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Posts posted by rockermom

  1. No, nothing that exciting! I just make everything round.


    Like to add 8, I add 10 and take off 2.


    Same with multiplying - multiply by 10, and takeoff 2. So to multiply 8 x 12, I think 10x12=120, less 2x12= 24, so 8x12 must be 120-24 = 96. (And of course to do 120-24, I would do 120-20=100 - 4 more =96.) And truly, I do that almost as quickly as most people can spit out the fact, b/c I have been doing it this way my whole life so I'm fast!


    Everybody else I have ever mentioned it to thinks it is convoluted and harder than memorizing the facts, but I just can't seem to memorize them! And the ones that I do remember, I'm not confident enough to rely on it, so I still go through my quickie calculation to check it.


    I do things in a very similar (and fast) way. Everyone always told me I was weird when I tried to help them with math.


    My brain would never accept an algorithm unless I could break things down myself and prove to myself that it worked. I always had to know why and it drove the teachers crazy. (They simply wanted me to plug in the numbers and shut up.) Once I broke it down and proved to myself that it actually was a good formula to use, I would use it.


    I always just thought I was weird.

  2. We're Christians who tend to prefer secular materials. We will most likely only use "religious" materials to teach about our faith. We will try to keep our faith separate from our academics.


    *sigh* There are people of faith on this board who are not Christian, and who might not appreciate being thrown into the equivalent of "other" when you've chosen to break down flavours of Christianity to such a degree. "Religious" doesn't not necessarily mean "Christian."


    We are atheist and homeschool secularly.


    ETA: I don't know how to answer the poll, because I don't know what is meant by "religious materials." Learning about different faiths is part of our homeschooling experience. Using, say, Rod & Staff math is not.


    I'm with nmoira about people of faith who are not Christian.

  3. I lived in WV when I was young and visited many times since. My grandmother lived there until she passed away about 8 years ago. It is a beautiful state that is very economically depressed. When people get a job at Wal Mart they don't give it up there.


    We had a family friend when I was growing up that was a miner. He was killed in a mining accident many years ago. It is not an easy job and often not a safe job. I don't know about training and requirements needed to get a job mining.


    I probably wasn't much help, was I?


    No! I appreciate your response. My mother's family is from WV and we visit often. We love the area and my husband asked me to find out anything I could about mining. My grandfather was a coal miner and so were several other family members. Sadly, most aren't around anymore to ask. None were killed in mining accidents, though. I'm sorry about your family friend.


    Apparently, to be considered for a job a 40 or 80 hour certification is required (a six week course, M-F 8 am - 4 pm). My husband is all gung-ho about this, but I don't know how we can swing a move with no pay for a minimum of 6 weeks (not to mention the time it may take to find a job).

  4. I've loved school supplies since I was little. I wonder if there's a connection between the type of person who loves school supplies and the type who chooses to homeschool? Hmmm. :D


    We have every kind of school supply left over from last year, but I guarantee that we're still going to stock up. I just can't resist!


    I was wondering the same thing.


    I'm a self-proclaimed office/school supply nerd. I love them! Composition books are my biggest weakness (but not the only one). :D

  5. If she stated that she is okay with you selling it, then I'd say do what you need to do. I'm sure that she gave it to you to help educate your children. If it cannot be used outright, then her gift is essentially useless. If, by selling it, you can purchase something to educate your children that you could not get otherwise, then the purpose and spirit of her gift have been fulfilled.


    ETA: I replied before reading the entire thread.

  6. See, I had the AL abacus and someone broke it. So I got this other one. If I can use this one I will. I did ask for something free. ;) I have a little booklet that was in the Rightstart game set. Surely that isn't the $20 thing?


    I do appreciate the input though, all of it, of what would be better. We are dealing with dyscalculia here.


    And finally, I am exhausted, so I will reread all of this and try to make some sense of it later. :)


    I don't know of anything free, but the little booklet that came with the AL Abacus is NOT the $20 Activities book. The Activities for the AL Abacus book begins with numeration and goes through all four operations, place value and more. Here is a link with samples.

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