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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. I meant LLTL (Kathy Jo's new LA program), not LLATL (which I have used in the past and do not prefer). I would like to keep the US History Writing Lessons for all (I'm teaching them all together) so perhaps leave out the writing assignments in R&S? So, leave out Daily Grams for 7th grader? He's not had a ton of formal grammar at all, that's why I was looking at Easy Grammar 6. You think he'd be okay in the Plus workbook (red book)? I copied a few pages of the Daily Grams 6 and he does ok with those (doesn't need much help). Brain spinning again…lol.
  2. Background: we have been severely neglecting the LA portion of our academics (except for spelling and handwriting)…for a couple years. :( Bad mommy, bad mommy, I know. It is what it is. For whatever reason, it just wasn't getting done. I don't mind delaying formal grammar. However, we aren't even covering what I would consider the basics: capitalization, punctuation, proper sentence structure, etc. My older children have a good foundation in this, but the 7th grader and down do not. I mean to remedy this by focusing on LA for the rest of the year. Here is my tentative plan: 3rd/5th grader: (advanced 3rd grader, average to struggling 5th grader) Rod and Staff 4 done orally w/ worksheets/tests when scheduled Daily Grams for drill keep up with our R&S Spelling plus drilling phonograms IEW US History based Writing Lessons (with much hand-holding) Perhaps adding LLTL level 3 OR doing our own copy work and narration from our Literature/History/Science (leaning toward LLTL for the open and go-ness of it. I need easy right now) 7th grader: Easy Grammar 6 with Daily Grams beta-ing LLTL level 5 US History Based Writing Lessons continue with R&S Spelling (this will be a lot for him so we shall see how it goes…he need a ton of writing helps) 8th Grader: continue with R&S English 6 (he has been slacking) Daily Grams Jr. High (I was given an old copy) US History Based Writing Lessons his spelling is pretty solid…perhaps some dictation a couple days/week? We have History, Science, health, lit and art through our Friday co-op and they do have assignments to do in those classes as well as reading each week. It will be a lot to do. I just feel like we are falling behind in the LA area and this is a testing year for my 3rd, 5th and 8th grader. :( Thanks for your suggestions.
  3. Kathy Jo just added samples for all 3 levels of LLTL. 100 pages, 2 weeks worth of lessons for each level. Here is the link: http://www.lulu.com/shop/kathy-jo-devore/samples-language-lessons-through-literature-levels-1-2-and-3/ebook/product-21391411.html Thanks, Kathy Jo!
  4. Aime, you are not the last one to the party. I am. ;) I just hopped on the LLTL/RLTL train but am still waffling. Love what I see, but having a tough time justifying purchasing new curriculum when I have so.blasted.much here already. But this season of my life calls for EASY. Open and go. No learning curve. And LLTL/RLTL seems to fit that bill perfectly. Sigh. Make up my mind for me? :P
  5. She is not vegan and has a fairly healthy diet. However, she does restrict her caloric intake at times (esp. when in the hospital) and that can't help with her mood. I am looking into supplementing her diet, but it is tough when she is in the hospital.
  6. Have you looked at Bravewriter's Arrow and Boomerang? They provide the "handholding" that was previously missing in Bravewriter, IMO. I am looking into them myself for my kids. I also agree with the IEW theme-based, esp. for your 13yo. :)
  7. House of Hope in York was our first phone call. They were and have been full since June. I call every week. A friend's daughter is there...has been for nearly 2 years. Trust me...we have left no stone unturned in this journey. My daughter wants to find that "magic pill" so she can come home and work with an outpatient therapist. We have tried that. It hasn't worked. She doesn't want to go residential, but doesn't seem to "get" that this back and forth to crisis units isn't helpful in the long run (or short term either really) and is just like being away at an RTC w/out the benefits of continuity of care. Frustrating. She WANTS help...but doesn't want to be an active participant in it. She doesn't see a need to stop cutting. Thanks for all your feedback and suggestions. I am looking into all of them. The biggest problem for me in handing my daughter over to the state in order to get help is we want a faith-based facility, not a state-run facility. That would be our very, very last resort.
  8. I looked into Easy Grammar/Daily Grams for my 7th grader. My 10th grader uses it and tolerates it b/c it is short and sweet. This is what 7th grader needs. I also like the approach of teaching prepositions first (for some reason, lol). Perhaps I should look into that for all of my kids? Idk. I found CLE and like that it was all-in-one (but we like our spelling and handwriting programs already) and since I've used GWG I know that it is also straightforward and easy to navigate for the child. I think I just have to choose one. Indecision is getting me (and them) nowhere.
  9. Thanks for your support. TRHealthyMomma...I will be in prayer for your daughter. Diligently. To answer questions...we applied and were approved for medical assistance (we were told to do this at her last facility). But we are finding that even THAT is not sufficient and that medicaid (which she is also eligible for), while a federal program, is heavily relient on state $$$ and thus states do not like to pay for facilities that are in another state. It doesn't make sense to me, but it is what it is. You can only get quality help if you are extremely rich or give up your child...and I will NOT, may I repeat that?...NOT give up custody of my child to the government under ANY circumstances. I'll put 2nd and 3rd mortgages on my house to pay for her care before I do that. I think that it is disgusting that we have stooped so low in this country that parents are put in this situation. Sorry...I digress. In less than a year, my husband can get a new policy through his job. He unfortunately chose to save $$ upfront by choosing a more affordable yet less coverage type policy. It was stupid in hindsight and I am seething that he did that but what can you do? My daughter will be 18 in less than a year. Here in PA, at age 14 a child is capable of making his/her own mental health decisions. o.O By 18...it will be a completely different ballgame for her. Time is ticking. I am losing hope. She is not responding positively to ANY meds and I am trying to get her in to see a holistic psych. but she isn't stable enough to come home long enough to do that! I now have to see if the facility where she is can send an escort with us if we can get an appt. The system here in America for mental health assistance is completely BROKEN. :(
  10. Oh boy. Here we go. Anyone here dealing with self-injurious behavior in their adolescent girl? Cutting? The past 7 months have been a nightmare for our family since finding out my 17yo daughter has been cutting (for nearly 2 years). Actually, nightmare doesn't really even come close to describing what we have and are currently going through with her. She's been hospitalized 5 times since June in various psychiatric crisis centers, has had over 150 stitches in her leg and arm, has attempted her life at least twice that we know of (once she swallowed an entire bottle of 100 Tylenol), seen several therapists, psychiatrists and social workers and has been on various medications that have not worked. :( She is currently in another hospital (has been there since mid-Dec.) and we are looking at residential placements but insurance issues are monstrous (mostly due to Obamacare). We sent her to Teen Challenge back in November but after 3 weeks, my darling daughter RAN from the facility and nullified her contract with them. Nice, huh? She was making progress, too. I don't know what I am asking or if I am just looking for a place to vent. I am frustrated, confused, angry, sad, heartbroken, devastated and losing hope…fast. This child has NEVER had any problems up until 7 mos. ago. No signs of mental illness, no behavioral issues, nothing. She is bright, responsible, does her work well and efficiently, is social and happy (on the outside apparently) and has many friends. She is supposed to graduate in May. WAS supposed to graduate in May. :( She has not had any continuity of care b/c just as quickly as a hospital sends her home, she ends up cutting and needing stitches or threatening her life or you name it and lands herself right back in a crisis unit…starting the process all.over.again. Therapists would refuse to see her unless she was medicated, but we have yet to find a medication that works for her. She has had several diagnoses but the one *I* think best fits is rapid-cycling bipolar 2 w/ Borderline Personality Disorder. Our primary insurance does not cover residential and though we have medical assistance for her now…every single residential facility in our area has stopped taking medical assistance as it is currently "under review" (and we all know why that is…stupid AHA..don't even get me started). So we are screwed. She isn't stable enough to come home, insurance actually stopped paying for her current hospitalization and we are paying OOP to the tune of THOUSANDS per day, we have zero options as of right now and I'm about to just tell the hospital to send her home with a bottle of pills and a blade in her hand and be done with it! I can't keep her safe no matter how hard I try, she will not work with a therapist long enough for it to be of any help. She wants somebody to give her some magic "pill" and make her all better…doesn't want to actually play an active role in that process. KWIM? Again, I don't know what I am asking. Maybe I am just venting. Idk. Perhaps I am hoping to "connect" with somebody who knows what this roller coaster is like and can share my pain. :( I feel very alone in this.
  11. First…hello my old friends! How I have missed you! I've been off the forum for quite some some, navigating some tough mental health issues with my oldest (a senior) and haven't had time for hanging out on the boards. Haven't had time for much of anything this year…including consistent schooling. :/ Testing is coming up for 3 of my kiddos and we are unprepared in the area of formal language arts. It's fallen to the wayside as we struggled to keep up with our co-op course load and "life issues". So…I need some help. Rod and Staff, while wonderful, isn't cutting it anymore. It requires too much of "me" for 3 kids who need major hand-holding. Sigh. I need something workbook-based and moderately independent…for now. Flexibility is the key, yes? :/ I have, however, considered putting my 3rd, 5th and 7th graders in R&S 4 and teaching them together (5th and 7th graders are behind while 3rd grade is on level and a quick study). Thoughts on that? I am looking at the following to bring us up to speed (and help my 3rd and 5th graders do well on the CAT) and need your advice: CLE Language Arts: pros that I see are that it is all-in-one, includes diagramming, is workbook based and moderately independent (except for new concepts I would have to teach), seem challenging enough and is relatively inexpensive. Cons? Time-consuming I have read in many reviews. Includes spelling and handwriting which we already have curriculum for and like (R&S Spelling and Cheerful Cursive/HWT Cursive). Growing With Grammar: Pros here are workbook based, somewhat independent, includes diagramming, also rel. inexpensive. Cons that I remember having used it before are that retention is low, sentence structure is simple and predictable, ??? Does GWG cover as much as CLE? OK. So. Help me out? I have a 3rd grader who is on level mostly (she could easily start in level 3 in either curriculum with a little hand-holding through concepts she hasn't covered), a 5th grader who is behind…would likely be in same level as 3rd grader (I know, I know…I'm telling you we have struggled this year) and a 7th grader who I have cried and lamented about in several threads in years past, lol (he is tough…we struggle DAILY (both of us cry)…he has MANY issues going on (emotional, behavioral, academic, etc.)…behind in all subjects…blah, blah, blah). He needs simple…short, sweet, to the point, no fluff. He's smart…but lazy…and just needs the quickest route from Point A to Point B, if you will (Growing With Grammar might be best for him I think). Looking forward to your advice and your thoughts, my friends. Thank you! Oh…we have writing covered…using a combo of Bravewriter/IEW/WWE (still deciding which to pitch, lol).
  12. I think he needs a basic review of fractions, decimals, percents and such but nothing extensive. BCM spends the majority of the book on review. I was able to find the Abeka Basic Mathematics 2 (Pre-Algebra) worktext at our local homeschool bookstore. I have all the Teacher materials and my older son did well using Abeka. It thoroughly covers all Pre-Algebra topics but doesn't spend entire units covering fractions, decimals and percents. That is all covered in the 1st 2 units and the rest of the book goes into "meatier" topics. I think this is exactly the "happ median" that I was looking for. Thanks everyone. :)
  13. Thanks for the review! Looks interesting. I'm not sure he is quite ready for that much algebra, though. BUT...it looks good for next year or mid-way through this year. I agree that Lial's is too "busy". It gives ME a headache, lol. Any other suggestions?
  14. My 13yo 8th grader completed Singapore through 6A. I did not buy 6B b/c I figured I would move him right into Pre-Algebra. So, I purchased Lial's BCM as was recommended by a few WTMers. Well...after looking through it...I think I made a mistake. :( It looks like mostly review for him and would likely be a wasted year. I need some other suggestions. I have looked at Lial's Pre-Algebra but I'm just not sure that is what I want either. Is there something that is in between BCM and Pre-Algebra? Maybe Saxon Algebra 1/2 or something else? I'm going to have ds13 do the chapter tests and some Cum. Review exercises until I can figure out something different so we don't lose time but I need serious help! He is NOT ready to move into Algebra 1and can certainly use some more review in Pre-Alg. topics. Exp. negative numbers as Singapore didn't cover that. Please...any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  15. There are so many problems. I have typically assigned just odds...but even so there are over 40 problems PLUS the side-bar exercises. My child gets overwhelmed. And math takes forever. And I don't think all those problems are necessary. How do you all schedule Lial's. What does a typical day look like for you? Thanks!
  16. I know this topic has been discussed ad nauseam on this forum but I need some (more) advice. I have a 5th grader who is/was a very slow reader. He has made tremendous progress over the past year and a half but still isn't quite where he "should" be. :( We have focused so much on reading that his spelling is also lacking. However, his spelling seems to be a bit better than his reading? Encoding vs. decoding issue? I started him in Rod and Staff Spelling 3 at the end of last year and he did well...pretested out of many of the chapters. From here, where would you go? Purchase Spelling 4 and go from there? Use something different to get him caught up? The idea of purchasing another book makes me cringe as I've aleady spent so blasted much $$ this year btwn curriculum and co-op, etc. (plus we have had some unexpected medical expenses). I have The Writing Road to Reading to use with my 5yo. How would one go about using that for an older child? Any advice would be much appreciated!
  17. I purchased Lial's BCM for my 8th grader who had used Singapore through 6A. Will BCM be enough Algebra Prep? I see that Lial's has another book out called Pre-Algebra. What is the difference? Did I purchase the wrong text? Getting nervous...
  18. Ok, me and my pea sized brain finally figured this out! Well, that and an email from the company explaining what I needed to do. Sheesh. How does somebody with zero brain cells homeschool 7 children? lol
  19. But my student list isn't showing up on the page for me TO assign the courses! I did ask on the forum...waiting for a reply. I also emailed. Thanks for the replies...I suppose I'll have one more crack at it. lol
  20. I just downloaded the free trial. I added the new school year, entered my students, entered my courses and am now trying assign courses to students. But, my students do NOT show up in columns next to the File Cabinet like it shows in the video. I can't assign courses! Having same problem w/ attendance. Students are not listed under "students" on the side. What am I doing wrong? I am getting so frustrated! Any help would be so appreciated. Thanks.
  21. You already have a list, you silly woman! ;) Teehee. You could use many of the books from that list if you wanted. Mosey on over to the Heart of Dakota website, too, where you will find a list of books for different genres complete with the reading level (I think). HOD does the 9 different genres in the DITHOR literature curriculum. I'm glad you found a co-op. :)
  22. Yes. This. Exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you. I love the pruning analogy.
  23. This is exactly where I am right now. My family is and has been falling apart for some time. For so long, I wasn't in a place to deal with it emotionally...and so it only got worse. I had 12yo and his outward behavioral signs alerting me to trouble and so we focused on him. 10yo began with signs of anger issues and we added him to the mix of "children to focus on". Well, while focusing on the "squeaky wheels", I failed to notice a wheel that wasn't making any noise or acting in a way that a "wheel" shouldn't. Until recently. And it was nearly too late. And life is now a bit upside down and spinning out of control like some raging tornado on a path set for major and complete destruction and devastation. School is the last thing on my mind. Period.
  24. Thanks everyone. WIsh I could give you all a big hug for everything you have gone through or are going through. I schooled through my own depression issues. Got that under control. 12yo's major behavior issues...ongoing...likely needs therapy. Heck our entire family likely needs major intensive family therapy as a result of it. Not blaming the 12yo but his issues coupled with my bout with depression...recipe for disaster. It's summer. I need to re-group...again. Thanks for the advice. I think my head is currently in mid-spin and I just can't even wrap my brain around our current crisis. It still feels like one huge nightmare. :(
  25. I mean...how do you keep schooling when crisis situations arise? Whether it be chronic illness, death in the family or of a close friend, behavioral issues/mental health issues in children or yourself (LOL), job loss, unexpected move, miscarriage, etc. You know. I can't share specifics, but we are going through one of those tough life seasons right now. School is the absolute LAST thing on my mind and it should be that way. But my kids need to be educated, right? We must maintain some semblance of school, shouldn't we? Public school is not an option. I'm praying this season for us is short...but it might not be. :( I am glad it is summer and am hopeful to be in a different place come September. But, there are just too many unknowns right now. I'm just looking for some advice from anyone who has btdt. I'm trying to be prepared. Thanks.
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