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Posts posted by kwickimom

  1. I ditched Erin Condren this year. The company has gone to crud since the launch of the new planners this year. They stopped answering their phones and took off the ability to comment on facebook because they have sent out TONS of messed up planners and crappy quality coils and covers. People are getting the wrong planners, shipping is taking forever and they are lying about stuff to customers. Then a customer service rep accidentally sent an email to a customer where she was calling the people on the EC facebook fan page freaks and Erin had to make an apology on twitter about it. 


    I would advise doing a little research before putting your money there this year. There are facebook pages FULL of complaints and lies and rude emails from customer service. I seriously have never seen  company go down so fast and the fact that they only way you can "talk" to someone there is through email that is taking days and days to return and most people are getting an auto-sent email not from a person. Just google or look it up on fb or twitter. Its insane!!!


    I bought a Plum Paper Planner and the paper is thicker and I see no problem with the non laminated cover. The EC LP's are sending out tons of covers with bubbled up lamination and the messed up coils are tearing pages. 



    We Love EC Issues & Concerns  - this is one of the fb groups for complaints. 

  2. Yep- pretty much gangs and pretty much has always gone on, but they are being seen more in the news because of the concealed carry law that passed.Which I am sure none of the crimes were committed with a legal gun and permit but it will all be more in our face now due to the law passing. 

  3. Getting Things Done by David Allen


    To make it easier to grasp and implement Power of Moms has a program based directly on GTD for Moms. It is called Mind Organization for Moms. (M. O. M)


    I recommend GTD first and M.O.M, if you need help implementing in a household setting. It sounds like exactly what you are looking for. I adore them.

    I use these also and it has helped a TON!

  4. My dentist is also a good friend and he would never ever let a patient be in any kind of pain. He has seen me twice on weekends, after hours and immediately done a root canal and pulled one tooth so that I was not infected or in pain. He never hesitates to meet patients after hours if they are in pain. He has told me that no dentist should allow that so I would look for a new one with the same outlook!!

  5. No I would not let a 9yo see it. I took my almost 12 yo daughter and I made her close her eyes during the one scene. I am not opposed to her knowing about that subject but I do not think she needs to see it. I would never have taken her at 9 years old. 

  6. I would be doing all I could to get rid of him or move. I know there are pedophiles everywhere, but I would never allow my children to ever play in my yard if one was next door. I would be on high alert all the time. I couldn't even stand the thought of him looking at my kids so we couldn't just hang out outside as normal. If he is high risk to offend again- he will. Makes my skin crawl. Your kids can avoid him all they want, but it only takes a split second for him to snatch one. 

    I am sorry you have to live like this. I would be at the police station asking questions and speaking to every single neighbor I could. Find out exactly what you can and can't do in regards to alerting people to this sick-o.


  7. I would be doing all I could to get rid of him or move. I know there are pedophiles everywhere, but I would never allow my children to ever play in my yard if one was next door. I would be on high alert all the time. I couldn't even stand the thought of him looking at my kids so we couldn't just hang out outside as normal. If he is high risk to offend again- he will. Makes my skin crawl. Your kids can avoid him all they want, but it only takes a split second for him to snatch one. 

    I am sorry you have to live like this. I would be at the police station asking questions and speaking to every single neighbor I could. Find out exactly what you can and can't do in regards to alerting people to this sick-o.


  8. I go at least once a day sometimes a few times a day. We live 3.5 miles from town and my kids have piano, Awana, youth group and church. I have bible study. That covers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday. We also go to the library, get groceries and gas and go to friends houses or park days every week. Then there are the other errands, like doctor visits, dentist, pay bills, prescription pick up, other church activities, etc. 

  9. Serious question...if you already have other similar devices, why would you want/need this one?  What am I missing?  I love my Amazon Prime, and stream shows through our Xbox and Kindles.  I know that the Xbox does not offer near the number of channel apps as the Roku...but we get the main ones (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon.)  Is there a reason I NEED this?  I am asking...because the part of me in love with anything Amazon Prime thinks maybe we do need it...but then I can't come up with a reason why.


    I am wondering this also. It looks just like a Roku to me and my Roku was only $49

  10. I think the whole thing is red flag freak out and I would never ever have my child around those people without me present. Then again I would not be present because I would run away screaming after the conversation you had with the mother. People can do what they want but if my freak-o-meter goes off even just a tad with people these days- I'm gone and my children are kept far far away. 

  11. Sorry you got disappointed. 

    I am disappointed every single year on my birthday- so I already planned that when I turn 40 (in 4 years) that my sisters and I are going to a spa for the weekend. I'll make my own birthday fun from now on so no one can ruin it for me. It sucks, but I'd rather do that than have people who don't care about my birthday ruin it for me!!!!!

  12. Pick up "The New Rules of Lifting for Women." That should about cover it all. If I can ever get over my fear of the creepy weight room at the Y or my dh gets saner hours, that's the route I'm going. See also: Stronglifts 5x5 for Women.

    This is what I am doing. I bought a squat rack and Olympic bar with weights on Craiglist and I do it in my basement. 


    Last time I did New Rules of Lifting I was squatting 150lbs. I lift HEAVY. I am 5'11 medium frame. The lowest weight I started with this time was 45lbs. 

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