it up or give me permission to continue. I don't want to sabotage my effort, but I also realized I can't change everything and stay sane either! :)

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