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Posts posted by justlittleoldme

  1. Our church (our new church we started going too) has an adult equipping school on Sundays. The next 8 weeks they are doing budgeting using Dave Ramsey's books. I was never taught on running a family and budgeting, and neither was DH, so we are looking forward to it! I think there is definitely a need. All the public schools near us have cut all the home economics programs. Many of those kids will need things like that too.

  2. Again, I know how it is ACTUALLY calculated...I'm wondering where the moral line is.


    I'd imagine that line is up to the party who is paying it. When all is said and done, the court ordered amount is probably what is going to be paid. Anything the custodial parent gets above that is icing on the cake. Morally, shouldn't they be paying for exactly half of everything? Food, clothing, medical, activities, etc?

  3. We have a clorox dry/wet microfiber mop. If I use it dry I just put the end on the mop. If I want it wet I put some water (or water and vinegar) on it and ring it out until its damp. Then I toss all the ends to the microfiber mop and steam cleaner in the washer and wash them. It works well for all my tile floors, and my friend who has wood floors swears by it too.

  4. I 2nd the advice to call the hospital and see what they have. The kid's floor at one of the hospitals by us has a HUGE play room with tons of toys, puzzles, and video games you can take to your room. They also had wagons to pull the kids around the floor on, which went in a perfect circle. I think I got most of my exercise pulling my kids around and around the floor!

  5. I use all the sales to stock up on crayons and notebooks for the year. We seem to go through lots of crayons around here, and they also make really good party favors throughout the year. My kids do have backpacks to tote their stuff around in, I just bought colored ones that will last a few years, not whatever cartoon fad they are into. When we moved I realized I bought around 50-60 pocket folders and never used one of them, so I don't think I will be buying more of those!

  6. That looks almost like my yard, except mine is a bit smaller. I'll be looking at the ideas everyone has given you. We are watering the weeds for a few minutes every morning to see if the dead grass comes back, if not, we need to find a inexpensive way to make it look decent.


    One day I saw for free on craigslist a backyard full of playground sand. I tried to convince my hubby we needed to get the sand and do our yard the same way.

  7. We have a pediatric DO for the kids, and a family DO for us. We will never (well, will try our hardest) go back to a regular MD. It seems the DOs look more at the whole body, and are more likely to not medicate things away. Hubby's back hurt, and instead of just giving him another bottle of pain medicine, he checked him out thoroughly to make sure nothing was physically wrong with his back, and referred him to physical therapy too. The kid's pediatrician is just incredibly great with them, she's friendly, warm, and great with no/selective vaccinating. We love our DOs, and we've been to a few of them.

  8. I just rented my current house off craigslist through a management company. When I was looking, unless I could go see the actual inside of a house, shown by an actual person, I considered it a scam. If they wouldn't show the inside of the house, how would I know if they were actually the person who was renting it? Most of the houses that I looked at, the person renting it out had a business card and I could check up on the company online- or I checked the tax records to see if it was owned by that person.


    Our biggest fear was renting a house that was being foreclosed on, and that we would have to come up with deposits and stuff to move again!


    Good luck hunting!

  9. We play warcraft as a family pretty often. My oldest son didn't really work on his reading until he started playing WoW. Then he had an incentive to read, because you really have to read to play the game (and I told him if he couldn't read, he couldn't play). There are also books that the game is based on, and they are pretty good and fun to read.


    About it being addictive, yes, to some people it is. There are parental controls you can set through blizzard to limit time. I also think it's just as important to teach your kids to balance games with real life and real people. At some point they are going to have to regulate their own gaming time. I know people who play WoW who are everything from SAHMs, to computer programers, to accountants, teachers, actors, all sorts of normal, regular people. For a lot of them WoW is a nice little break from the stress they deal with during the day.


    For me, I don't get cheered when I finish the dishes or wash another load of laundry, but when I gain a level or complete an achievement, the "grats" sure make up for it. It's also a way to hang out for a bit with other adults and not be "mommy me", plus I don't have to find someone to watch my kids. It's awesome you are playing with your husband, I am sure it means a lot to him.


    Curse.com also has add-ons (they modify the game a bit), and there are a few parental control add-ons out there that will do everything from sensor out bad words, to hiding chat altogether.


    We see the $30 we spend a month on WoW (2 accounts so we can play together) is well spent, as we keep pretty entertained AT HOME playing. It seems like every time we leave the house it costs us something, so we stay home and play here and there. It is fun to quest around with my hubby and son.

  10. Talk to your eye doctor and try some different brands. Different brands have different size lenses. Some of them are thicker then the others, and wider. I love my acuvue advance's, you wear them for a week and then toss them. Sometimes its helpful to rinse them off with contact solution when you take them out of the package.


    My husband can't wear contacts because he can't, no matter how hard him and the eye doctor try, he can't open his eye enough to get the contacts in his eyes. Once he gets them in he is good- but it takes around 2 hours to get them in!

  11. I 2nd the figuring out who's responsibility it really is, because if its before the meter, I really think its the water companies problem. And do all the digging up of the pipe yourself, that saves the most money. Call 3 different plumbing companies to come out and give you a bid. Sometimes they are so desperate for work they will underbid each other. Roto Rooter always has the most expensive prices out of anyone.


    Good luck!

  12. I probably would of said something like "Your son posted on facebook that he broke up with his girlfriend, and I was wondering if he was ok". Then she'd know where you were coming from. If your posting something on facebook, its something you want everyone to know.


    That being said, there's a funny video on you tube about facebook manners.

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