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  1. I don'tknow how old your kids are, but if you have young ones it could be fun if he could get a doll that speaks romania, Learn through play :D
  2. Thanks! I started listening to the first lesson which they have free and I think it would be amazing for DH and I, and i will consider it for us! But I don't know if it will do much for my girl. humm
  3. my husband and I would love to learn french because DH is actually 1/4 french. His grandmother ONLY speaks French, but sadly she isn't near us. Otherwise she would be an amaing resource! He didn't grow up living near her, and only learned to count and say fly swatter. hehehhe.. I'd really like something that we can all learn together at her level. We are fine with going slow so long as she gets the foundation she needs. Immersion seems the way to go at her age right? (she's 6.) A computer program is fine. Whatever it is though audio is obviously a must. I really need something that is going to be under $100. $40 or under is perfect, which i know is asking a lot. I'm ok with using used materials if we can find them too. I really liked the idea of Power Glide, but I have read a lot of people here thought it was a waste, plus it costs $109. Any other ideas?
  4. Basically it is a french program on CD where the child "goes on an audio adventure" using the cds and has to learn the words in order to progress in the adventure. Anyone know what I am talking about? I wanted to buy it. Or maybe you know of somehting similair? I thought this program sounded fun.
  5. Oh my gosh, you have me looking at lap books like a crazy person. I even showed DD and she was fascinated. xD What have you done???
  6. I'm bumping this in hopes that later tonight when i have my new computer put together, i'll be able to find this nice and fast so I can book mark that link. :D
  7. Miquon Vs Mammoth Math for 1rst grade. If you could only choose one of these, which would you choose? Why? If you have used them both, do they play well with each other? (lol) Is it easy to use both together?
  8. Thank you so much everyone! I will look through everything you posted. :)I would absolutely love to be on the ball ahead of schedule. :)
  9. hi. :) I am homeschooling for Kindergarten. This year I am just doing momma made unit studies. She is learning to read and picking it up fast. I think she will be reading very well by first grade. I need to figure out what we want to use for school NEXT year before taxes, so I thought i'd start looking around now. What I am looking for is something to inspire my creative girl. She is active, but has a good attention span. She likes drawing and hands on learning (Like using clay to form letters for reading, or beans to help with counting) She likes crafts and projects. I have a fairly small budget of around $100 a little more isn't too awful, but i'd like to stay away from the $200 mark. I will be looking for things used. I realize that this means I will probably need to buy books, and not actual kits/curriculum. I don't mind supplementing my own ideas in, but would like something to help guide us. I feel like having a thorough math resource is especially important. Please don't abbreviate anything. Thank you so much for any insights you may have and of course the time it takes to read and reply!
  10. If your daughters like horses, my daughter loves Magic Pony Carousel http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Pony-Carousel-Sparkle-Circus/dp/0060837799/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343891038&sr=8-1&keywords=magic+carousel+pony and Wind Dancers http://www.amazon.com/Wind-Dancers-Wishes-Horses-Breyer/dp/0312382804/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1343891100&sr=1-4&keywords=wind+dancer There isn't any boy/girl type stuff in any of the ones we have read together if you want to avoid those kinds of things.
  11. Many US children start Kindergarten at 5. Your son would most likely miss the cut off though and do kindergarten next year. My daughter was 5 November of 2011, and she missed the cut off. As a homeschool mom I could have choose to start anyway. I decided to wait. Not because she wasn't smart enough or anything, I actually started to do it. then I stopped and decided to just let her enjoy being tiny a little longer. Now she is 5.5 and begging for school. So we shall begin. :)
  12. i decided to go with hodgepodge and base it around literature, then end strong with a 5 week unit on anatomy. :) Thanks everyone!
  13. Well hello. :) I am in the process of deciding what unit studies I want to do with my kindergartner this year! I really want it to be interest based, and don't mind creating my own studies. (I actually thrive on that sort of thing. lol) I was wondering what topics YOUR children have enjoyed in the past, or topics you are excited about doing with them. :) I am debating between doing something based on literature, science, or geography. Or maybe a hodgepodge of different types of topics. I am hoping to figure out my direction by today. I already have several online unit studies I think would be excellent and just need to start choosing and adding my own twists (if need be) I already know how we are approaching reading and math, and really just want to do unit studies for fun. I think reading is the most important thing at this age followed by a lot of hands on play and crafts. I really want to keep it fun. :D
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