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Posts posted by *anj*

  1. I know what you mean, Doran. I feel the same way sometimes. Also, I know that I am just really bad about going to bed at night, so if he goes upstairs before me there is a good chance that I'll stay up much too late. What's that all about? I don't know. For myself it's a combination of enjoying the quiet of the house and just being a natural born night owl. I've always been this way.


    I'll have to ponder the things that Abbey's friend said....

  2. Thanks, Toni.

    I will be really interested to see what comes of this ultrasound. My mom had a hysterectomy when she was 35 due to fibroids (I think.) I'm 42, so they're saying I may just be having perimenopause, and of course since my mom never entered that phase, I can't judge based on her experience.


    I do think that I become anemic on the first couple of days. It's so obvious if I just read my body's signs, yk?


    So tomorrow am is the ultrasound. In general I am not inhibited about such things at all, but in this case I'm concerned about the possibility of leakage, so.....


    We'll see what happens next.

  3. For the $200:

    Sell some jewelry.

    Sell a tv set.

    Sell your china or crystal.

    Look around your house for things that are valuable, yet nonessential. Try to sell these things.

    Last year we sold a bunch of old coins that we had, and dh sold some baseball cards. It helped.


    The $3100 is harder.

    Again, the only thing I can think of is to sell off some of your belongings (not including house, car, or kiddo!)

    If it's important enough, you might want to consider selling your engagement ring/wedding band. You can replace them with fakes and then when you're back on your feet get real ones again.


    Do you have a retirement fund that you could borrow from? I know you said you don't want a loan, but this is a little different.

    Also, even though you said you don't want to sell your car, could you sell it anyway? Could you get rid of it and then buy something older and cheaper? (I can understand why you might not want to do that, but I'm just throwing out ideas.)


    Do they still have places that buy blood plasma? Back in college that was always a good fallback.

  4. I would, and I have done so for four years now.


    Pam, the farm that we belong to is in Pennington (Westish of Princeton) and we totally love it. It takes us about 45 minutes per week to drive out there, but it has become a "family thing." Granted, my dh actually enjoys it because he loves reaping the benefits of a huge garden without the toil. And the variety of foods that we get at the farm cannot be matched on the home garden level. It has been an awesome experience for our children to actually learn about food and where it comes from. Your wee girlie will love romping through the fields, picking strawberries and cherry tomatoes and flowers.


    Having said all that, we are changing our membership this year. We have friends who live basically around the corner and we've decided that this year we will split a family share. This way we'll only have to drive out there every other week. I would love to learn to can veggies (I freeze some of the things that we get) but I doubt that I'll do it this summer. I know people who do a great job of putting up their extra produce all summer long, but I am not one of them (at least not right now.)


    Our farm offers boxed shares which are delivered to drop off spots all around the state, but it doesn't sound like that's an option for you.

    I would recommend that you give it a try. As long as darling husband can live with it, that sounds good enough to me. Oh, and another idea is that you can do what Ms. D did when she was a member: that was her opportunity to go out alone early on a Saturday morning and commune with nature in the middle of a field while donning an elegant straw hat. No kid. No hubby. Just her, the son, and a lot of warm soil. Sounds good to me. ;)

  5. Oh yes, I *LOVE* musical theatre!!! My latest passion is Wicked. It took me a while to find it, but I can't stop listening to it, and I want to tell everyone else they need to listen to it. :-)


    You know, it's been on my "to do" list for some time now. I think I'll borrow it from the library this week. Thanks for reminding me of that! :D

  6. You get a hug too!!! What a day you had! And I've had episodes like yours with the coat and phone, I really have. hugging-079.gif

    I don't know the song you mentioned, and I don't dare follow the link right now to find out. I'm expecting an Amish farmer at my door any minute now and I do not want my eyes to be all red and rimmy when he gets here. I'll wait a couple of days til I'm safely out of hormonal danger. :)

  7. Oh Pam, I'm sorry about your Stone, but I was thinking you meant your diamond, like the one in your engagement ring! Sooooo, I'm glad it was just a baking stone, and not the other. Oh, and if not for the ridiculous price of shipping such a thing, I would gladly give you a couple of my very own, exquisitely seasoned PC stones. I used to sell it, and I made sure they got really well seasoned. I barely ever use them anymore though. :cool:

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