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Kari C in SC

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Posts posted by Kari C in SC

  1. I don't really love other people's kids, but I seem to be liking them a whole lot more as I get older. My oldest ds will be 19 in a few weeks. I would love for him to get a career path, meet a girl, get married and have a grandchild for me. I will be a young grandma with his kids if he has them early - I will be 36 soon. At the same time, I still have a 3 year old and 9 year old that I am raising. I am far from being through this toddler stage and not as interested in having more toddlers around. I know that is just because I am right there in this stage now. I would love for nothing more than my future dil to be able to stay home with her kids if that is what she wants. If she doesn't want that or can't do that, then I will be happy to take care of their children. My mom is the most awesome grandma! She has always been there for my kids. From the first one I had at 17, to the last one that is a toddler terror. As I sit in the hospital with my dd, my mom has been taking care of my 3 year old for days. I am so blessed to have her. I can only hope I am as good of a grandma as she is.

  2. I have been going through this with my 3 year old ds. He loves milk. If I would let him, he would only drink milk. He has always been the kind of baby that has a poopy diaper for every diaper. I kept thinking it would get better as he got older. Back in December, I was making a very good effort at potty training. I had him go without bottoms for about 2 weeks. During this time, I noticed that he really didn't have any control over bowel movements. Sorry for the grossness, but he would be sitting there and just poop a little bit without even knowing. My gut instinct was that it was milk too. I already knew he couldn't tolerate whole milk. We figured that out when he was about 15 months old and changed to skim. My problem was that he INSISTED on his "milky ba". I decided to try filling the nuby cup with half water and half milk. That seemed to help some, but not completely. He was fine drinking it that way too. So we went even further and basically gave him a bottle of water with a splash of milk for the coloring effect. He still would drink it just fine - YUCK! I took him to the doctor during this time and they told me to try what I was already doing. It took about a week, but he did seem to get more regular and less watery stools. I would love to say that fixed it and now he is potty trained, but I can't. We moved soon after. Everytime we take a road trip, it seems to effect his digestive system. Add to that a whole new filtered water and he has had more yucky diapers. I do think it is getting better though. (Well, I have been in the hospital with my dd for 4 days - so daddy and grandma have had him since then.) Oh, one more thing - cheese doesn't seem to bother him. Ice cream just depends on the brand. It really seems to be just milk. Hope this helps some.

  3. Savannah is set to go to surgery at 1pm today. They have to either put two pins or two screws into her ankle to attach the growth plate to the bones. I think. How is that for medical terms? The doctor is a very nice man. He says he has been here for 25 years and will take very good care of her. When he came in here yesterday, he explained what was going to happen and then he sat down with her and prayed for her. That gave me a lot of peace. Once again, please pray that the surgery goes well and that she heals quickly! Thanks!

  4. My 9 year old dd had an accident on the trampoline today. She came down on her ankle and has broken it in two places. We are having a mom/daughter sleep over at the hospital tonight. Tomorrow they will do a CT Scan and then they will most likely do surgery on Friday morning. She is doing okay now, but getting the IV in was not fun. Anyway, if you could all say a prayer for her, we would really appreciate it. Her name is Savannah and she is really afraid of this surgery. Thanks so much!

  5. I really don't want to go through whether we should or should not be getting this check. I have been thinking about where the money should go. Here are some choices, but I am sure there are more.


    1. Debt
    2. Savings
    3. Needed Home Improvement (i.e. something broke and needs to be fixed)
    4. Fun Home Improvement (i.e. That new deck you have been wanting in the backyard)
    5. Fun purchase - tv, furniture, etc.
    6. Travel
    7. Medical issues

    I think that is all I can think of at the moment.


    I am not sure how we will spend it. We have some debt for our kitchen remodel in our new house. :eek: This is because our house in Florida didn't sell. If it had sold, we would have paid off the debt. I have a plan in place for it, but this would certainly help speed the plan. At the same time, we have a number of other household things that would be fun to finish up - not necessary, but fun. Then there is the fact that I have 8 free hotel nights from my credit card points. Part of me would like to take the money and go travel somewhere. Last year was not a fun year for any of us. I think it may be great to recharge with a vacation. Nothing is set in stone, obviously, but I enjoy thinking about the possibilities. What are you thinking about?

  6. momof7 - YOU CAN DO IT! We pulled this move off in about 10 days time. Granted, we knew we would be moving eventually and had packed up a lot when we put our house up for sale. There was still SO MUCH STUFF. It took my dh and 3 other guys 17 hours to load the 53" truck because of downpouring rain. It was just so bad. We were all exhausted at the end of packing up the truck. Then we got to SC and our family came to the rescue. We have 7 nieces and nephews next door with my dh's brother. My dh's two sisters live across the street and another close family friend lives around the corner. With all of their help, they unloaded the truck in 4 hours. We have a split level house so you have to go up or downstairs for everything. I was so amazed! Anyway, I just really believe that God planned the time for our move to be right. It was so long in coming, but once it was set in motion - it just got done. Oh and we are in Lexington - actually Redbank - outside of Columbia. I don't really have my directions straight on where anything else is. I just know my way to Walmart, Target, Kohls and Sams. What else do I need? LOL! Good luck to you!

  7. I have been away from the boards for about 2 weeks. We got a 53" semi and moved two households (my mom's and ours) from Florida to South Carolina. Our house is bigger here, but since we are storing all my mom's stuff - it has been a little crazy. We did it though! I had some pretty serious doubts that we could accomplish it as fast as we did. My dh started his new job on Monday and all seems to be going well. I think I will have at least another week of trying to find a place for everything and then I will start looking outside my house for homeschool groups, etc. We bought the house next door to my nieces and nephews that are also homeschooled, so there are lots of kids to play with. As for our Florida house... it still has not sold. We were able to get it rented for a pretty good amount to cover close to both of our mortgages. Hopefully the market will be better next year and we can try to sell then. Anyway, I am back now and need to figure out how to use all these gadgets on these new boards.


    Kari C in SC



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