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Posts posted by Momof3Maidens

  1. I did the 30 Day Shred back in January and got awesome results! I lost inches like crazy and boosted my energy level tremendously.


    I started out on day one only doing about 1/2 of the repititions and was somewhat sore the next day but still able to do the workout. i usually do this with any workout I start though. I think I actually started out only using 2 lb weights so my muscles didn't shake much. I gradually increased to 5 lbs then 8 lbs. I felt strong after about the third week. I started noticing my triceps about the third week into it. My arms toned up a lot along with my legs, buttocks and abs ( well everywhere really).


    I've had better results with the 30 DS than any other workout I've tried and I've tried several. I can't say enough good things about it. Hang in there, it'll be worth it!

  2. I had three D&Cs and never had bloating. She shouldn't have many symptoms afterwards. Maybe some slight cramping and spotting, but that's it. I was back to my normal schedule as soon as I returned from the procedure...all three times.


    She should put in a call to her doctor's office.


    Hmmm...seems like the bloating isn't a common side effect. I, for some reason now, feel like something may not be right but don't know what since I don't know much about it.


    I've told her maybe she should take some Midol and see if that helps. I think I may gingerly suggest she put in a call.


    Please love on your friend. Be careful to watch for cues from her. She may want to hold a baby. She may want nothing to do with them. She will need people to understand this is a real loss and should be treated as such. Also, if you can, try to remember her due date. She may not even realize it when it comes, but typically that is one of the roughest times for me after a miscarriage.




    I have never had a D&C but I have had a stillbirth so I know what you mean. I have been very sensitive with her because I remember it as if it were yesterday. I had already been thinking of remembering her due date as well as the day she lost the baby. I think both will be important.

  4. Thanks for sharing! She says she still feels that way. I didn't ask if she had called her doctor though.


    She said this is probably her best day yet physically but is now worrying about whether or not she'll be able to carry a baby. I told her that there are lots of women who miscarry with their first to go on and carry healthy babies - my neice being one of them.


    Thank you again :)

  5. For those of you who have suffered a miscarriage and had a D&C :( is bloating something you dealt with after the procedure was done?


    I'm asking because a very good friend of mine miscarried with her first pregnancy 3 days ago and is saying that she feels so bloated since she had it done. I told her that I thought it seemed logical to have some bloating with the procedure but didn't know for sure.


    Just concerned for her I suppose and hear some concern in her voice. I'm sure she'll call her OBGYN in the morning but just thought I'd ask the hive.


    Thanks everyone.

  6. I know you are to include a grading scale with your transcript which I plan on doing but I'm wondering, if you plan to include your method of evaluating a course - where does it go? Am I right in assuming this needs to be included somewhere? Just wondering. For example:


    English II Essay Papers

    60% for Content

    30% Grammar

    10% Effort


    Where should I show this info?



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