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Kay in Cal

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Posts posted by Kay in Cal

  1. Favorite gifts this year:


    Me -- Harry Potter knitting book, and Inkle loom (though I don't have it yet, we're going up to a great weaving store to choose one I want)


    Dh -- Dr. Who writing book (nonfiction about the show's creator), Little Big Planet video game


    Older ds -- Ipod Nano


    Younger ds -- Room planetarium, batman toy figures


    We got tons of games for the family (and each other) including a Beowulf boardgame, The Hobbit boardgame, Munchkin Quest boardgame, Cosmic Encounter, and Talisman-- two old favorites now back in print in wonderful new additions. Plus some assorted video games, books, etc.


    I'm coming to the end of my "year without new books", so I got a couple of gift cards to spend after January 1st.


    1. Read an average of a book a week - 52 books in 52 weeks
    2. Re-reading a book counts--as long as you read it before 2009 (ie, no rereading the same book three times in a row this year).
    3. School related books don't count (for me at least, if you really want to count them, there are no book-police coming to get you).
    4. You can start reading on 1-1-09 at 00:00:01AM


    I didn't do well with my 8/8/08 last year... so another year, another try!

  3. The "Cook's Illustrated" recipe is supposed to be great. My mil is a pastry person, and she swears by it. It substitutes vodka for some of the water--alcohol cooks off, but extra moisture makes the dough more rollable and pliable.


    Here's a link to a blog showing them using the recipe, and a copy of the recipe itself (otherwise you have to subscribe to Cook's Illustrated online).



  4. but my dh only want friends and family, not the church strays I like to invite (single parents, people with no local family, etc.).


    Over the years we have compromised and I get to invite to my heart's content on Easter, have a few extras on Thanksgiving, and host a dedicated church holiday party. But on Christmas I only invite people that my dh feels comfortable with.


    I have to say that through time I have come to appreciate that it really isn't so much selfishness on his part, rather a difference in temperment--he's a very strong introvert, I'm an extrovert. He does care about others, but the amount of energy and stress it is for him to host means that he gets very little peace on Christmas if strangers are present. So I try to give him some grace, and keep it as a day for us to play with toys--and only invite very close friends and family. In return, dh lets me budget more than he would like for gifts to those in need. This year we'll be totally by ourselves for the first time in years, but I bit my tongue and didn't invite oodles of church folks.

  5. I also suggest calling... last year this happened to us, and the extra item was for someone's child for Christmas, put in the wrong box.


    I thought it was a cheap nothing, but I called first the company (they said keep it, they'd ship another) and then the person (who's name was on another invoice inside) to tell them we received it by accident. Turned out it was their #1 Christmas gift for their child, and they were really glad to know it wouldn't be there before Christmas. The company shipped them another one, but had not contacted them to say it would be delayed.

  6. Hmmmm.... so I guess we'll just try the pantry!


    I liked the idea of putting it in smaller bottles, though... we do buy the HUGE size from Costco. Maybe I'll buy a small bottle one time, and then refill it from the bigger bottle. After washing it. No ketchup explostions.


    Thank you all for responding! My dh has once again been confirmed in his belief that "the board knows all"!

  7. My dh has a dillema, and would like the input of the board.


    He likes ketchup. He loves ketchup. But he doesn't like that it is cold from the fridge and when you put it on hot foods it makes them cold.


    So... how do you store your ketchup, or warm it beforehand for warm foods?

  8. Trader Joe's is the best place to buy good dark chocolate inexpensively. A couple of years ago we did a taste test with a dozen or so kinds... and found that dh and I like different things. But boy, was it fun!


    Ghiradelli is sort of my fall-back, or Scharffen-Berger is great too.

  9. There are so many on the net, I'm looking for personal experience! I was vegetarian for 20 years, so I don't have meaty chili recipes of my own.


    Preferred would be:



    tomato/red sauce based (not chile verde)

    medium hot


    But if you have chili that is to DIE for, post away!


    A good cornbread recipe might be a good addition as well. ;)



  10. My grandfather died when I was 10 years old as a result of smoking--combination of lung cancer, emphysema, etc. He was in his early sixties. He lived far away and I had only met him a couple of times. He had been warned for many years that he needed to quit, but only did in the last few weeks before his death. I remember very strongly how I was feeling on the plane as we flew to the funeral: That he had been so uncaring of others as to choose smoking over life with his family.


    As an adult I realize that there are a myriad of variables that contribute to any addiction, but whenever I see an adult who has children smoking, I feel that same sense of anger and abandonment. Funnily enough, all three of my other grandparents (non-smokers) are still living well into their 90s.


    Needless to say, I've never been tempted to smoke.

  11. I'm in the "often" camp too... I answered weekly. If we see something that we think they would like, it's not too expensive, behavior has been good, we usally get it. Many are in the "disposable" category -- my dh picks up collectable cards or comics for them every week when he has his "day off" at the comic store. I will occasionally pick up a single Playmobile guy we don't have if I notice one at Target.


    We also pick up books or magazines for one another (dh and I) when we see them, not just for the kids.


    The one exception is we try NOT to buy anything for a month at least before Christmas. Or we buy it, and add it to the stocking stuffers.

  12. Well, I have three cats and we switched to the pure crystal litter. Yes, it is more expensive. I buy mine at target for around 12 a box. But it's basically silica gel--like the little packets you get in things to act as a dessicant... it absorbs everything. I change it twice as much as they recommend (box says 1/month, I change twice a month and totally wash out the box with the hose) plus scoop solids as needed.


    I do realize that it is probably environmentally not great... but I hate the smell of cat pee in my house, particularly since our litter box is in the kitchen.

  13. Christmas Eve we are always busy at church, so our tradition is to go out for Chinese food before evening worship.


    Christmas Day is our big family dinner--usually lasagna. This past thanksgiving I made a lasagna and realized why I only do this a couple times a year. I added up the ingredients--cost was almost $70! Now admittedly, I make good lasagna, and I make a lot, but sheesh! We could have had three more turkeys for that!

  14. Honestly, I've come to the conclusion that it is next to impossible to second-guess the parenting of others. There may be some basics most people can agree on, but so much is dependant on personality. The same parenting styles do not always work the same on different children. I know some people don't "believe in" ADHD, SID, asynchronous development, giftedness, learning disabilities, etc... but a couple of weeks with some very challenging kids and they would.


    Love, firm boundaries, respect, calm voices--I think most of us would agree these are good things. But they don't always produce the same results. Doesn't mean you are parenting wrong, just that you have a different child. I would be very hesitant listening to anyone who claims that thier method will "always without fail" work. But remember-- YMMV! :D

  15. My doctor had lots of studies to back up that light is effective... but that it has to be done properly to be effective (consistently, long enough, when it was dark). However, he didn't think there was any use in buying a particular type of light--just a very bright one. I put a big bulb in my kitchen lamp and would sit at the table and read...

  16. I had a psychiatrist once who recommended light therapy, and I had some success with it.


    He said: You don't have to buy a fancy light. Just buy the brightest light bulb you can (I think I found a 350 watt bulb, was around 10,000 lumens). Get up BEFORE DAWN, sit under the light at a 45 degree angle. You can read or watch TV, but try to glance at the light occasionally. It has to be dark outside still for your body to feel it. You can go back to bed afterwards, but you should sit for half an hour.


    I had some success with this method when I was pregnant and didn't want to take anti-depressants. PM me if you have any questions and are interested.

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