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Posts posted by *Jen*

  1. It absolutely works here.


    Less hunger, lose weight, more energy, more mental clarity, more emotional stability.


    There are no downsides for us.


    :iagree: I've lost almost 20 lbs of the 30lbs I need to lose without working out. I'm not hungry, I have so much more energy, and the mental ability to keep up with my kids all days.


    When I have days that I slip and eat too many carbs I feel bad, am sluggish for a day or two, and overall it makes me not want to eat the carbs again.

  2. I actually use both at the same time with my 2nd grader. He loves workbooks and likes doing the GWG, but I think he retains the information better from the verbal lessons in FLL 2. So for right now we do FLL 2 days a week and GWG 3 days.


    He recognizes when something in GWG was already covered in FLL and doesn't mind the written practice. He is quite pencil phobic. Some days I still have to do the writing for him in GWG but most days he doesn't mind doing it himself.

  3. If you have an ipad or tablet, xtramath has a number pad rather than having to type them on the keyboard. My DS (2nd grade) likes xtramath as long as it's on the tablet.


    We had the best luck with getting them memorized and a quick recall doing fact worksheets and flashcards. It's not the most fun way to learn them, but DS memorized them quicker when he realized that we had fewer cards in the stack each day as he memorized more and more of them.

  4. My DS 22 months sounds the same. He babbles and talks in his own language but only has a handful of real words. This past two weeks he has suddenly added about 5 words. He has randomly said words like cracker or cookie one time well before he ever started calling me mama. This week he added magnet (as he is walking around the house smacking a magnet wand against the wall) yet he still doesn't call DH dada.


    We are going to do a speech eval once he turns 2 and we are back home in our home state.


    He is improving as he gets closer to two but I still feel that he needs some EI.

  5. The best thing I did when I started homeschooling was to tell my husband that I got one night a week off! Some weeks I don't use it but most of the time I do. DH gets home and the kids are his. I go out and do anything but think about the kids. Sometimes I get coffee with a friend, other times I go have a peaceful dinner by myself and wander a book store etc. That time away is so important to keep me from burning out!

  6. Huntsville AL. It meets all of your criteria and the summers are usually not that bad either.


    Another one that would suggest Huntsville AL. Huntsville is not like most of Alabama. With a large group of defense contracting companies having sites in Huntsville the population is diverse and not many people are originally from the area.


    I was not looking forward to moving to Alabama when my husband suggested it, but Huntsville has been an amazing place to raise a family.

  7. I've been eating (not always strictly) this way since January. I need to get better, but I fall off the wagon occasionally. I can tell the next day when I overdid it with sugar or grains the day before. I wake up feeling like carp.


    I've lost 13lbs without working out. I had already dropped soda before I started eating this way so this weight loss is from dropping the grains/processed foods. More importantly the weight I have lost has all come from my middle. I've lost almost 5 inches from my fat roll measurement! (I measure my normal waist measurement and also lower on my lovely fat roll from the kids)

  8. My best find of the summer was a light meter that I have been looking at for awhile. It's listed on Amazon for $300. I got it for $2!!! The thrift shop I found it in supports a kitty rescue ranch. Little to say they will be getting a nice donation from me this year. If they had any idea what it was they could have gotten a lot more for it. So I'm going to donate to them what I was willing to pay for it used.

  9. We started using IP 1B when DS started 2A and have continued to use them 1 book behind. We started CWP 2 when he started 2B.


    For the IP he does 20 minutes twice a week as a math reveiw. Some topics we get through quickly and it takes us just a few review days to finish the topic. Others drag on for weeks.


    The other 3 days a week we do one random CWP problem as part of our normal math time. We are still working our way through CWP 2

  10. Honestly? Neither. There are so many contingencies that can come up with these sorts of arrangements--which by the way, I've never heard of referred to as "guardian" arrangements. Co-ownership is a more common term. Some of my puppies go to homes with co-ownership agreements but that is at MY request, so they WILL NOT be bred. As soon as they are spayed or neutered I remove my name from the registration.


    Breeder A: Who is responsible for health testing this *****? Financially, etc. What if she turns out not to be breedable (or does this breeder even consider dogs "unbreedable?" or is everything bred?) If health testing is not a priority for breeding, I wouldn't be involved, and I'd really not think highly of anyone who is involved in breeding dogs without extensive health testing.


    Who is responsible for prenatal care? Or is that a priority? When does the ***** go to the breeders prior to whelping, or are you expected to whelp and puppy raise? That's a huge responsibility and can be very expensive, not to mention heart-wrenching.


    Will you have any say in where the puppies are placed? (or is that not a priority? By which I mean, does this breeder sell puppies over the internet?)


    Breeder B-- yeah--- she's a puppy mill, plain and simple. There is no way that anyone with over 30 breeding dogs could be considered anything else. "High Volume Breeder" is the term, and I am actually filled with ridiculous amounts of rage at the very thought.


    I'd be very, very careful entering into any sort of agreement with any breeder. IMHO, you're going to be used. Plain and simple. People who breed like this are most concerned with the bottom line, and that's the sad truth.


    Astrid (admittedly cranky after being emailed several times this week by a notorious person known to be working for a puppy millers trying to get a pup out of me and about twenty other breeders I know. When I smelled a rat and refused (we breeders talk and share our concerns) they got all verbally abusive and really ticked me off.)




    :iagree: Thank you for posting this! I have been trying to think of how to say exactly what you did but it never came out as nice as your post.


    My family has been involved in raising and showing dogs for almost 20 years. In that time there has only been 2 litters that my mom bred (and her first litter produced two top breed winning dogs!) I think most of these "breeders" are just upscale puppymills that farm out the dogs so they aren't classified as puppymills because they are not listed as the breeders of the resulting litters.

  11. Explode the Code? Dot-to-dot and maze workbooks? Playing with pattern blocks, geoboards, other math manipulatives? I'm just listing things my PK and kinder kids like to do.


    My DD likes to do all of these plus - puzzles, cutting worksheets, stamps/stickers to decorate a sheet, games she can play by herself like Memory or chutes and ladders.


    She also like the Kumon dry erase tracing cards that have shapes and letters on them.

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