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Posts posted by Mejane

  1. Lauren probably had one of her best nights as well.


    Not arguing, just thinking out loud... ;)


    Imo, Lauren had one good night - last night - and that was only because Gaga pulled her out of herself. She has a very nice voice, but just doesn't know what to do with it. I agree Haley was great, but to me Scotty (altho' cute as a bug) is a one-note Charlie. James was consistently good, whether one likes his style or not. I agree he'll go on to big things.

  2. Expectations are ridiculously low. This is in one of the most affluent and prestigious school districts in the state.


    Sounds familiar. Dd's friend, a senior at one of the top-ranked high schools in CT, had to write a paper for English class. The topic? "What's in my backpack and what it says about me." :glare: To make matters worse, dd said her paper was practically unreadable. Sad, sad, sad.

  3. My dh is an extrovert. In the last week he has talked to the neighbor (we're both new to the neighborhood) several times and borrowed his lawn mower. The last time he was out talking to them I was cooking and couldn't go outside (otherwise the pets would eat said food). Everytime I go outside the neighbors are not out. In fact dh was gone for a week recently and I NEVER saw the neighbors. Do extroverts just attract people to come out and talk?




    I think they do. Your dh sounds like my dh. We have a 400 ft. driveway, so he actually hangs out by the mailbox hoping someone he knows drives, runs or walks by. He has been known to accost the mailman. I, otoh, make the kids go get the mail so I don't accidentally run into anyone. :D

  4. I'm always amazed at the harsh attitudes lobbed toward little children on this board.


    Attention -seeking ...you're talking about a little kid, not an adult, for goodness sake.



    I would tend to agree, but I've watched dd act this way since she was little. She's now 18 and still has the poor me/persecution complex. With some people, it's really more a personality trait than something they'll grow out of. Unfortunately. :tongue_smilie:

  5. I have a bad habit of signing up for things and then hoping for rain or some other excuse to not go.


    I do this, too. I once heard a comedian say that he sometimes thinks about throwing himself in front of a bus to get out of doing something he doesn't want to do. It cracked me up because it sounds like something that might momentarily cross my mind. :D

  6. I've had to travel for Order of the Arrow last week, after a home swim meet, chairing a Scout meeting and sitting through swim lessons for Scouts, then travel to dd's orchestra concert (and sit through a HATEFUL meeting with nasty women--we've left orchestra) and then travel to a harp lesson and 2 concerts in Boulder and then to another Boy Scout meeting (potluck--good thing I brought a main dish as I never dare to eat anything due to allergies) last night. I'm meeting-out and traveled-out and I got to stay HOME today! Dd hauled kids around (and I just made dd sit and wait for swimming) and they're all headed off to 4-H and I'm staying HOME! However, I have to haul the boys' swim team to Regionals this weekend and dash across town to Regional track during part of it. I don't like to travel and I don't like meetings and I don't like crowds, etc. I've had quite enough, thankyouverymuch!


    Well, that makes me feel a bit better about what I have to do. :tongue_smilie:

  7. The reason I do it is two-fold. One: my mom was a total hermit, no friends, no social life - never went anywhere but the grocery store. I swore I would not end up like that. Two: I don't want to set a bad example for my kids, so when I'm asked to do something, I try to say yes. I also try to be social in a healthy way (going out with friends or dh occasionally.) Like I said, I don't want them looking back and saying, "Oh, Mom. She was a crazy hermit." :D


    The things I'm doing are a book club meeting, curriculum fair, flower sale for the ballet school my kids attend, two dance performances at which I'm volunteering, and a graduation reception shindig. Only the book club is for me (I made myself join), but even that will take out of me. Silly, I know.

  8. A few weeks ago, she took the placement testing for the community college and she is being placed in pre-algebra, remedial reading (I think it's a comprehension class) and remedial writing.




    This is no surprise to me. I've seen the number of remedial classes at our local cc outweigh the college-level courses in a subject. It's high school all over again, folks.

  9. I have six things I committed to over the next ten days that will take me out among large groups of people. I seriously want to dig a hole, climb in, and cover myself right now, but I'll plaster on a smile and go forth. When it's all over, I'll crash and burn like the Hindenburg. Tell me I'm not the only one who does this foolish thing. :tongue_smilie:

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