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Posts posted by tinkhs

  1. After a night to sleep on it and a good talk with my husband, we are going to do Year 1. Thank you for all the information you sweet ladies have given me. It's a pretty time of year to start a nature walk in the Midwest anyway. I think I need to join the yahoo group. Does anyone have a link for the groups I should join?


    In Christ,


  2. I think I'll try it out from the library for the first few weeks to see if it's a fit since we just sent back a $600 failure. I should have known better. I got scared thinking I needed school at home and when it came, it was not for us at all!


    I try to search and see what I come up with.


    Any Year 1 users past or present, I would enjoy to hear about your experiences.

  3. We haven't even started. My head is spinning. I sent back a package that didn't work at all. Big sigh. I only really need something for my first grader. I think I'll do something like Carol's Curriculum for my pre-school kiddo.


    Now I'm looking into Ambleside Online. Anyone out there use this? Pros, cons? It looks pretty complete and my library has a lot of the books. Big plus. I have Saxon 1 for math. That and starfall are all we've gotten done in the past couple of weeks.


    Please help!

  4. Thank you for all the responses. To give such long descriptions of the program speaks volumes for how much it has meant to you all. I probably have some of the books since I have Sonlight's two preschool cores. Those books are precious to us and to have activites to go along with them would be fun. Is it complete? Do I need to add anything else for a 1st grader? She's almost 7 and her sister I almost 5. I haven't decided what to do this year since I don't like Core K.

  5. I sold some curricula (on another board) worth about $750 for $300 and shipped it over a month ago. The seller said she has never received it and didn't request a tracking number. I have never had a problem with people getting what I mailed to them. Unfortunately it was sent to a third party. What would you expect now as the buyer and would you do anything as the seller?



  6. :smilielol5:


    I had to share this with ya'll!


    Today, we did the "milk the cow" activity. My youngest son's HOD guide is soaked. Soaked. I'm thinking it has zero resell value.




    I'm not even sure I want to know what that activity is... :lol: Cute. Thanks for sharing. Even more reason to write in it, you never know what is going to be spilled on it!

  7. LHTH would, I think, be just what you want. It's a sweet little program too but not time consuming. It covers each letter. You could try the LHTH sample on HOD and see what you think.


    That's what I thought from the samples too. Thanks!

  8. We have LHTH, LHFHG, and Preparing.


    I think we are going to try LHTH for the fall with my 4 year old. I want something to teach letter sounds, but not a lot of extra stuff because her sister is going to take a lot of time using BLHFHG and she likes to listen in anyway. What did you think?

  9. We also had that "stuck in a rut" feeling this year. :tongue_smilie: I'm switching to HOD next year. I went with it because I like how the guide is laid out and I like that everything is covered. I looked closely at MFW, and there was still lots of boxes to fill in for the 3Rs. Planning was my downfall this year, so I loved that HOD has it all written in (and I love her choices!). After looking it over, the activities look perfect for my kids (and the supplies don't use hard-to-find items). I think they're going to have a great year.


    I do like that MFW can be combined for bigger ages, but the lesson plans in HOD seem a much better fit for me. Maybe look at all of the plans to see what fits your teaching style?


    We tried WP at the beginning of the year and had to send it back after about a month of trying to make it work. The activities didn't tie into anything we were reading and it just seemed choppy. We used Sonlight K after that for this year. I really liked the books and we had a fun year, but there weren't any activities to go with it.


    Now we are going to try HOD in the fall. I am a little surprised that it is so complete without ordering extras like with Sonlight and WP. I'm really glad nothing will slip through my fingers since I'm still so new at this. The LAs, spelling words, poetry, narration questions, reading schedule, activities, copy work and math games are all in the guide. I've spent a lot of time reading through it and the activities are not only easy and use household items, but they tie into the story you are reading at the time.


    I guess it really depends on how much hands-on you really want to do. I don't know anything about MFW.

  10. Again, Donna, thank you. Wonderful advice. I do think I will be more comfortable with the program in general after a year. Fifth grade sounds much more doable. :)


    My 2nd grader is almost done with the Emerging Readers. I did cover a couple of the genres with him towards the end of this year because he got very interested in them when he heard his brother talking about them. He didn't do any of the workbook. We just went to the library and got alot of different picture books from those genres.


    By the time you get to Bigger Hearts, if you stick with HOD, you may find that you have gotten comfortable with the way the program is set up and you want to add DITHOR. You can ease in to it. That's what I did this past fall. So, we are behind now :glare: but that's because HOD is fuller than I expected it to be.


    Have you listened to Susan's recording on Literary Analysis? There is no rush at all for you to do that but you may find it interesting. You can download it here: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/what-is-literary-analysis-mp3.html Of course DITHOR isn't exactly "literary analysis". It's a reading program and analysis is a part of that but not at the 2/3 level. At that level, it's just introducing some terminology and doing some things to encourage a love of reading. If using the program doesn't encourage a love of reading, then you don't need to do it, in my opinion.


    For us, DITHOR is a logic-stage (grade 5 and up) kind of thing.

  11. Yes. They told me on the HOD board that DITHOR was so important... but my DD will never do all of that reading. We are getting our feet wet with this literature approach, having unschooled reading and history thus far. The Phonics Road has a literature study but it only requires one book, so we are doing that next year along with Bigger.


    Well, unless I'm seeing it wrong, there's a lot of reading and questions that go along with it in just the guide without DITHOR. I could always pick more from that book list, but I don't think that much analysis would be part of our "school time." I just don't see us doing that with a 2nd grader, or even 4th for that matter. Of course, mine are still very young and it boggles my mind she can read, so I need to just take it one step at a time.


    By the way, is there a materials list for the crafts on a Unit basis anywhere? I'm not very organized, so I would love a list if it exists. I couldn't find it in the guide, but that doesn't mean it's not there, just that I overlooked it. ;)

  12. Our girls love going to ballet, gymnastics and art, anywhere really. Last year we had morning classes, that about did all of us in. The only restriction I have now is mornings are out of the question. My oldest is a 1st grader so right now a morning here or there wouldn't be too difficult, but later on mornings are going to be strictly school time. I want them, and me to get used to that. :)

  13. I could never get started with the green DITHOR guide that has all the grade levels in it. However, I love the student book that has the emergency options in the back. It is a lot easier to do the emergency options and not have to wade through all the suggestions and things that aren't for your child's age/grade/skill level.

    I don't know the age levels of your children, but I plan to buy the student book for 2/3 and 4/5 and just use the emergency options at the back of the book. I don't know whether I will try the green book again until jr. high with my oldest.


    Well, I think I'm putting the cart before the horse, so to speak. ;)


    My oldest will be in 1st grade in August. She's reading well now, so she will be doing the Emerging Readers along with Beyond. When I was looking on the HOD website to see which level to put her in, I noticed after Emerging Readers was DITHOR; so I looked, bad idea. :lol: Basically, it's supposed to be used for Bigger, but if the Bigger guide is anything like Beyond with all of the critical thinking questions for each story, then I think I will just wait for DITHOR until much later. I think it would be a lot for a 2nd grader since the guide itself is already so meaty and full.


    The emergency options in the back is probably how we will start, then. I think I'm trying to eat an elephant in one bite. I just looked ahead too far, I need to remind myself not to do that again.

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