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Posts posted by Elfinlady

  1. I am considering using this for my daughter next year. She will be 11 then. My main concern is that many of the readers, even the advanced ones, seem to be below her reading level. Has anyone used this with a 5th grader, and how did you like it?

  2. I just recently bought a Kindle Touch for my 5th grader. She really likes it. My main reason for buying it was the ability to immediately look up unfamiliar words. :001_smile: I also like that it helps keep down the number of physical books that I have to find shelf space for!


    She's using it at this moment to read a biography of Abigail Adams, and right before that she used it to read a chapter of The Cabin Faced West.

  3. I posted in this thread awhile back, but we have a new hit! DD loves the Prairie Primer. We were at a stopping place with our history and science that we were doing, so I decided to go for it. We'd never done a unit study before. We are both having a blast with it. This afternoon we're going to make vinegar pie like Ma made for Christmas in the Big Woods. :D

  4. Thanks for the commiseration and advice. I'm already a vegetarian, but I am looking into the diet aspect. The doctor put me on Methotrexate, and we're waiting to see if that works for me before we try anything more aggressive.


    I thought I was handling this okay, but last night I just started bawling because it suddenly hit me that I have this life altering illness. I am better today though, emotionally anyway. The prednisone the doctor gave me until the Methotrexate kicks in doesn't seem to be working. The office is closed tomorrow, so I'll call Monday morning if there's still no improvement.

  5. I've been having joint pain since June. After several trips to my regular doctor and then seeing a specialist, I finally got the diagnosis of rheumatiod arthritis yesterday. The specialist started me on a treatment, but it's likely we'll have to experiment to find what works best for me. I was really hoping it was something we could treat and would go away, not something I'll be dealing with for the rest of my life. Of course, who does want a lifelong chronic condition! :lol:

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