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Posts posted by WinsomeCreek

  1. When I had hair down to my bum I used Paul Mitchell's Super Skinny Serum. It is an amazing detangler and smells nice. I cut mine off and donated to Beautiful Lengths. Having had long hair throughout childhood and half of my adult life I would not make her cut her hair. But the skinny serum works great.

  2. I'm a little sheepish about the fact that I did let my oldest read this. I had him stop at the parts I thought would be too mature, but we talked through the content. I asked him again after seeing this discussion and he went and reread it! He said it is not appropriate for 11 yos in general. He felt it was ok for him because he has a pretty full background knowledge already (we have a dangerous level 3 SO next door and have to have explicit conversations) and he did feel that it was worth reading even if those parts are uncomfortable- though he felt the focus was on the self-struggle. *But* he also commented that hands down it was the manipulation in this book that was by far the most disturbing to him. He was grateful I let him read it, but felt it was generally more of a high school/post puberty read. I read it in school at 12/13 unabridged and don't even remember parts about sex, so maybe it was over my head.

  3. I found this board while seeking answers and resources for my most out there kid. It turns out he doesn't look (or test) 2e at all when placed in an appropriate learning environment. In fact all of the positive, interactive, social and happy qualities only showed up in a classroom once he was accelerated to a group at the right working level. I don't worry as much about my other kids (one is dyslexic, other has memory issues) since they are much more content working below their abilities. So it is my globally gifted kid that brings me here, not the 2es. Just to add to the data....

  4. I haven't read every post, but I want to ask... is this person going to be home a lot? Maybe they are gone during the day and you and your boys can feel more comfortable if they play outdoors while this person is not home. I like the idea of the privacy fence.


    The fact that you homeschool means you never have to worry about your child standing at a bus stop and being approached or walking home from school (possibly to an empty house) and being approached.

    This is part of the problem. He will be puttering around the house and yard most of the day and yes, we do a decent amount of school not just in the house, but outside in the yard.

  5. A church body should be AWARE of his history and appropriately protect boys in the church! Clearly the family has no problem keeping secrets. Do church leaders check the SO registry? I personally feel it is his moral obligation to draw in the support of the church he chooses to attend to help him to not reoffend. But what do you do with someone who has little concern for moral obligations? Well... We've all seen this story play out on massive levels. So yeah, the church should know. Being held responsible- SO or church or school etc- is a poor second choice to prevention.

  6. That is why the risk assessment here, including the idea of temporarily moving to a metro area, leaves me scratching my head. Check the registry map of any metro area in this country and it is tough to find unflagged neighborhoods.

    In this case, we live here because it is a beautiful natural environment where we could give the kids freedom to be wild and climb trees and shoot bows in their backyard, have water balloon fights and play hide and seek in the outdoors. I have radically accelerated, musically and academically precocious kids. The sacrifice for an environment where previously we saw the dangers as the bears and mt lions, is that they do not have access to the academic and extracurricular resources of a city. The thinking and risk assessment is that if we're going to have to be on guard at home, we may as well live where the kids can go to proof school and/or access pre college conservatory programs, gymnastics, math circles. In our particular circumstances the real risks of known or unknown SO assault was previously pretty low.


    ETA: if we did some kind of temp move I'm pretty sure we'd look for tenants that would be as annoying as possible to the neighbors. Sheriff's family maybe. LOTS of big dogs perhaps.

  7. A big dog is definitely being discussed. I have heard the same thing, that dogs are great deterrents. I'm more worried that we'll end up with a giant baby, knowing my guys. Dh is the worst. He'd let a 100 lb dog have run of the house, couches, sleep on the bed. He slices off meat for our cat when he cooks or bbqs- good stuff, not gristle. It would have to be a professionally trained big dog able to withstand the pampering of my boys.

  8. I am also trying to be very respectful of the legal issues, but feel strongly that our neighborhood and community need to be aware. Ours is a more trusting community. Parents and kids tend to look out for each other, but it is the kind of place a perp can weasel his way into church and fairly easily offend again. I have an appointment with an advocate next week to make sure we stay within the law while doing our best to let our community know the risks.

  9. While your dh was over there confronting, did he make clear that no one from that address is allowed to step foot onto his property again, not for any reason? If not, do that now or send a certified letter with the follow up remark that you will, at a minimum, call 911 each and every time it happens or you think that it happens. Neighbors have thrown down the gauntlet for much smaller offenses IMHO. This defines what the boundaries literally are. Let them worry about if you still value them as friends, etc, whatever.


    If a convicted sex offender on your property is not grounds to call 911, I don't know what is.

    Thanks, Mirth. Yes, he did. We should send a certified letter as well, but Dh clearly stated that we would call police without hesitation the moment SO so much as accidentally steps foot on the property. In addition to bringing out a surveyor and fencing with tall privacy fence, we plan on installing motion lights around the house. Our kids have all been told to turn away and no longer speak to the family at all, but they may once relay that they are no longer allowed to speak to them as they walk or run away. Dh very clearly told the family that this was a choice they are making, and a bad one for not just the kids, but for their family member to be in the midst of temptation, and that these are some of the consequences of that choice. We have no care or concern for keeping good neighbor relations with people making such a choice. It is their loss and bad judgment. Perhaps if they had spoken to us beforehand we could have retained some trust in their good will, but certainly not now that we had to find out this way. I will draft and send a certified letter as well as post no trespassing signs.

  10. I'm so sorry. Something good HAS come out of this already though--I hadn't checked our registry for about a month, and yep, we have a new one. I'd noticed this man in the grocery store the other day--there is a reason that my radar went up. We have several in our town--one used to work for a neighboring ranch and one had grandkids involved in 4-H so he used to hang around the horse kids. I seem to be the only one that had a problem with that. Arg!

    Margaret- we are fencing our (currently wonderfully open) yard. Can you let me know if you have another litter of those beautiful dogs of yours?

  11. I learned a lot today. Mostly I learned how little can be done even in a bad situation that everyone acknowledges is a bad situation. :(


    Level 3 here is worst level offender. Convicted of crimes against kids of basically varying legal definitions of rape and sexual assault. This is a bad dude who has done decades of bad things repeatedly. Until I understand the legal issues I still won't give details, but yes, the risk to my family is very real. I would be foolish not to change our behavior and take precautions. My kids already have a degree of understanding. I gained new ideas today. This is a long term problem, not just for me, but for the community. This guy was locked away for a very long time. He already violated the spirit and possibly letter of his parole. I'm looking into it.


    I appreciate everyone's responses, even those I don't agree with or understand. Yes, he has to live somewhere. Having him where he is is like moving a recovering addict next to the crack house. He is moving in with family so no landlord to appeal to. As far as the unknown risks go... of course there are bad and unknown perps all over. My kids have all been taught basic safety in this area. We live in a small community. We follow the reasonable rules that statistically keep predators at bay. There is a palpable difference. Kids get bitten by household dogs, either their own or ones they know generally. Kids can be taught to be friendly, but keep their faces away from the fence of a neighbor's or friend's dog. Having a neighbor bring home a pit bull that previously mauled people and leaving it in the yard is whole new level of risk. A friend's father could be a predator, but my kids are not likely to be alone with any fathers. Groups of kids, yes. Not alone because that's what they have been taught. But consider that a friend's father who may be a perp is motivated to not be caught because of how much he would have to lose. For kids instructed in recognizing grooming or inappropriate behavior, this is a good thing. In our case the men we know are in amazing families and would have so much to lose. This offender has spent the bulk of his adulthood offending or in prison. It would be good bet that he is moving in with family because he has nowhere else that wants him or he deliberately chose a spot surrounded by potential victims. His history includes higher than standard terms because he would not abide by the most basic rules set for him. Either way- it sucks. Why is he out? I'm sure I'll never know that much detail. His family, who we just saw as weird, are proving themselves to be either devious, incredibly naive or both.


    We live in our dream house and love the geography of our home. We'll take precautions and go from there. Maybe we'll look into a long term housing swap with people that have no boys (SF Bay area anyone?). Maybe we can have another person or couple move in for extra safety (law enforcement would be nice). We do have a finished basement with kitchenette. I can't say what we'll do next, but I'm looking for options. This is tough. Really, moving because of it, despite feeling like a solution, does not guarantee our safety. We're in about the most serene, bucolic setting one can find. It can happen anywhere and like this- out of the blue.


    Please pray for us and safe solutions.

  12. I should say that by release report I mean his registry page that goes over his terms. Not some official prison release. Just to be clear.


    ETA: He is level 3, it seems that if authorities knew about kids next door we would have been notified? Or perhaps notification is coming soon.

  13. Another neighbor with kids let us know today. This man has convictions for crimes against multiple preteen and teen boys. I read his release report online. He was not able to be treated and is subject to many restrictions, stated high risk to reoffend. Given that I don't understand the issues and want to be careful not to step into any muddy harassment territory, I won't provide details. I got most info online and will contact authorities directly tomorrow.


    I'm trying to set my emotional response aside. It seems likely that his living situation was approved without anyone knowing he was moving in next to a homeschool family of boys. Additionally, I am a den mother and we hold scouting activities here at the house at times. I get that the family had no obligation to tell us, but they have a past history of dropping by on occasion and recently came to the house to warn us of stray dogs, to keep an eye on the kids. It's just a pretty weird juxtaposition. I don't trust them to be honest or open with us or the authorities.


    His horrific crimes make us unable to feel safe. My kids will not be allowed to play freely in their own yard. Now THAT is harassment.


    Good idea on window covers. My boys are not modest at home. Time for that to change. We will build a privacy fence. Fortunately we are able to talk openly to the kids about this since we already have had discussions via scouting.

  14. EPGY worked best for my independent learner. He went through elementary math ages 6-7 with EPGY and made a comfortable move to AoPS preAlg after. If it helps to know, he generally got things on first presentation so until reading on the forums about seeing repeat problems I did not know it happened. It was good for assuring that there was no skipping. We went through open enrollment. HTH.

  15. Any guidance from any state welcome, but I am in WA so would appreciate if someone in-state can help.


    A level 3 offender moved in right next door. I am a mom of boys. His offense was against boys. We are doing school during the day. Dh confronted the family that is allowing him to move in and we were informed that he has been hanging out at the house during the day anyway quite a bit over the past year. They never told us. The family members have felt free to drop by and visit in the past and even warned us about some stray dogs in the neighborhood that might be a threat to the kids. But no mention of the offender tending the yard less than 100 ft from my kids! Now he will be living there full time. They were not the ones to tell us. Another neighbor with kids did and showed us the registry info.


    I am really having a hard time believing this is legal. He is high risk to reoffend. We're basically a school filled with his favorite victims. I will probably be up all night looking into this, but does anyone know what I should/can do? Who can we contact?


    Thanks in advance....

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