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Everything posted by cshell

  1. Go to the: Parents' Forum Accelerated Learner Board on this web site...put the name of this book in the search...you will find threads discussing it. I think even by me!!!:001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:
  2. Yes... You need to buy the kit ...for about $229....& a microscope...if you don't have one. You will probably use the microscope again ...if you have other children.... But, you need to remember the labs he is having you do are AP labs. It is costly.....but, the alternatives are co-op classes for about $400... & my time saved driving him.....is soooo worth it. I do intend on having him do the labs....but, for those occasional times that do not work....watching him do it close up...even the ability to replay it will be a wonderful advantage!! I really just wanted a very challenging Bio course. I want my kiddo to take the AP Biology Exam....& I think this will prepare him for that! There is no perfect program....I just feel this is the best for my kiddo to have an advanced / honors Bio course at home!:001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:
  3. They are REALLY good!!! So, if you have more than one child....to use them on....they are soooo worth it. They are only $50.00 for the Cd....that's one entire yr. of lectures & lab demos.... without ever needing to leave your house....take them toa co-op.... I know this is just my opinion...:iagree: But, we use his math DIVE cd.....& I know longer "teach" their lessons...& they are ALL "A" students.... So, to me they are worth every penny! Again....just my opinion!!!:001_smile::001_smile::001_smile: I suggest if ANYONE is interested ....that you go to his website & completely read the info. on this program...even a presentation movie.... And then make your decision...based on the needs of your own family!! Blessings!!!
  4. We really like Dr. Shoreman....We use his DIVE CD for math & my kiddos really like him. I think following his course & supplementing is similar to a college class...where you listen to a lecture & take notes...7 have outside reading. He also only gives quarterly exams ...like you will get in college. So, I won't even use the Apologia test.... I know it's a stretch if you are secure & comfortable with Apologia or any just textbook approach I just think he will be a great Christian teacher with great insights...& he really wants the kids to learn & challenge themselves. He also will correct & keep tract of your kiddos progression..which will be great for a reference some day! There is a cost for that...of course! Oh.... and I have e-mailed him a few times with questions...& he always responds very nicely!! You could also use his course & just listen to the books....both....that may be a great option for you too! You can also buy Dive Cd's at Rainbow resource...& of course his own website http://www.diveintomath.com You may also find it for sale here used...but,.....read on.... BB BUT Many people do not know this........read my little story!!!! I recently listed a want ad for DIVE Biology CD. Well, I actually found a seller. I began the transaction...& even sent the check. When a kind user on this website sent me a pm...telling me that I may not be aware of the DIVE CD user policy. Well, needless to say I did not know about this ..... Well, I felt very convicted that I should not buy this cd used. So, I e-mail the buyer...& she agreed to return my check & cancel our transaction. I am writing to bring this policy to your attention. There are probably MANY sellers & buyers that do not know this user policy exists. So, I thought maybe you all would like to think about a policy for not allowing~~ buying & selling of these products on this web site...? I just think that everyone is unaware!! Here's their policy...below: Replacement CD Program We offer replacement CDs to original purchasers for Win/Mac Version CDs that have been damaged or broken. Please complete the Replacement CD Form. [u]Used CDs All DIVE CDs are copyrighted and contain an End User License Agreement which states you have purchased a license to use the intellectual property for your immediate family. It also states that this license is non-transferable which means the DIVE CDs cannot be sold, loaned, or given away. This is important for many reasons but most importantly it allows us to serve you better by permiting us to offer the Replacement CD Program described above and it helps protect homeschooling families from purchasing damaged used CDs. Most of the tech support calls we receive are due to damaged used CDs which are the most time consuming tech calls we get. The CDs are priced for one user and actually only cost about 41cents per lecture. We hope you agree our CDs are a great value without reselling![/u] Missions Program If you would like to send us your used DIVE CDs when you are finished with them, we will put them in our Missions Program. This program donates DIVE CDs to ministries such as School of the Medes, a Classical Christian School in Iraq. All this to say....We really like DIVE cd's!!! They do come in Chemistry..Physics too!!! Also Clep/AP prep programs!!!
  5. Hey everybody, We are sooooo blessed to have the freedom to homeschool...& the freedom to chose what curriculum we want to use....& soooo many options to chose from!!! There is no perfect curriculum:iagree:...as we all know... so, my suggestion is to find the best choice that matches up with the majority of your views. Use this choice as your spine for your course...& supplement with your second choice. It is wonderful to use the opposing views on topics as a learning experience. Our children will not live in a bubble after they leave our house. So, our job is to impart out families worldview..into each topic we teach. Once they leave our homes...they will get bombarded by many views...ones we agree with & those we do not. We should use this short time we have to impart our views....& also teach them to think for themselves.... You can use Apologia...Campbell...BJU ... & supplement...supplement....supplement... & our "gifted" kiddos will get the science material...but, will they learn how to think beyond the narrations from a specific author's worldview...& ours for that matter...& make wise choices & conclusions....formulate their own wordview through which they see the world. ????:001_smile: FYI....Summit Ministries has a wonderful world view course teaching HS students to identify 6 different worldviews & how they compare to a Biblical worlview.
  6. So, if we use a college level text & complete all the required AP labs... Can we actually put AP Biology with labs on their transcript??? Please let me know.:001_smile: Is there more to this? Does our AP school work need to be approved my the College Board???? I think I read that it doesn't???
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