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Posts posted by melmac

  1. I am so excited to start using this with ds's 10 and 7! This is the most excited I've been in a while about anything!


    This is perfect, it's just what we needed to get them both where they need to be in this area. I just can't wait to put it into use. Did I mention it's perfect?


    Doing a little happy dance :lol: here.

  2. This looks perfect!


    I'm off to search for it used somewhere, if someone happens to have one for sale feel free to pm me I can pay with non cc paypal. :)



    The 2 excerpts look great, I like the writing style and neither page seemed overly religious in tone.


    I've been looking for something to follow where CHOW leaves off. This seems like it might be what I've been looking for.


    What do you think?



  3. The combo has worked very well for my dc, and I'm sure it will for yours as well. :)



    Yes, it's a stand-alone program.


    I just want to try Miquon, but maybe I'm messing with greatness too :tongue_smilie:


    What was the reason Miquon didn't work out well? Math is not my strong suit either, but I figured a little over $5 is a small price to pay to try it out for first grade.

  4. I couldn't agree more. It was a nice reminder for me, too. :)


    There will be days when that school bus drives by and you want to run out the door and stop it;)


    Yes, this is a learning process. I have done this for 4 years now and I continue to learn and grow every day.


    We all go through days where our kids are lazy, object to assignments, and find things boring. All teachers have to deal with this, regardless of setting.


    It might help to sit down with your dh and decide here and now what the consequences are going to be for misbehaving or not completing work. That way, the kids know going in what to expect. For example- if my dd does not do her work she doesn't get screen time. She might also get additional work added on to what she has already been assigned. I also try not to nag, but it IS hard sometimes. It is better for her development though, IMHO, if I set the rules then leave the ball in her court.


    Also- don't be a slave to the curriculum. The curriculum police are not going to come knocking on your door if you skip a page or change an assignment a little. If you get behind, don't give up. Even the best teachers in the best schools have this happen for a variety of reasons. The important thing is to keep working steadily. Life does not always go as planned and neither does homeschooling.


    The most important thing I can advise is to take time out for you- every single day- even if you have to plan it. Realize that homeschooling is a full time job, and make sure the rest of your family does too. The housework should not be 100% your responsibility just because you stay home all day. make a chore chart if you need to, including your dh's name and your own.

  5. The other posters pretty much covered everything, I just wanted to add our experience and give it another thumbs up.


    We've used it since K and my ds 10 will soon be starting level E. My other ds 7 will soon begin level B.

    We have always used Miquon along with it till 4th grade level and then just MCP. We've had really great results and long term retention.


    I haven't used the TM (too pricey for me to afford) but I always thought they would be very helpful if money isn't an obstacle.


    HTH! :)

  6. We've been using them since 1st grade, until recently we used the free ones on the internet, I just had to finally buy a set- we love them that much and I have 3 kids who will go through them, so it's worth it.


    Anyway, my dc use Pathway readers, but usually finish them before the "school" year is up, so then we switch to McGuffey's and finish up whatever level they're in at the time. I also like to pull copywork from them along with other sources.


    So, IMHO I believe they are great and it wouldn't hurt for all children to be exposed to them in some way. :)

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