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Posts posted by MotherGoose

  1. This doesn't pertain to academics, but to frustrations I am having with my in-laws, more specifically my husband's stepmother. I have a 4 yo and 15 month old dds. It began when my 4 yo was a baby with letting her watch TV, eat junk, etc. Want to let her watch Spongebob, give her irritating electronic toys, eat junk, stay up till 10 PM, etc. We've sorted out most of those issues, with them finally toeing the line for the most part. Then we found out that they took the 4 yo in the car for a ride with NO CARSEAT. We put our carseat in their car for them, but they just took her in their other car without a seat because it was more convenient. My husband addressed it the first time, they said it wouldn't happen again, and then 3 days later, it did. The stepmother first lied about it. They don't see it as a huge problem because they're just going a couple of miles or whatever. Besides the fact that it's ILLEGAL, plenty of people die in wrecks when they are just going a couple of miles. And the stepmother has had strokes and could again, which endangers her as a driver. At this point, I just don't trust them with my children's safety. So, my question is, how should I deal with this? At what point do I say, "you can't have them at your house alone, you can only see them when we're around." Thoughts?

  2. I am wondering about art for my 4 yo dd versus coloring and crafts. I want her to enjoy being creative, not to be anxious to please. She was in preschool for 2 and 3 year old years, and recently, I gave her paints and told her to paint and she said, "what should I paint" and said her teachers told her what to paint. I believe this, they almost always sent home "cute" projects that she did not complete herself involving handprints, etc and the elephants were always gray, the apples were always red. I am not so much worried about her skill level, and I let her just play with the paints because I know that's important too. I also haven't pushed "coloring in the lines," although I know that's an important fine-motor skill. I'm not looking for a curriculum to be the answer to my questions, but I want to encourage her creativity and I REALLY don't like crafts where everyone's looks the same and the kids can do little of the work themselves. I'd rather her work hard on something that's nearly unrecognizable, but that she planned and executed, than something "cute" she was just the vehicle for completing. Thoughts?

  3. I used to eat Skittles all the time. I continued until my daughter got old enough to notice and want them, and now I keep them out of the house. I don't buy candy, and any cookies etc I make myself. When we've had some, I either send the remainder to work with my husband or, since everyone there probably gets too much sugar, throw it out. I hate to waste but it's better than being overweight! I eat fruit. Getting over the addiction does take time. And keeping the kids away from it is also difficult I imagine--but they DON"T need it either, at all! But when I go, I go all out with decadence, but that's rare. No need to eat low-calorie cookies every day, eat the real thing once in awhile.

  4. My dd, who turned 4 in March, I have been trying to encourage to write. I don't push, and we have Handwriting without Tears. I want her to learn to hold the pencil correctly, and to form the letters correctly. I know she's young still, but with holding the pencil, she holds her fingers correctly but wants to hold the pencil about halfway up instead of down by the end like you are supposed to. Any thoughts on this?

  5. I think attention span has to do with the natural activity level of the child, at least when they are under 5. Both of my DD are happy to sit quietly for long periods like you mention, listen to books, etc. But I know others their ages (4 & 11 mos) who are all over the place, esp. boys. I think every child has their own gifts. A friend's boy the same age as my 4 yo crawled at 6 mos and is very active & advanced physically, while my 4 yo didn't walk until 18 mos. But she talks much better than he does. As for the TV and paying attention, I used to work as a therapist with kids with ADHD. Almost always, they could sit and watch TV, but could not sit still at school or for much of anything else. These are school-age kids. I don't think comparing attention to TV and attention to anything else non-electronic is helpful, IMHO.

  6. I was a normal weight before both pregnancies, and returned to that weight within 9 months after birth or so. With my first daughter, I gained weight at a normal weight until the 3rd trimester, when the MD lectured me about gaining weight too quickly. I pointed out the indentations I could press in my legs from the swelling, but she didn't seem concerned. I figured that surely that accounted for some of the weight gain. The next appt., I got put on bed rest for preeclampsia because I had protein in my urine to go along with my ever-increasing blood pressure. With the bed rest, I lost weight because I lost fluid. So, if you get lectured about weight gain, make sure it's actual weight gain and not just fluid! Towards the end I just couldn't eat anymore because baby took up too much room. I gained about 30 lbs with both of babies, and I guess about 10 lbs was actual weight, because after things settled out after birth, I had about that to lose. My babies were tiny, 4.15 and 5.9

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