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Posts posted by melmac

  1. I need to know how to go about using PP for spelling, I read the article on the Dorbooks site, but I don't quite get it.

    If anyone has actually done this i'd really appreciate any info.


    My now 4th grader has been using SWO all along, but I just don't see where it's working well. I've thought about switching to Natural Speller, AVKO Sequential Spelling or maybe even Spelling Power, but after thinking about it, those all seem to have the same structure as PP and we already have it, so I'm hoping(with some help ;) I can figure out how to use it in the same manner.


    TIA for any help!

  2. was a bit surprised :), but makes me feel a bit more hopeful that this bill won't pass.


    Thank you for your email. I have met with Education Chairman Videt Carmichael, and he feels the same as I do regarding S.B. 2271. This is a very inappropriate bill and will not come out of the Education Committee. This bill is dead. Thank you for sharing your concerns with me.



    Tom King

  3. Just a heads up for MS Homeschoolers, please join in the effort to keep this bill from being passed.Call and write and lets let them know that we are opposed to this bill. ======================================================================

    From the HSLDA E-lert Service...




    January 25, 2008


    Mississippi - Calls Needed to Stop Testing Bill


    Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:


    We need your help now! Mississippi homeschoolers are facing the most

    serious threat to their freedom since the homeschool law was enacted

    25 years ago.


    Senate Bill 2271 would authorize the Mississippi State Board of

    Education to "establish student testing proficiency standards for

    promotion to grade levels for students in home instruction programs

    which are equivalent to requirements applicable to public school

    students." Your calls to state senators are needed to stop this

    dangerous legislation!


    If Senate Bill 2271 passes, it would essentially mean the end of

    homeschooling in Mississippi. Parents deciding to teach their children

    at home would have to conform their curriculum to the material taught

    in public school in order for their children to be able to pass the

    state tests. The Mississippi Department of Education, not parents,

    would determine the grade level at which a student was taught in a

    home instruction program.


    Sponsored by Senator Sampson Jackson, II (32nd Senate District), this

    horrendous bill is now in the Senate Education Committee. Senator

    Jackson and members of the Senate Education Committee need to hear

    from you today!


    Action Requested:


    (1) Please call or write (both would be better) Senator Sampson

    Jackson and at least one member of the Senate Education Committee with

    this message:


    "Please oppose Senate Bill 2271, which would impose public school

    testing on homeschool students. This bill would effectively destroy

    homeschooling in Mississippi by requiring parents to adopt the public

    school curriculum for their home instruction programs."


    The contact information for Senator Jackson and members of the Senate

    Education Committee is as follows:


    Sen. Sampson Jackson, II, 32nd Senate District - (D)



    Sen. Videt Carmichael, Chairman, 33rd Senate District - ®



    Sen. Gray Tollison, Vice-Chairman, 9th Senate District - (D)



    Sen. Hob Bryan, 7th Senate District - (D)




    Sen. Terry C. Burton, 31st Senate District - ®




    Sen. Doug E. Davis, 1st Senate District - ®




    Sen. Merle Flowers, 19th Senate District - ®




    Sen. Alice Harden, 28th Senate District - (D)



    Sen. David Jordan, 24th Senate District - (D)



    Sen. Tom King, 44th Senate District - ®



    Sen. Chris McDaniel, 42nd Senate District ®



    Sen. Bennie L. Turner, 16th Senate District - (D)



    Sen. Michael Watson, 51st Senate District - ®



    Sen. J. P. Wilemon, Jr., 5th Senate District - (D)



    Sen. Lee Yancey, 20th Senate District - ®

    (601) 359-3770



    Unless otherwise noted, all senators may be reached via telephone by

    calling the Senate switchboard at (601) 359-3770.


    To find the name and contact information for your state senator, use

    HSLDA's Legislative Toolbox at



    (2) Please forward this email to other homeschooling families who are

    not members of HSLDA and ask them to contact Senator Jackson and a

    member of the Senate Education Committee as well.


    To view a copy of the bill text, go to



    If you have any questions or concerns about what this bill would do,

    please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information.




    Dewitt T. Black, III

    HSLDA Senior Counsel



    -> For as little as 27 cents a day...


    There's not much you can get for 27 cents a day. Why not put your

    money toward peace of mind for yourself, your family, and their



    More reasons to join HSLDA...





    The HSLDA E-lert Service is a service of:


    Home School Legal Defense Association

    P.O. Box 3000

    Purcellville, Virginia 20134

    Phone: (540) 338-5600

    Fax: (540) 338-2733

    Email: info@hslda.org

    Web: http://www.hslda.org



    How To Subscribe:


    - Subscribe to the HSLDA E-lert Service at our website:




    - Or send an email with name and complete mailing address to:





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    have other problems, please reply to webmaster@hslda.org.


    DISCLAIMER: This is considered a private and confidential message

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    HSLDA cannot attest to the authenticity of copies posted, forwarded,

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    NOTE: Please do not reply or otherwise use this email address;

    hslda@hslda.org is for broadcast purposes only and is not intended to

    receive incoming messages. We cannot reply to any email sent to this

    address. If you have comments or questions, please send email to

    info@hslda.org or call HSLDA at 540-338-5600. HSLDA members can also

    email staff directly through the Members website at

    http://members.hslda.org/contact.asp. Thank you for your cooperation.


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