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Posts posted by HootOwl

  1. My kids are 1st and 3rd, so we're still young in our homeschool journey. I tend to read and glean more from the veteran homeschooler's posts than write my own posts, but I'm starting to feel I have some worthy advice to offer to those schooling very young children.


    I have to break away from the boards every so often to keep myself focused on schooling, but I do love visiting. I've learned so much.




  2. back to a house in a subdivision and had to look HARD to find a house with any sizeable yard to make us feel like we had somewhat of a "woodland retreat". We did find a house with a wonderful back yard with a creek, bridge, and backing up to the subdivision's common area, so we bought the house almost solely based on the yard.


    Now, being in the house for a few months, there are so many things I wish we'd paid more attention to before deciding upon it. The kitchen needs major upgrades, the flooring downstairs---some wood floors some carpet---all needs replacing. I really wish I hadn't settled for a lesser quality house just for a nice yard.


    What I REALLY wish we had done was remain in the country. (But that's a whole different story.)


    Good luck to you!


  3. I'll have a 2nd and 4th grader in the fall, and we're going to deviate from TWTM that we've loosely followed for the past 2 years. I've been wanting to do American History for a while, so we're going to try WinterPromise American Story 1 this fall.


    I'm even considering using their language arts program as well---at least for my 2nd grader. The idea of having so much of our day scheduled and planned for me is SO appealing. I've nit-picked and tweaked other schedules and created my own for so long that I'm worn out by the time I start teaching. I think that the kids and I will all benefit from my having a more restful day.


    I may still use Rod & Staff grammar (which I LOVE) for my 4th dd, because I really want a strong understanding of grammar for my kids. The language arts of WinterPromise does look a little light in comparison with what I've done in the past, so I'm still undecided.


    I'm also going to stop trying to pull together science (ala TWTM) and go with a full-blown science curriculum. Right now, I'm liking Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry. My kids love science, but I seldom do much with them, because I don't like having to plan it all. I'm hoping having a "real" curriculum will help.


    I'm also finding myself gradually moving away from the rigorous "classical" philosphy and more into the Charlotte Mason philosophy. I think my kids will respond much better to schooling with a more relaxed approach.




  4. We have done SOTW 1 and 2 for the last 2 years, but next year we will do WinterPromise's American Story 1 and 2 (the following year).


    I found a nice transition from the end of SOTW 2, which covers European expansion and exploration, into the same exploration which typically begins American History.


    I may pick back up with SOTW3 after this, or I may look at starting the world history rotation again.


    Good luck!


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