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Posts posted by bry's-gal

  1. I don't plan everything out for us.

    In CC, for Science we are doing Anatomy and Chemistry. I'm looking for go experiments kits in each area for us to work on during that time in CC. I'll also supplement with books.


    For History, I'm doing SOTW and I'm not in sync with CC. We are going to be doing Vol 2 next year. I figure the History they get in CC is bonus. I did notice this year that a lot of the stuff we read about in SOTW they remembered from CC the year before and it helped things click with them.


    For Geography, I get black outline maps and puzzles of whatever area we are studying. The kids love to play with those. I'm still looking for a good game for learning the capitols for this next cycle.


    Hope that helps!

  2. I'm looking for a science kits that has EVERYTHING I need! It doesn't need to go a particular curriculum but I do want it organized for me and I don't want to go searching for material. This will be for a K and 2nd grader.

    What is out there?

  3. I forgot about smoothies! We eat them several times a week with our breakfast- we do fresh/can fruit, frozen fruit, plain yogurt and some juice or water to blend it all together. I've tried spinach in ours but the girls and hubby have a hard time getting past the color!


    I stock up on fruit in the summer when it is cheap and freeze it in our deep freezer! That helps with costs of the frozen fruit and then we get blueberries/strawberries in the cold winter months!


    We've also watched our portion sizes! That and limited snacking has helped!

  4. Hubby and I have been working on losing weight since November and we've been successful! It's helped to have both of us on board- it keeps us both motivated and accountable!


    Our big problem was overeating- we had healthy meals but eating more of healthy foods is still more calories that we didn't need. We've cut out most snacks unless it is fruit/vegetables. We've put more fruits/vegetables with our meals and continued on with our whole grains/lean proteins.


    We have also got a Wii Fit and use that(found a good price on Craig's List) It tracks our progress and helps us set a goal for our weight. We exercise at least 5 times a week. Most of the time it is doing the Wii but now that the weather is warmer we are doing family bike rides, hikes, etc.


    I'm down a little over 20 lbs and have noticed an increase in my energy levels. It was hard at first- I was tired and didn't want to exercise. Now that I'm in the habit I notice on the days I slip and eat poorly I feel AWFUL! I also notice that I enjoy the exercise and I feel better during the day!


    Good luck!

  5. I think it's overkill, a lot of overkill.


    I would just send a note that said "Friendly reminder from X Group, if dues are not paid by 4/30 your membership will be rendered inactive."


    Some people will not remember to pay until their membership is cut off. Some people will be thinking they don't want to bother for the summer and will wait until the beginning of the next school year. Don't take it personally. :)



  6. My eldest is in the kids praise team at church. They do two musicals a year- one in the fall and one in the spring. This is her first year doing it. Back in the fall, the pastor pulled us aside and said they had a lot of problems with her that day during practice- she was physically picking on the kids around her and wouldn't stop- even when told to. She had to be removed from the area. We gave her some consequences at home including letters and personal apologies to all involved and she was grounded for a week. We asked her if she wanted to continue this during the spring- she said yes. No more problems up until tonight.


    Tonight was their performance. She barley sang and she barely did the motions. While on stage DURING the performance (and of course she is in the front row) she starts elbowing, poking and yanking on the 5 kids around her (2 next to her, 3 behind her). There was nothing we could do to stop it because the show was going on.


    We are furious at her for treating others that way but we aren't quite sure what the right consequence is. We talked about how she was mean, she distracted from the show and she was disrespectful. We told her she is grounded for the week (in her room, no books, no activities). She barely seemed to care- I think that is what has me the most upset is her lack of caring about her actions and how they affect others and how the other kids now she her at the "mean" one. What sort of consequence would you do since this consequence obviously didn't work last time?


    FYI- she is the kid who knows that what she is doing is wrong, what the consequence is and will do it anyways. You have to get really tough with her for her to stop doing whatever it is. We (hubby and I) are probably not going to allow her to do kids praise next year.

  7. Plus:

    - The workshops- I loved SWB and Susan Kemmerer!

    - The vendor hall space- it was nice that we had more room and a good variety of things.

    - The ability to pay for all of your CD's early and then go back and pick them up.



    -The Duggars- it added to much craziness and confusion!

    - Securtiy- they did some odd things with shutting down escalators and trying to organize people for the Duggars.

    - Workshops in different buildings- it took me forever to figure out where the Hilton Pavilion was and I could not find anyone who could help.

    -The cost of the CD's- I wish they could find someone cheaper. Or better yet, someone who will do MP3's or CD's of EVERY session. I don't want it in CD form- I would much rather have it in MP3 format.

    -Food- It is expensive!

    -Parking- It took us 45 minutes to get out of the parking garage on Saturday!

  8. Nance- Thanks for the review! That helped! Currently, my daughter has no word problems unless I make them up. The problems she does have are overkill- I think she gets bored of doing the same thing over and over when she has the concept down! How does TT handle review? Is it a cyclical program with review problems in each day's assignment?


    I think what I'm most nervous about is letting someone else teach her math- I love to teach math but I know I'm rusty on the harder concepts and I will need the review. I think the video will be good review for me.

  9. Has anyone used this? What did you think of it- good and bad?


    I'm thinking of starting this next year with my oldest. We have been using Horizons but it moves a bit slow for her and I'm having to make an extra sheet each day to keep her challenged. I'm also wanting more word problems, real-life situations and more thinking! She is going to be 7 but will be finishing Horizons 2 this summer so we'll be moving into grade 3 for math.

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