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Posts posted by ~Amanda~

  1. I like a lot about this.  There are a few grey areas that I'm not too sure about the details on; and I probably won't get until I purchase the program, huh?  I like that she's a holistic doctor, but honestly, she seems a bit ... vegan or vegetarian?  I've looked on the website and on facebook, and I can't really find anything where she states "THis is my nutrition belief" etc.  I'm down with the unhealthy truth; it's why I wanted the program in the first place.  But I don't want something that's going to say eating any kind of meat product is bad and we should only eat plants and beans.

  2. Has anybody used this?  I've had it bookmarked for a while, and I keep going back and forth between this and the Real Food Nutrition one.  I found the HBD on Teachers Pay Teachers, along with a Teen Health curriculum, I'm just wondering if anyone has had any experience with these and maybe could tell me a little bit about what's in them?





  3. I chose JAG for my 7th grader with extremely weak grammar skills.  She loved JAG in the beginning, but became very overwhelmed by the end.  I think the right decision there completely depends on the child.  I would choose JAG if the student has any trouble remembering or differentiating words (my daughter couldn't keep all the terms straight as there became more of them.)  Also, the sentences are easier in JAG, so it might be better for a weak reader.  If your child is strong in grammar and reading, then it would probably be fine to move on to AG.  My daughter found the dvd useless, since it just reads the text.  She would have been better with something that added to it, doing more examples, etc, that would have helped her grasp and remember the concepts better.



    I'm having a similar issue with my 12DS; can you tell me if you've decided on another grammer program to supplement or completely change to? 

  4. Ok, I thought there was one of these already, but maybe it was on a different board?  Anyway, my plan has completely changed since last week!  :lol:


    Math - Algebra 1  With what????  It's a dilemna.  Top contenders include AoPS (Don't have it yet, but want it), Jacobs (got it, like it, but strangely unsatisfied), and Crocodiles & Coconuts/Chuckles the Rocket Dog (have JA, and love it)


    English - Well, I'm glad you asked! I'm super excited about English next year:

    MCT Word Within the Word and Magic Lense, Killgallon Paragraphs for Middle School

    Writing:  Writing across the curriculum, with guidance from BW's Help for High School, Finkle's Writing Extraordinary Essays, Payne's Lively Art of Writing . . . and some of the lessons from Don't Forget to Write. Focus = essay writing

    Literature: Origins of Fantasy Literature & The Hobbit.  Then, The Short Story: Literary Terms & Techniques


    History - Ancient history using OUP's World in Ancient Times - we'll probably get through the Early Human World, Chinese World, South Asian World, Middle Eastern World, and Egyptian World.  the end of the year we'll pick up the human history bits of Big History.  Greece and Rome we'll save till next year


    Science - This is what I'm most excited about:  we decided to spend the year studying Origins . . . the Universe, Life, and Everything.  Here are the main resources I'm pulling together for this study:

    TC lectures:  Big History, Modern Perspectives on our Solar System, A New History of Life

    Coursera:  Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Human Evolution, Past and Future


    McHenry – The Elements

    A Short History of Nearly Everything – Bill Bryson

    The Story of Earth: The First 4.5 Billion Years, From Stardust to Living Planet – Robert M. Hazen

    Genesis: The Scientific Quest for Life’s Origin – Robert Hazen

    Astrobiology: A Brief Introduction – Kevin Plaxco & Micahel Gross

    Why Evolution is True – Jerry Coyne


    Spanish - Allinonehomeschool's Easy Peasy Spanish 7th grade and Easy Spanish Step by Step


    Logic/Critical Thinking:  We have an ongoing "course" called "Metacognition: A User's Guide to the Human Mind (Yours and Other People's)".  The 7th grade installment will include such things as The Art of Argument,  The Five Elements of Effective Thinking, and The Demon-Haunted World


    What are you guys planning for 7th grade?


    I'd LOVE to know more about this logic thing you've got going on!

  5. Can I just ask about this ...




    Unit 2: Modern physics (weeks 16-32)
    Watch: Lectures 16-32
    Read: How to teach physics to your dog; and Physics of the Impossible; and begin one of the lightweight books
    Research: Two topics in modern physics
    Write: Two 4-page papers on modern physics (see bottom of this post for ideas).
    Investigate: 2 topics
    19-21 Read book
    22 Read, Research topic on modern physics
    23 Read, Write 4-page paper
    24 Read, Investigation #4
    25-27 Read book
    28 Read, Research topic on modern physics
    29 Read, Write 4-page paper
    30 Read, Investigation #5


    at first, you say weeks 16-32, but in the breakdown, you start with 19 and end at 30?

  6. It's the concepts and connections I'm looking at; I didn't realize there were other books.  I've looked at the Miller/Levine site; they have a new one this year, the "Texas edition" I didn't really know what that meant until I got into looking at the teacher manual, and every single chapter has some TEKS study questions.  No thanks.  I liked the TOC pretty well, though; I havent' gotten a hold of a TOC for the Campbell, except the newest one.... Our library is pretty podunk. lol

  7. Is there a single location to compare/contrast/read reviews on these biology books for HS biology?  They seem to be the main ones used by most people, and I'm not sure which to pick.  All the samples online are for the newest editions, and honestly none of them are appealing.  I was going for holt because it was what was used for oak meadow,,,, I'm just at a loss.  If you have any words of wisdom for me, I'd love any input.

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