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Posts posted by mommy4ever

  1. In snooping around her I stumbled across the Kolbe Academy, Angelicum...


    I was wondering if there were more out there? Catholic, Christian or secular. I think I really like the concept of the lesson planning being done for me. The layout and daily expectation of work to be completed.


    Also, for those using them, is it mandatory to use specifically what they recommend? I have some things already, ie All About Spelling that the girls really like, could it be subbed in?



  2. I am feeling stressed with getting things organized and scheduled. Perhaps it's overwhelmed. Yesterday I feel bad about. I gave the girls a few math sheets and told them if they were good and did them with no fuss we'd go out. While they worked I read a novel, then after they were done we spent 3 hours at the park. I think the break was a good thing. But we just haven't been getting much done lately, or so it feels.


    I think part of this, is I really don't know what I should expect TO get done. :confused: I know we are doing ok with the math thing, the girls like numbers so they love to do it. But when it comes to LA or History, we are really struggling at getting anything done at all. DD6 was doing great with OPGTR and AAS. Now we are lucky to get 2 lessons a week done. She resists. Yet complains when she doesn't get stickers as often. I know as things get harder, it takes more time. But she is the one being resistant.


    What should the schedule for grade 1/2 and grade 5/6 look like? What is a reasonable expectation of work completed? Being our first year into this, I really don't know what we should be reasonably accomplishing.... perhaps we are doing it... i just don't know it?

  3. I am really reluctant to get anything else. We have to import everything as it is, and shipping is insane.


    I do think this is a power play on her part. (It works on her dad alot). She did do it in math, and finally stopped. She tries it in history too. I have manage to overcome those, but with grammar..... she has dug her heels in.


    She is the one that CHOSE FLL. She heard me with her sister and wanted it at her level... then we dropped a level, and dropped a level again. Easy Grammar she agreed to try after we looked at it at a homeschool fair. Didn't even get through a full lesson before the tears started.


    I chose Anallytical because it stated at her grade level, but starting from scratch. Borrowed JrAG.

  4. Is this possible to do without tears?


    I am at loss what to do. I have now tried 3 programs, 1 at 2 different levels, and it's getting expensive! DD11 just cries and cries about it.


    It is getting ridiculous. We go over it. She can explain what we learned, np. But when it's time to do the work, she either resists, or does it as quickly as possible, then cries when we correct it.


    So i refuse to get yet another program! This has cost us too much already.


    How can I get her to work with me on this? What is a good approach for a kid that is being difficult?


    We has started at ground 0 now, and she is STILL claiming it's too hard. the 6 yo is doing grammar at a higher level and she has just started reading. Of course, I haven't told her that, because that would make it worse.


    This is a bright child who is being ridiculous. If I can get over this hurdle, what are we going to do with the next time she digs in her heels and refuses. I agree with SWB in that sometimes it's not fun, but it's for the greater good. To suck it up and get it done. But she also says, if the kid is crying, it's not working. I really don't know if anything isn't working cause i can't get past the first lesson, now. With ANY writing, or language arts.


    I'm about ready to tell her, fine grow up illiterate! Of course I will not, I simply say, ok, we have reached a point where we need to take a break from this and try again later. No emotion, no frustration, until she pitches a hissy fit and gets sent to her room for being rude.


    I don't know what to do :(

  5. There are so many factors.


    HP is great, it never plugs, why? Because each time you replace the cartridge, you are replacing in the print heads too. Something to consider.


    Cost of printing. HP can be pricey, but their cartridges generally print 500 sheets at a time, but still works out to be over 10¢/page, unless you can get a deal. I have found the black cartridge 3 packs at costco which cut the cost of ink by over 1/2.


    Lexmark has a printer that claims 1¢ per page. I can get the printer locally, but would have to order the cartridges, and would work out to about 2¢/page with shipping. Less if I order more than 1 4-pack at a time.


    There is also the option of a laser printer. Color ones are pricey. You can get a black and white for pretty inexpensive, and their cartridges print from 1000-2500 pages, depending on model. Dell has a small one $120 at costco with a cartridge that prints 1000, and a samsung refill that prints 2000 pages for $80, so 4¢/page. Now I print at econo, so I don't know it it would print more or not, I think it would. I've heard great things on Laser, but my HP is barely 2 years old, so I continue to shop for the cheapest cartridges, and so far that is costco.


    I will likely further research the Lexmark when the time comes, but am leaning toward another HP, but laser. I have had a few other brands but my HP's have outlasted every other brand by 3 to 5 years.

  6. Thanks for the link Amber, I downloaded the trial to the software. It has the italic, which is similar to my older girls print, now they are going to start doing more cursive as it isn't such a massive change from printing to handwriting. I am using history for copy work to help them with their facts on what we are studying.


    The little one is working on her printing now :) We are using it for copy work in literature.

  7. In Alberta, you can receive $750-1500(approx, think it is actually $747) depending on if you are traditional(you get $750), to blended(somewhere in between) to full aligned(can get full $1500).


    No matter what, you can expect meeting with a facilitator 2x per year, and in mid year phone call. They want to see a portfolio to see that learning outcomes are being attained, that learning is occurring. Traditional, you pick the curriculum, what you will be teaching. To blended, which may involve correspondence or online learning being checked by teachers and you doing your own thing and needing to send samples in. To just doing school at home online and not necessarily teaching yourself just helping based on the courses, is how my school board explained, it's pretty simplistic, there is more in depth things going on, the in's and out's but I am traditional so they are pretty hands off, only doing the 2 required visits and one email/phone call.

  8. I just ordered the ebooks for Prelevel bio and level 1 bio.


    I had so wanted to do science as described in WTM, but I'm still trying to get all the core stuff set up as we want it. It is coming, and science wasn't getting done at all.


    I'm happy to say, that it will be fairly easy to do with the 2 levels!!! The experiments are in line with each other! So this is good, less expense, and really, more fun to do together. Obviously level 1 is more in-depth that prelevel, more writing, more thought required. But we can work together! I was wondering if we could make it work, or if science would really suffer. Maybe in a year when we are more settled in I'll be able to do my own thing with it. But this will keep us going for now ;) And who knows, it might be the right fit longer term!

  9. Have you looked at Real Science 4 Kids? It follows the trivium as well.


    I was going to do science as WTM recommended, but I just can't get all we need and with just starting everything, I decided that we can use a curriculum for Science. The girls browsed through and are excited. I got the ebooks, $34.95 for the workbook, text and TM. For Bio or physics or chem at each level.

  10. We are using it. It isn't a text book, not at all! She wrote it as the title says, Story of the World. My girls 11 and 6 have been enjoying it immensely.


    I find it is easy to read. Easy to work with, especially as a new homeschooler. The kids are learning, we are in the library often gathering storybooks about that period, other history books, etc, and they love going to the library. We often max out our library cards! The activity guide helps to make sure the kids are retaining some of it, or at least understand what we are doing :lol:. And the extra things are fun to do if there is time.

  11. Some of SWB lectures walk you through the process. There is the "A plan for teaching writing" divided into the various stages. Also Writing without Fear and Literary Analysis. I have enjoyed her lectures, and while most of the info in the book, hearing the lecture and hearing her answer the audiences questions really made it more concrete.


    Susan is really easy to listen too, she has a quick wit so she is not just reiterating what she wrote, it truly adds personality to the concepts. She's really fun.

  12. It is building up the foundation to outlining. As you said, without guidance, the kids give you a 10 minute summary of a 5 minute story... my dd11 will. Argh.


    The guided summary is preparing them. After awhile, they will know what you are looking for and the light will go on, and you won't be pulling it out of them. I am still in this stage with dd11. We just started narration period. Now dd6 is a machine with it. We also have only just started with her as well, but she doesn't over think the question.



    Who is the story about? The story is about George. What did George do? George was always getting into big trouble.



    Who is the story about? dd: The man or George? Or the police man??? Ok, who is the main character: (insert frustration starting immediately). I don't know. If you were to take out the police man, would you still have a decent story? I dunno...yes? So without the policeman, there is still an ok story. If you took out George do you still have a story? (insert tears) I dunno. (Mom breathing deep). Well, let's read the story again to refresh your memory.....


    Eventually she grudgingly answers. But the fact is, it is a long process, as she is over analyzing. I can't just let her write a literary analysis, as she isn't ready. She can outline not bad for history, but still a lot of hand holding, and her frustration is very close to the surface. But she is like that with everything. Chores, learning a new game, etc. She is short fused in the patience area. It'll come.


    This is difficult for her. I don't know why. I have dropped back to the very beginning with her. There is almost no writing involved, it's all oral. I tried writing out the questions and letting her do them on her own, and it is the same scenario.


    The example above is not what they have read, they read different things. Obviously they have different interests. It's just what I have experienced. The youngest just answers, usually without effort. The other is so worried there is a hidden agenda in the questions.


    The younger you start, the easier it is for them.

  13. First is logic/critical thinking for dd11. I forgot that in my plan. So what has been you favorites and why?


    Also, I want to find compilation of well written short stories at a grade 4/5 level, to get dd11 started on literary analysis. I would use her chapter books, but we're spending so much time outside now that we have real spring weather, she isn't reading as long. I don't want to do it for every chapter. Thought short stories would fit the bill quite nicely. Be able to finish a story and do the analysis. Plus I can read it too in a short time.



  14. Thanks Colleen. I'll have to look at the library and see, and take a peek. I'm in Alberta, and it is becoming more and more accepted that not all students are educations within the walls of a school. But some are looking at home schoolers as barely even literate :001_huh: I have heard that the highly competitive schools require those courses, doesn't matter that you took a college level course, they want a high school course. There is correspondence that we can do. Yes. My oldest is taking a Social grade 11 level now, as to accelerate his graduation while in school. His friend is taking it IN school, ds has 10 times the work to do. It's weird. I can just imagine what the 30 will be like.


    OhElizabeth, it isn't so much the diploma that is required. It is that course, Social Studies 30, or English 30 or...... We have one in the city that is being a stickler about it. Will not consider her Community College course, which ,btw is in an accredited college, to be sufficient, despite that the College course was a higher level curriculum. Having that official transcript seems to be the only criteria from some admissions. Which is unfair, they will take an international student based on as SAT, but not a local.

  15. I'm pretty sure this is going to be semi incoherent....


    At this point, we aren't sure we are going to comply and to the credits route to get diploma, or just use a portfolio. In order to get a diploma here there are certain courses required, grade 10 math and phys ed, grade 12 English, Science and Social. There may be another grade 12 course, but off the top of my head this is what I am remembering. My concern lies with the social study course, it is essentially all about Government, very little history other than that of Canada. I have spoken to local hs families that said they did the credit route and it is a waste of time in terms of quality content, but necessary perhaps. However, depending on what program you want to apply for in university, it can be really hard to get in without that credit path. I don't know if it is impossible, but still difficult. Now we are only completing grade 5, I have an older one that may be coming home and she would be going in grade 8. So there is 5 to 7 years or 11 years for the youngest who is 6, for the local Universities and Colleges to catch up with the times....


    My eldest is grade 10 in ps, 1/2 way through is grade 11 courses as well. I can get a pretty good feel of what the grade 12 social class is, through him, but they change everything so often.


    Now, I don't know what she will be, she really hasn't no idea. As all kids, she wants to be a teacher....then not, then a dr. then not, then a lawyer, then not.


    So I'm not 100% on the right path to take for her at this point. We have about 4.5 years before it's crucial decision time. But how would you work in the social studies learning with the Classical?


    I can agree with those hs that said it was a waste of time, it was when I took it oh...20 years ago, other than the rare time we learned about some really cool history or about a foreign land, our Social Studies program is pretty useless and so dry. BUT if she ends up at 18 deciding on something where we will have to get that diploma, I think we'd do the challenge the exam route, but she will need that knowledge in order to do so. Where would you work that in? We will not do an intensive American History, but will do a more in depth one of Canada, would this be where to introduce it?


    Clear as mud...sorry

  16. We stumbled into homeschooling out of necessity. I was really lost. We have a gal that operates a homeschool store out of her home, and we were talking on the phone. I didn't know what I was going to do. I had to do something before the school reported us as truant. She mentioned WTM to me, and I signed it out of the library, she also mentioned other books. I investigated, but WTM really hit home for me. This was how I wanted my kids to learn. It really broke things down into manageable information. Now, I am still overwhelmed and struggling to get all the details worked out, I've only been homeschooling, period, a very short time.My 2 girls have made great progress. WTM is my life line.


    SWB has an audio on PHP about Classical education. If you don't want to get the book, the audio should give you a pretty good feel about what it is Classical Education is. Susan is a fantastic speaker, you'll enjoy her, even if you decide that the classical method isn't for you, you will walk away with some ideas that may lend to the way you are comfortable teaching. It is a $3.99 download I believe.

  17. In the summer, dd11 is outside about 10 hours a day when we are camping, climbing, building forts, exploring the area for bugs, tadpoles, etc. So - outdoor pursuits. DD6 doesn't tolerate heat as well, so she only spends a 3 or 4 hour period, divided between morning and evening. In the winter, both play ringette and swim. DD6 also does dance. We are looking at the possibility for basketball as well.


    We have the Wii for the mid day wiggles, and a treadmill (freebie on Freecycle). Actually plan on having a work out schedule in the winter for both and have them participate in the long distance runs the area has. DD13 and I did 5 Km on New Years morning this year.


    Not to mention, dog walking(we have 2), biking, skate boarding, roller blading, nature walks, playing in the park.

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