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Posts posted by justlittleoldme

  1. We had the same thing happen- tumbled around with no heat. Hubby found a video on youtube about how to take apart your dryer, so he took it apart following the instructions. He looked around online and figured out it was one of two parts. He removed the two parts and took them to the little mom and pop appliance repair store, and they tested both of them. It was a $16 fuse that broke. Not bad seeing we bought the washer and dryer off ebay for $150!

  2. There's the tide pools and museum at Cabrillo Beach- you'd just have to pay parking, and there are beaches to walk, tide pools to hunt for, and lots of grass for picnicing, and a free museum too.


    There is also Exposition Park in LA, they have a free hands on Science Museum (California Science Center), Free Air & Space Museum, and a rose garden. In the same area is also the Natural History Museum and the African American Museum too.


    Also in LA is the Getty Museum- lots of Art, architecture, gardens, etc. It is free also. They also have a Getty Villa in Malibu.


    If you like space the Griffith Observatory is free too. And Griffith Park, and the train museum- Travel Town (free too) up there are so much fun!


    Have a fun trip!

  3. I have an uppababy vista which is kinda like the bugaboo. You can add a 2nd seat and a buggy board if you needed to push 3 kids. It goes great everywhere we go, even in the sand, over grass or at the mall. You can find nice strollers pretty inexpensive on craigslist. There is also a yahoo group called Stroller Swap where people buy and sell and talk all things strollers.


    I drool over Bobs, Phil & Teds and Valcos....so nice!

  4. I hate it too! All of our friends are in Awanas. We make friends at Awanas. That's one of the many reasons they go to Awanas- in our area that's where most of the home schooled kids are. Last church we were in let them pass out 10 flyers in their neighborhood and then they would sign off on it. I'm all for that! I just hate begging other parents to let their kids come with us one night.

  5. I asked my very computer obsessed son what he wanted for Christmas, and if he wanted the lego game. He said no. He said Roblox was more fun, and he'd rather have gift cards for that. I know Roblox has lego type stuff, and it's free to play, however it's not educational, or particularly geared towards young kids (We are pretty lenient on things around here).


    You may also want to check out toontown if you are looking for a game/MMORPG, its free to play the basic areas, and $9.99 a month for 6 toons. You don't have to buy any software either.

  6. I had the same thing happen with all 4 of my pregnancies. 3 times they were wrong, and one time they were more right (but there were other issues going on in that pregnancy).


    With my first the swore up and down he was going to be a tiny, barely 5lb baby. I measured small, they did ultrasounds, said I had IUGR. Two days after the last ultrasound when they said my baby was barely 5lbs, I had my 8lb, 12oz son.


    My next one I measured small- had a 8lb, 13oz baby


    My daughter actually was small- 6lbs, 6oz, but I had placenta problems during her pregnancy, so I think that contributed to it.


    My last son was 8lbs, 6oz, and I measured small, lost weight, and the dr was convinced he was going to be a 7lber, maybe. I sure proved him wrong!


    And I'm 5'3, 115ish when I'm not pregnant. I guess I just hide big babies very well.

  7. We used to do that all the time when I worked as an apartment manager. If you get it done right (where they clean it really well with a good special cleaner, then primer it very well, then glaze) it can last for a few years. You must be very very careful and only clean it with cleaners that work on glazed things (no Kaboom, and no rough scratchy sponges). I've had people do a sloppy job and it will last maybe a year at most. Make sure they give you a warranty, and if it starts to peel have them come back and fix it! It's worth it to find a good company to do it, if you do. It's a temporary fix. It usually costs around $100-$200 for a counter, and around $200-250 for a shower enclosure.


    And when/if you get it done, try and get it done in the morning and leave for the day. It has to stay dry for 24 hours, and your house will stink of nail polish for a day or so. It's worse when they do it and it's best to leave, then come home and air out the house really well.

  8. At least here in So Cal, Craigslist is the go-to place to find homes as well as jobs.


    I've found all my jobs and our current rental on craigslist.


    When I was looking for our current rental, I had a form letter I copy and pasted to reply to any of the ads that had an email. If they replied with the address and the phone number of where the house was and where I could reach them to see the inside, I'd go see the house, inspect it for myself and talk to the owner to get their info too. We got a lot of the out of the country emails back too. After awhile you can tell by the ad if its legit or not.


    In Calif (not sure if your renting/looking in Calif, but I figured I'd put it out there) you can do a criminal background check on your renters. However, you can't discriminate against s*x offenders for being a s*x offender. You can have a selection policy that includes not renting to anyone with a felony, but you must deny everyone with a felony- whether it was tax evasion/robbery/etc.


    Good luck finding a rental!

  9. We pay $1,638 a month for 7 people. Hubby's work covers $1,000 of that (the union negotiates that since there is no cafeteria, they get $500 every two weeks. If you are single, that covers all of your premium plus extra.). We are responsible for the first $2000 in co-pays, after that, everything is covered. Well baby visits, yearly physical, maternity visits, admission to the hospital are all completely covered. We just pay for prescription co-pays ($5 generic, $15 name brand), sick appointments, and a $100 co-pay for emergency room visits (unless you are admitted-then its covered).

  10. Swear up and down you only want one child. Then swear up and down that you only want one child in diapers. Then buy a car that only fits one more child comfortably. Then you'll have twins.


    (I mean this jokingly, as I have a friend who has 2 kids, and her husband said up and down he only wanted 3 kids, and only one in diapers at a time, and they got triplets naturally. Twins did run in their family a bit.)

  11. For each kid I got a box at the baby store that matches their baby book (I'm sure you could use a small plastic storage tote). The box holds their first shoes they walk in, their coming home outfit, hospital bracelets, crib card, etc. If it doesn't fit in the box, I don't keep it. I also have one plastic bucket where I toss schoolwork that I really liked, and at the end of the year I pick a piece or two for each child to keep.

  12. We've gone through many, many Sansas and I currently have a Sony Walkman that I LOVE! We stay away from itunes and ipods because of the pain of their copyright protection. As far as I know, the itunes purchased music will only work with apple products. You'd need to convert the files to mp3s, maybe there is a program online that does that.


    Or, burn all your itunes music to CDs using itunes, then close itunes and use Sansa/Sony's program that comes with the player to then rip the CD into mp3s. Then use Sony/Sansa's program to put the music onto the players. Or, copy the music files from the folder on your computer to the music folder on the player.


    We purchase songs from napster when we do purchase music, since they come as mp3s. We subscribe to napster to go, where for $14.99 a month, you can transfer unlimited amounts of music to three different mp3 players (or stream it off a android phone). Rhapsody also has a similar program for the same price, just a different interface.


    Good Luck!

  13. I switched from Sprint to t-mobile and got a My Touch. It's really weird texting with the touch screen, but the apps are so fun! I have a bible app, a meal planner app that makes shopping lists too, and a price book app. The price book app is neat- you can scan the item, then enter the price and store. It's pretty quick (as long as it can find your item with the barcode). I LOVE it. It also uses google calendar, so when I update the calendar on my phone, it syncs it between online google, and my husbands phone.


    Good luck finding a phone! My mom just got the iphone 4 after having a "dinosaur" phone, and she loves it too.

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