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Posts posted by ~Amanda~

  1. First of all, I would like to apologize for the number of questions from me of late :P


    Ok, tell me if this exists.  I'm looking for a type of experiment to introduce the scientific method (obviously all experiments will be utilizing this method) but I'm looking for something that maybe takes everyday things, or situation, breaks it down to where the kid kind of goes "Ah-ha!" and they have this to reference back to as far as the steps of the method and how and why it works?  Am I totally reaching?

  2. We're in 7th and 8th.  I'm not planning on making it all the way through the American Odyssey; just lining up the parts of the book that go with early modern (year 3).  I've been scouring my WTM for ideas, which is how I came to the conclusion to ditch the history odyssey lol.  I'm just looking for ... maybe someone who has been there done that as far as the scheduling.  I'm still so gun-shy about doing my own scheduling; I feel like it takes me FOREVER, and I don't know what I'm doing (so I'm trying to reinvent the wheel, so to speak) I feel like maybe there is an easier way to line stuff up, and someone who has already done it can give me some tips. 


    I've made a list of literature ala WTM, so I don't even think I'm going to follow HO for their literature selections.  We'll be using CHOLL though.  I like the idea of using SOTW for the TOC as a starting point; and I already had the schedules for SOTW with human odyssey so that's very helpful.  I just can't find much on the American Odyssey book, and I'm not looking to do strictly american history this year; I'm just looking to add in a bit MORE american history to what is in their world history text for this year. :)

  3. I think, after spending most of the day looking for a compilation of human odyssey with history odyssey, I've decided NOT to use the history odyssey this year for history. I don't really like TSOM, and really, they are going to get enough writing with WWS without confusing them and making them spend a lot of time on history. 


    I would like to use human odyssey, american odyssey, SOTW with my younger middle schooler, and books.  If this was what you were using for history, how would you go about your day? make a list of books to read throughout the year, pick a few to do discussions on, have them read certain exerpts from the text, outline/summarize... discuss?? anything else??

  4. Of early modern mixed with a little extra US history?  I remember doing all this research before... I purchased the Human Odyssey book, American Odyssey... my plan was to integrate it into the early modern, just add a little extra focus on some american history.  Does anyone have a schedule already made out, either with Human Odyssey, History Odyssey, or SOTW with American Odyssey or american history topics??

  5. Apologies if this has been addressed in previous posts, search is not my friend.


    Would using both of these be redundant?  I was planning OPGTR with my K4-er, and then once I felt she was getting a grasp of the reading aspect, move on to WRTR.  I have read WRTR, but it was a few years ago when I first started homeschooling my older kids, so it wasn't with a "beginner" in mind.  I think of it as spelling, but its for teaching reading too, correct? 

  6. AMDG


    Ok, I'm only posting because I'm holding out some hope that Pam is PMing people who post to explain what in the world is really going on . . . So, Pam, ADD ME TO THE LIST!  Pretty please, with sugar on top.


    I really hate that I'm about to say this but, did she make a stupid terrorist or religion joke?  That is super insensitive and at my husband's work is a terminating offense,  First time offense, no warnings.


    yeah, me too!! I even asked my DH who (it seems) works in a similar environment, and we just can't come up with anything that is DANGEROUS

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